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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Scaffolding jack screws for a vise?
  • You're correct that slop in the threads just means some extra backlash. I could see, depending on the construction of the vise, having some axial play due to that slop being bad, but vises usually have some other means to control movement in that direction. The only thing the threaded piece does is push or pull.

  • Should I be Concerned?
  • I just noticed the Juantonitos instead of Juanitas thing in the store tonight. And I felt like I was being gaslit. Like a Bearenstien bears gag. When did that happen? I would have thought I would have heard about it because they've got a factory in the next town over.

  • AOC says she's worth less than $500,000 after kickback claims — and seems to get kudos from Trump fans in response
  • If someone made half a million a year I'd say they were rich... half a million in total assets would just mean you own a home and might have something saved for retirement.

    I'm not saying that it's poor, and I know that there's a good chunk of America that's "worth" less than like 10k, and probably a good number of people who are in the negative, but half a million isn't fabulously rich.

    Half a million is within reach for people who didn't start out dirt poor, got an education, and a professional gig. I say this as someone who would be worth less than 10k if I didn't inherit my home. A lot of people's Net Worth Includes things that they can essentially never turn into actual money, but it still acts as a money saving asset.

  • Seven techies are helping Musk slash billions from government: Report
  • Someone who just wants someone who is easy to manipulate and control. Some high school grads can be incredibly brilliant in technical fields, but what's much less likely is to be ethically experienced and world-wise.

  • What is a stance you hold that goes against your personal preferences but you believe is the right thing to do?
  • I can't speak to that, though I tried to look them up and find out but there are just a couple of articles from a year ago. But they basically just joined a much larger union of 50k+ actors and stage workers. I imagine they're making headway.

  • Do you do any simple experiments? Or track things and analyse them?
  • I checked out phyphox and it's so cool. Gonna show this to my wife who is a high school science teacher. Young students love running experiments like these. When you give a curious mind a tool to measure the world with, and set them loose, good things happen. Thanks!

  • How Good at Math Does a Programmer Need to Be?
  • As someone who studied math in college, but can hardly string a line of code together without making 4 trips to stack exchange or some documentation, this was a very good explanation of why math is actually really exciting.

  • What would you replace the "pledge of allegiance" with?
  • I definitely did growing up in elementary school. Every morning, during the school wide announcements, the principle or whoever was talking on the PA system would recite the pledge and students were pretty much expected to stand and put one hand on their chest and at least listen if not recite it.

    It seemed to taper off in my middle school years, and basically only ever happened at football games once I was in high-school.

    This is all in a fairly blue area of a generally pretty blue state.

  • Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news
  • Depends on the round. A lot of factors come into play on gunshot wounds, including velocity, mass, resistance, angle. There is even some possibility that the round just barely missed, but the displacement of air is actually what broke skin.

  • Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news 'God alone' saved me, says Donald Trump

    Donald Trump has said “God alone” saved his life from an assassination attempt, as he called Americans to unite against political violence.

    'God alone' saved me, says Donald Trump

    Looks like someone took some shots at prez candidate Donald Trump at a rally in PA. From the videos I've seen, it looks like he did get grazed.
