I am shocked by this - the quote in below is very concerning:
"However, in 2024, the situation changed: balenaEtcher started sharing the file name of the image and the model of the USB stick with the Balena company and possibly with third parties."
Haven't used that software in a long time but maybe there's an opt-out somewhere during runtime? Although I don't see why a user needs to be required to opt out of nonsense like this when just writing firmware to a USB disk.
Only ever touched balenaEtcher when some project or distro recommended it. Overall prefer Rufus for this sort of thing when working on Windows.
I've used Sardu on Windows for making multi-iso bootable USB sticks a long time ago in the past, but I'd admittedly never looked at their ToS or Privacy Policy. My use case was slapping some live boot antivirus scanners, data recovery tools, and one or two lightweight liveboot-Linux ISOs on one USB as a portable toolkit.
When I'm making anything else from Windows, I've always stuck with Rufus. Had never heard of BalenaEtcher before now.
I"m horrible with names of programs and mess with a lot of junk comps switching out OS's and just tinkering around so I'm always using crazy utility programs. BalenaEtcher is used in a lot of tutorials or guides for installations, I think recently both Elementary OS and even Ubuntu had instructions pointing towards BalenaEtcher.
I never thought it was a great program, it was finicky to use and errors out quickly multiple times. Looking back I saw the signs, weird new program being promoted above other "well established" burn programs, ads, and now scrolling down their webpage it's just a bunch of promotional subscription bullshit. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit looking at the "balenacloud" and "balenasense", like if they're collecting your data through etcher then all of that shit is probably compromised. Another fucking google wannabe corp.
If you need a FOSS, cross platform GUI for bootable USB sticks, Raspberry Pi Imager is a really good solution.
It is mainly used to flash SD cards for RPIs, but also you can burn any ISO on any support with it.
It's faster to drag and drop a downloaded ISO and choose the target from a dropdown, than do it on a command line. And get a progress bar. As much as command line is usually faster, it isn't in this case.
Yes you can also get a progress bar on the command line but it's more typing again, and realistically you need to look the option up every time if you use dd once every 3 months.
Is no one aware of Fedora Media Writer? It's FOSS and the most trustworthy ISO burning software in existence. It's only issue is that its named as if it is written only for producing Fedora bootable media. It works for everything.
The article at the end mentions they suggest dd as alternative for MacOS (due to Unix user space). It seems the balena -> rufus decision is about the easiest-onramp Mac+Win-portable option, for those uncomfortable dropping to low-level device-writing CLI tools in their current system.
Side-note: Last time I was on a friend's Windows I installed dd simply enough both as mingw-w64 (native compiled) and under Cygwin. So for Windows users who are comfortable using dd it only requires a minor step. When I once used WSL devices were accessible too, but that was WSL1 (containerized), whereas WSL2 (virtualized) probably makes device-mapping complex(?) enough to not be worth it there.
I remember a while back, years before this surfaced, there was a thread on /g/ with a group photo of Balena's employees and a caption like "why does it take so many people to develop an electron wrapper around dd". Obviously it was low effort engagement bait (balena does much more than etcher), but the comments were full of people calling the company a glowie honeypot and the like. Moral of the story: Trust the schizos, they sense spyware form lightyears away.
Weird. I can't even tell you how many times I've used that command. But it's probably been several thousand. And I've never screwed up a flash drive that way.
There has been once or twice where I've pulled the flash drive out too quickly after it finished writing and it actually hadn't finished writing and had to redo it, but other than that, I've not actually screwed up any drives beyond repair or anything.
And who cares if there's spyware on windows, you're already using windows so there is, it's windows. At that point you may as well just use etcher, but I'd use Rufus anyway because let's be real it's just better. The only reason not to use Rufus is because it's windows exclusive, but if you're using windows that probably doesn't bother you, so...
Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were on Windows. That's a Linux command. I haven't used Windows very much since about 2018, so I don't even consider Windows anymore unless it's brought up.
i still don't understand why anyone would use etcher. it's an electron wrapper over dd. it's 80MB where rufus is 1.5. when it appeared there were already other programs that did its job better.
I like clicking buttons that have a text on them saying what they do instead of trying to memorize a gajillion terminal commands and flags where I have to enter more commands and flags to see what they do.
plus it's some some sanity checks like not showing you your system drives. Or warning you when the drive you are about to nuke is suspiciously large and maybe not the usb drive you actually want to use.
This is basically the main feature. Stopping you from fatfingering the wrong drive
weird that the installation guide is hosted on a separate website that hasn't been updated in eight years. that's irresponsible of them. anyway rufus is a better version of etcher that you can download for windows.
Basically UEFI booting requires shims and those need to be signed so the Ventoy author is re-using the ones from Fedora and OpenSUSE. This can be verified by comparing hashes, which the author of that comment shows how to do.
This whole thing seems to come down to people freaking the F out because they don't understand how the software works and the Author of the software is currently PO'd off at the community and stopped answering questions.
Completely aside from the blob issue mentioned, the Tails team has recommended against using a multiboot utility like Ventoy to install Tails. Ventoy works fine for basically any other operating system (again, aside from the blob issue), just not Tails, which is what this post is about.
My luck with Ventoy has been very poor. The isos will work a few times and then something breaks and I need to re download all my isos and format and try again.
That's..... Interesting. I've been using Ventoy professionally for like... 2-3 years now and I've not once had an issue with daily use. Unironically like 2500-3000 uses without issue.
This has been my experience as well. Some people love it, but I'm not gonna rely on it for critical backup or recovery tools (also, there's that whole binary blob thing, besides).
Just use dd. It's not that hard. You pass it 2 arguments: if= the file you want to flash, and of= the destination. If you're feeling fancy, pass in some status=progress. And don't forget to prepend it with sudo. That's it.
The USB stick was not mounted and the fedora image was verified. The command completed successfully but I couldn't boot from it. When I used fedora writer to burn the same image to the same USB stick it booted no problem.
If that happens to you, that's both a great reminder that mindlessly copy-pasting commands from the internet is a terrible idea, and a chance to practice your restore-from-backup routine! I see no downsides.
Can always use dd but I always go stupid when I need to set boot flags and all that crap, which is so much easier with etcher. I think I've done dd with gparted in the past.
Here's a wildcard people might not know about: Raspberry Pi Imager
I use it because it's faster than Etcher and it also has a bunch of quick links to download popular images (mainly for RPI and other arm-based SBCs) in one click which is handy if you use those regularly.
OP is saying that individual should run firewalls on their machines, that block port activity by default, and only allow traffic upon an approved request by the administrator account.
One that blocks programs from accessing the internet and prompts the first time they try until you click a button that says allow or you choose the alternative which is deny. A program like this you'd have no reason to give it internet access, it's something whose operations should be entirely local.
Balenaetcher has, for me at least, failed to write to USBs for the last 3 years or so that I've tried to use it - meanwhile random iso writers from flatpak have been more reliable for me. Very obnoxious that so many iso related sites recommend it. Rufus kicks tons of ass, if for whatever reason you're still on windows.
Also on most distros I've tried, the disk utility has some sort of right click or context menu that gets you a 'restore disk image' button that works great as well.
Edit= I used Popsicle USB writer from flatpak on steam deck with no issue today! Made by system76 (makers of popOS) and found on flatpak. It is absolutely no frills, but works well enough to write an SD card image for a raspberry pi! 🙂
Nah as much as i love doing stuff via terminal, I am extra paranoid specifically about writing to the wrong device and losing data; I prefer as many confirmations as possible that I'm writing to the correct drive, and graphical installers tend to give me just a few more reassurances. A few examples would be stuff like
a graphical representation of partitions (the general layout of a drive tends to offer an easy 'fingerprint' in my mind; like the pattern of partitions help me confirm I'm looking at, say, a Debian install USB compared to a single-partition general purpose storage disk)
icons for different types of devices, like an SD card, USB, or hard disk icon
confirmation dialogues summarizing what device is targeted, and what all will be performed
I'm also the kind of person who stares at a written email worrying about every last nuance of my phrasing, so 🤷♂️😂 definitely a me problem, I think!
Generally Ventoy is better than both. Choose a dedicated flash storage, flash Ventoy to it, then click and drag as many ISO's as can fit on your drive and you can boot from any one of them at any time.
I only tried to use it once, and same. 150MB of a Web app to copy an ISO? I think I was using a Macbook to flash it and decided to use ventoy instead, with my PC.
If you actually read the post, you would have known, it does work, but there are some privacy concerns with it:
“However, in 2024, the situation changed: balenaEtcher started sharing the file name of the image and the model of the USB stick with the Balena company and possibly with third parties.”
I did read the post before constructing my comment and that's why I feel sad for seeing privacy concerns popping up at balena, because that's just my fav.
Honestly, if you're using Windows, then you most likely already sent any and all of your secrets to Microsoft anyway. Including that you installed Tails.
Unrelated to balenaEtcher but I haven't been able to flash ISO files from Windows 11, either by using Rufus, Etcher, Fedora Media Writer, or even the WSL. I need to borrow a computer running a FLOSS operating system or to install OpenBSD first, and then from OpenBSD to download and burn an ISO file.
I mean for privacy things it makes sense to avoid leaking anything. But I fail to understand where the danger is to have anonymous data that says a user installed "Ubuntu-24.04-wappity-whatever.iso" to "KINGSTON DATA TRAVELER 32GB" at some point.
They could just ask. "Please allow us to know what you flash and on what device so we can improve the software" yes, no, tell me more, show me the data
If you actually read the post, you would have known, it does work, but there are some privacy concerns with it:
“However, in 2024, the situation changed: balenaEtcher started sharing the file name of the image and the model of the USB stick with the Balena company and possibly with third parties.”