In regards to the reports, I started this community up for myself to keep track of the real things happening that hopefully avoids the distractions of what trump or his fellow baddies say. I'm using what little voice I have to share a political song that is getting censored. You can call me a power tripping bastard and I'll say yeah, probably. I've seen your complaints.
It's not exactly my genre of music but i like it anyway.
It does feel like chaotic times are ahead. At some point, the republicans will do something so vile that people will say "No", and when that happens there will be violence.
I don't want a civil war. I don't want unrest. But I do want every republican and their enablers removed from power, and the billionaires stripped of their wealth. I don't know how to get from here to there.
I disagree. If we aren't up in arms now we never will be. There won't be a moment where they go too far. That moment already happened when project 2025 came out and he was still elected. Now that every element of project 2025 is underway there won't be some great shocking moment. Just a slow slide until one day you realize the only real chance to stop the coup was at the start of the presidency.
Dude I don't like the majority of his stuff but that vid gave me chills. If you're feeling the frustration and rage by the bullshit this administration is pulling, that vid is a balm to your soul.
I get that you probably didn't mean much by it but don't let if be "a balm to your soul" let it inspire you to action and speaking up against this regime.
Let's be sure to support the creators who speak up. The song is pretty good, video is chilling. Sharing with the people I normally send music suggestions with
You have to sign in to see it and it's really hard to find on youtube even if you're signed in. I had a hard time finding an open version of it. It's not outright banned, just really hard to access.
YouTube recommended it to me in my sidebar a few days ago. I imagine the curse word in the title has more to do with the algorithmic suppression than the actual content.
I found it just by searching for it. It was very easy to find. And of course, anyone subscribed to Macklemore would have gotten a notification about it as well.
Yes, that's modern censorship. The owners of social media get to decide how viral a piece of content will be.
This is why when you make a new X account it pushes right-wing conspiracy nonsense. Or why Palestinian topics don't gain traction.
The manipulation of social media to control what you see and hear is invisible. Some people, topics and keywords can be deprioritized and others boosted and nobody can know the extent except the people that own the social media companies.
The Social Dilemma and The Great Hack go into the nuts and bolts of how people are profiled so that content can be targeted at them as well as how political outcomes are driven by the manipulation of social media, they're on Netflix.
It’s facing heavy censorship because the title is “fucked up”. Every video to come out in the last decade knows to title it “f*cked up” so it doesn’t get demonetized. But he doesn’t care because people will talk, and it’ll make it more know.
That does seem plausible. Still, where are all the other protest songs? The 60's and 70's had greatprotestsongs that I still listen to, even if the context is gone. It feels to me like the kindling is wet.
Everyone know there would have been a lot of unhappy people with trump election. The government knows too, expect them to try to do everything in their power to try to contain protests.