So i should sell mine with a loss (still have a loan on it), and if I want a car with the same distance, I'll have to take out another loan? No, thank you. I'll stick with my FUCK ELON MUSK sticker I got made.
Sooo question. Can you leverage your car as a trade in? Or is it not worth it because you still have a loan? I’m no longer looking for a car, but there was a time where you could basically get out for about the same price you got in for
I've been seeing people advocating ruining random Teslas and it's pissing me off. Do people think rightoids make up the majority of EV early adopters? Fucking think about it before you go off spray painting swastikas onto innocent people's cars holy shit.
Americans shit all over Japanese cars and their drives for decades after Pearl, sell it or deal. I'm sorry about the stress and financial part but Emerald Elmo is not someone you want to directly support if at all possible.
If you have a sticker, I'm cool with you. And I say some nasty shit about Tesla owners.
I've never seen a sticker in my town. I give them all dirty fucking looks. Fuck those people. I've stopped letting them in during traffic... And I let EVERYONE in.
You say potato, I say "not visually signaling support for a guy who gives nazi salutes, provides monetary aid to literal nazis, and is currently engaged in an active attempt to permanently end democracy in the US".
I agree, he's not driving it like Musk, so not as bad, he's just following the new government direction. He's just a spineless sycophant, and he would switch opinions as soon as the government would change. Still, his changes to the meta apps have an even worse impact than Xitter, because those apps are actually used by a large part of the global population. DOGE's impact of course is worse though.
I don't know her, but good for her. NPR is a valuable resource, but we should also do better in demanding their reporting quality to improve. They've been doing a lot of sanewashing, too.
I did click, so I see your point, but yeah, I also have to object to the rest.
I barely know who kid rock is, always some annoying person targetting teens or something: we’re not all in whatever demographic was targeted by that marketing. but Sheryl Crow is famous for her music, for real music, that I do listen to.
This binary view is neat and tidy but wrong. There are a lot of enthusiasts for whom a Tesla is still a desirable car both for capabilities as well as status. I would not be surprised to see its sales keep dropping, but reports of its death are all gonna be premature.
As far as a used Tesla, once we agree that a market for Teslas still exists, then that's all dependent on the price.
Partly true. Demand will persist but had already changed drastically. EV/fast car enthusiast niche now has much more exciting alternatives, like used porsche macans or BMW i4s. The people who don't care what they drive as long as its cheap is the future market of Tesla, and they'll easily survive the drop in their profit margins. After all, the Model 3/Y were designed to be <$30K cars (AFAIR they cost like $23K to make?!).
The first signs of Musk being a bit fraudulent is how he marketed "full self-driving" in the meantime, the transition to "vision-only" (i.e., removal of ultrasonic sensors) really sealed the fate of FSD but is also totally on brand for musk: the willingness to compromise safety further by removing sensor redundancy to maximize profits.
Hmmm not sure, demnd has already dropped dramatically. As I understand it, vurrent sales levels would desimate the company, let alobe justify the hyper inflated stock
Any further drop in sales will just accelerte the crash
That's a question, not a binary view. You've made a strawman attack, intended or not.
For the MAGA heads who still like Musk, a Tesla does not roll coal enough. For those who would buy an EV, Tesla is a burned brand.
You're reframing a generalized one to many statement as a literal one to all statement. OP isn't attempting to claim that no one would possibly buy a Tesla, But that the primary sources of ownership in the market are both equally uninterested in purchasing.
There are obviously still people taking ownership of Cybertrucks even now.
As far as a used Tesla, once we agree that a market for Teslas still exists, then that’s all dependent on the price.
Moving those goal posts on out there are we? You made a straw man that OP said 0 market, and now you're 'proving that argument you made wrong, and are going to slide out the argument you made yourself that there is a market therefore you're right.
then that’s all dependent on the price.
What happens when the market for a given price fails to match the cost to produce something?
The only thing that will save the company in the medium term would be for him to divest from it and leave it alone, or funnel tax money from government contracts to keep it floating.
They are the most undesirable manufacturer in the US by a long shot right now.
If it was within my budget I would buy a used Tesla. They're pretty decent cars. The idea that your car should communicate your values or identity is Bourgeois ideology that I fully reject.
The idea that your car should communicate your values or identity is Bourgeois ideology that I fully reject.
There's a huge difference between just giving in to Amazon's convienience and using their platform, compared to supporting a company whose CEO is a literal nazi... HUGE difference
That's not to say that buying from Amazon is anyway ethical, but at least they aren't literal nazis
What do you think when you see cars from VW, Benz, BMW, Ford (especially considering Henry Ford's anti-Semitic views), GM (Opel), Fiat, or when you notice tires from Goodyear, Firestone, or Pirelli?
It's worth noting that many big Japanese companies like Honda, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Yokohama, and Datsun (Nissan) also supported Imperial Japan during the war.
All of these companies had some level of involvement with the Nazis or the Axis powers in World War II.
As for Tesla, many owners bought their cars before all the controversies surrounding Elon Musk became mainstream. I get the criticism directed at him, and as a Tesla owner myself (I bought mine used before things got really wild), I've even thought about removing the Tesla logo from my car.
I'm just not sure if that viewpoint is entirely fair.
They haven’t. In the USA. Unless you call the ICCU fiasco catching up, or the lame Mach-E charging curve. Not a Tesla fanboy but in the US if you live in the suburbs and have a long commute, and buy used, Tesla is really the only used option with any inventory that meets this use case.
Same but when the time came for a new car a couple years back and despite preferring a sedan, my partner and I decided to go with another manufacturer. At the time, Musk was still a POS but it was more because Tesla's QA was questionable. Now that Musk is a full blown Nazi it gives me an excuse to swear off any company he profits from.
Sold my Tesla and don’t miss it at all. I can’t imagine still driving it now. Just wish I never purchased it in the first place but I honestly didn’t know what I was supporting at the time.
Yeah what did you replace it with? Are you back to birding Fossil fuels and fucking the planet just to say fuck you elon? Pretty counter productive if you did.
Part of his drive into politics is because of so number of lawsuits against him about working conditions.
But he'll put many more people out of work than just work for Tesla. Just USAID he's out basically 10k people out of work domestically, who knows how many thousands of people overseas.
Even before Elon went crazy I thought it was publicly known it was a terrible place to work for with bad work life balance, and people worked at to get on their resume then move on to another company.
One of my engineer coworkers just got a job at SpaceX for more money. He hated his old job at our company (99% paperwork). And everybody still feels sorry for him!
Of all the people who lost or will lose their job because of Musk, those who actively chose to work for him are not on the top of my sympathy list. Not to say that they are not on that list, but they are very close to the bottom.
There's 9 people sitting at a table, a nazi joins them. Now there's 10 nazis at the table.
That they're "good people" might have been true. But if when the situation changes, and you don't act, then you're complicit. Good people would have quit, even at a loss.
Kudos? She benefits financially from this little virtue signal.
First she's going to pick up some new fans that will buy her music, plus the publicity also has monetary value to her. And secondly, because she donated the proceeds of the sale of the car to NPR, she gets to write off the donation from her taxes to benefit financially yet again. Nor does she need to worry about someone vandalizing her property, which would cost her money to repair.
Just another profitable day for a person with a $70 million net worth.
domestically you can get a base 2025 chevy ev blazer for around $27k while the ev rebate lasts. 300+ mile range with decent fast charging. I was really looking forward to getting one in the next 2-3 years but then dondi mcshytegibbon got elected and is killing not just the ev tax credit but the grant money to build out a dc fast charging infrastructure too. I might have to look at the plugin hybrid market instead when I really want to go fully electric.
There are so many companies now dumping private capital into EV fast charging. IONNA alone is expected to build out 30,000 DC fast charging stations over the next 5 years. Its funded by basically all the major automakers in N America (except Toyota of course).
How do you manage that when the base list price starts at $44k? Model 3 base price is $35k and both qualify for federal incentive, so it seems a stretch to overcome that. Are you going for one of the formerly trash ones with bad software!
It is not about aligning yourself with anything, it is about doing the right thing for the right reasons for the benefit of our community and neighbors. Personally I wish she'd dismantle and sell it for scrap and donate those proceeds.
She did a duet with Kid Rock. I am cautiously optimistic. Is she actually not a right winger anymore or is she just tired of cleaning rotten eggs off her car?
I don't have a Tesla and I don't want a Tesla they are poorly made...
But let's not pretend Elon made these cars, or made the rockets--he didn't.
Engineers, scientists, and workers build everything we have. The only thing billionaires build is an economic siphon.
When SpaceX succeeds? It's not because Elon did anything. Likewise, when they fail, it's also not because of Leon.
He wants people to believe he's done all the things but he hasn't; engineers, scientists, and workers did. Not Elon.
What's wrong with NPR? And a lot of people believed Elon and Tesla were relatively neutral in the grand scheme of things. It wasn't until what, 1-2 years ago, that Elon really started showing his true colors.
I'm not even beginning with the subtle BS from NPR when you got what happened with Musk wrong.
Even the timeframe.
Let me tell you exactly why Musk got demonised.
When he said there should be peace talks between Ukraine and Russia.
Yep, this.
While now many people say this at the time it was presented somehow as very controversial as the US wanted the war to continue pretending they could win.
And anyone wanting peace is a horrible Russian asset.
From that moment on every bit of concerted regime press news about him was negative.
And the public opinion followed.
All this while he has been a scumbag all his life.
Just a few things this narcistic nutbag has done before:
-As a PR stunt, Musk promised to build a mini-submarine to rescue a boys soccer team that got trapped in a Thai cave in 2018. After receiving vitriol from the Thai and rescue community, he called a Thai rescue worker a pedophile. After the rescuer sues Musk for defamation, Musk pays 50k to a private investigator (and former felon), to dig up dirt on the rescuer., and was told to use "aggressive tactics". Musk's team then told the investigator: “We would like you to immediately move forward with ‘leaking’ this information to the UK press. Obviously must be done very carefully.
I could write pages about him.
All this time I was amazed at all the press and public still bootlicking Papa Elon.
OC he was important for the MIC and economically.
Like every scummy oligarch you can get away with a lot as long as you tow the regime line.
They've recently (since 2016 or so) have over-corrected after constantly being called "left wing" by Fox News and other bullshit outlets. It's still relatively center, but they walk on eggshells regarding anything that might show perceived liberal bias.
I have no dog in this NPR fight. But I find the Reagan appointment 40 years ago line hilarious 😂. Not saying it’s not true or it wasn’t a negative. I think that hilarious.
Many OG hippies I knew would refer to NPR as "Nice Polite Republicans" and PBS as the "Petroleum Broadcast System". This was the kind of thing I was hearing around adults while I was a kid, and then later, I'd see conservatives act as if NPR and/or PBS were preaching Marx from the pulpit or something and just chuckle at that notion.
I remember one of NPR ombudsmen found that they relied on reps from right wing think tanks overly much, and that was not that long ago.