Donald Trump has said “God alone” saved his life from an assassination attempt, as he called Americans to unite against political violence.
Looks like someone took some shots at prez candidate Donald Trump at a rally in PA. From the videos I've seen, it looks like he did get grazed.
Q-Anon level thinking that somehow Trump is a mastermind of this. The dude who can't hide stolen files properly, can't lie on his taxes properly, and loses money on a casino, somehow has the ability to rig a false flag assassination attempt.
Are NeoLibs that so far into the Kool-Aid that Dipshit Trump is also a grandmaster 5D chess player of this, while not being able to string words together? It's not like he's even been a good actor.
It's fun to indulge in, and it doesn't change the fact that shit is about to hit the fan, regardless of whether the shooter was someone with a legitimate desire or a paid gunman. Trump was just given and used a golden ticket to both rally republicans to vote for him, and to incite his diehard followers into another insurrection.
What's worse is that the MAGA crowd has Trump and some other figures intentionally playing conspiracies up and adding weight to them. The guys on the left don't even have the excuse of Biden and company bullshitting.
But why would you even think that people on the left are different from people on the right? This is why I'm not into politics myself. Because it all builds on some fake idea that one side is right about everything, even good people, while the other is wrong about everything, and probably are bad people as well.
In reality, both sides are very similar and have much more incommon with eachother than they have with the politicians they are trying to support.
My understanding is that on average there are differences in psychology between conservative and progressive people. For example, conservative people tend to be okay with unfairness, since from their point of view society is a hierarchy and of course the people at the top are better off.
Anyway, given that conservative and progressive people have a different vision of an ideal society and also different ideas about how to get there, it is reasonable to expect them at act differently. We know that most politically motivated violence is from the right.
"blue maga" implies that there is a cult of personality around Biden like there is around Trump. That is simple not what anyone opposed to Trump believes in or rallies around.
I wonder how much we're going to hear about the poor person who got shot in the head right behind him, or if they're just incidental margin notes in history, overshadowed by the big WWE media theater that is Trump. Reports are saying at least two crowd members have died.
edit: the family of the victim has given an update that Trump hasn't even attempted to reach out to them. And also, the guy was an avid nutcase, nazi and racist. The world won't be worse-off, we can sleep easy.
Oh Trump will absolutely bring them up at every single rally to froth up the crowd. Because he may be the martyr they care about the most, but the martyrs who actually died will be great ammunition (I can't think of a more appropriate word, sorry) to rile up the crowd.
Well things are about to get a whole lot worse. That raised fist is going to be printed on all the right-wing crazy stuff and they will use this to justify violence against anyone opposing Trump.
After giving due remarks, could Biden sign an executive order for sweeping gun control and name it after Trump and present this incident as the impetus?
Campaign? Doesn't really need to even campaign anymore after this. Maybe he will mention it at a state of the confedarcy talk or something.
These are such shitty times.
People keep repeating this, but without convincing justification.
All I see is, people who were already energized to solidly vote trump, are now really really solidly already going to really vote for him now. I just don't see how this will get someone to vote trump, who was either going to vote dem or not vote.
This fucking shooter could set behind democracy in the US for dozens of years. Land the shots and you martyr him, miss and you galvanize his support. Seriously the conservatives were starting to shift away from the far right after Epstein documents and Project 2025. Now deep state wackos will NEVER go away and resort to crazier armed shit. Seeing people comment that the shooter 'was so close' is insane and makes them no better than political extremists.
There's also a ton of very religious rhetoric being used about Trump now. He's literally becoming the Messiah and a true religious hero fighting whatever evil is out there. God is saving him from bullets and what not. There's going to be some interesting sermons in evangelical churches around the country these next few weeks. Yikes.
Looks like one of the bullets actually got him in the ear, as he grabs is ear right away. I thought it was from him getting tackled down by the secret service.
Won’t matter at this point. Even if it turns out to be faked. It won’t matter. His base is that fucking stupid. The idea has been planted and it doesn’t even have to be true.
One of the videos you can hear "shooter down" before he gets up. Elderly, near death experience, and monumental arrogance would help explain his reaction pretty well!
Shooting him isn't the way - but I can see why someone was scared enough to think it was. Just remember kids, voting for Biden isn't just voting against trumpler - it's saying you would literally prefer someone who is probably senile overhim. It's a solid insult, and you should go out there on polling day to make sure he hears it.
You're delusional if you think a killed Trump would have been good. He'd get replaced by a more evil and intelligent republican which would then definitely win the election.
I see blood but I don't see a wound. Are they really going to try and pass that the perfect hole there is a bullet hole? Wouldn't a gun shot wound there take a bigger portion of the ear?
Paramedic here. All parts of the head are very vascular, and so any head injury at all bleeds fantastically. If the top of his ear got clipped, that would be enough to produce that much blood.
Depends on the round. A lot of factors come into play on gunshot wounds, including velocity, mass, resistance, angle. There is even some possibility that the round just barely missed, but the displacement of air is actually what broke skin.
There is even some possibility that the round just barely missed, but the displacement of air is actually what broke skin.
That is an urban legend. I've been missed by some pretty large caliber rounds in war and I've seen some pretty large caliber rounds barely miss people. No damage is done. You have to make contact with the round (or vice versa) for it to do damage.