Nixpkgs just does not have a review process that is on par with other distros.
We can agree on this. There is work to do.
Breakages on unstable are not uncommon.
I run unstable, and I have had this happen twice. Both times with Tmux (which is weird); but it was upstream issues. But fair enough. Maybe my systems aren't exotic enough to experience the uncommon breakages.
Could nixpkgs do better? Yes. I mean, look at the backlog. You have to be active in the community to get your work merged in any decent timeframe. I think this is the most annoying part about the Nix ecosystem.
I think any NixOS maintainer would agree that the average quality of a package in NixOS is not as high as something like an official Arch or Debian package
Package maintainer here. Not sure what you mean by quality; as that term is very ambiguous. Shit works and configuration is often a breeze by comparison to other distros.
I would never go back to a legacy distro. Who wants to do that shit all by hand?
True. Sometimes it's weird about packed files, and cleaning up after itself. Still worth it.
Elected officials can only travel on public transit. Private transportation is barred from use.
Shit is so exhausting, though.
Hard agree. PlexAmp has been stellar.
Death is scarier for some than being associated with an organization that actively protects pedophiles, I guess.
Only if both parties use encrypted extensions.
We're not even talking about massive voter suppression.
They still show both in film schools. It's part of most film history classes.
Good question. I will attempt to clarify:
OP is saying that individual should run firewalls on their machines, that block port activity by default, and only allow traffic upon an approved request by the administrator account.
"Femboys are good for you guys."
I mean. Trans rights are human rights. So yes.
I know it wasn't liked by many people, but I liked Artifact. Thank you Artifact devs, if you're reading.
What is racist about what you quoted? Help me understand.
It annoys me that this is not on by default...