"I've seen this beautiful model that they have in Italy called San Patrignano, where there are 2,000 kids who work on a large farm in a healing center ... and that's what we need to build here," Kennedy said during a town hall-style appearance on the cable channel NewsNation last year.
According to Kennedy's plan, outlined in interviews and social media posts, Americans experiencing addiction would go to San Patrignano-style camps voluntarily, or they could be pressured or coerced into accepting care, with a threat of incarceration for those who refuse care.
But the San Patrignano program has been controversial and was featured in a 2020 Netflix documentary that included images of people with addiction allegedly being held in shackles or confined in cages. The farm's current leaders have described the documentary as biased and unfair
Creating an environment of corruption, chaos, hate and suffering. Hurting the majority of people economically, and ripping away hope for the future. Cutting programs that safeguard people, and specifically targeting their access to healthcare. And taking away the medications that help people deal with mental illness.
Sounds like a recipe for causing people to become desperate and decide they have nothing to lose.
Ding ding ding! Make no mistake about it.. the penultimate goal of the first six months of project 2025 is the suspension of habeus corpus and the deployment of US Military as civilian police. They need a riot to justify that last power grab. When you understand that fact, you can see the common thread in all of the random cruelty out of the gate. It's not called project 2026.
Kennedy said he planned to dedicate money generated from a sales tax on cannabis products to “creating wellness farms—drug rehabilitation farms, in rural areas all over this country.” He added, “I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need—three or four years if they need it—to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities.” The farm residents would grow their own organic food because, he suggested, many of their underlying problems could be “food-related.”
Hol up. They've gotten rid of all the people who used to pick fruit in rural areas, and now they want to send arbitrarily diagnosed "addicts" to these rural areas to live for "free".
My guess is that these "wellness farms" will be just as costly to patients as traditional rehab programs, but at the same time the patients will be expected to do physical labor on the farms.
They'll literally be paying to work there. Isn't that the ultimate end-stage capitalist dream?
RFK is one of those assholes who was depressed, changed his diet and worked out, and that was enough. And he thinks that solution works for everyone. And now he has power.
Fuck anyone that takes my SSRIs away from me. That would actually make me leave the country.
The only thing that worked out for him was being rich. Everything else is just an excuse/wishful thinking at best and a lie to be used to manipulate others at worst.
RFK is one of those assholes who was depressed, changed his diet and worked out, and that was enough. And he thinks that solution works for everyone. And now he has power.
Can't say about enough, but for me too antidepressants were not very effective (and also with some emotional downsides, I eagerly believe stats about ADs and suicide rates), and physical exercise plus simpler and healthier food (basically minimize sugar) did help me more. However, there might be a reversal here - maybe changes in weather and life events caused slight improvement in my mood first, and then came exercise and healthier food.
In any case this is considered very light depression.
Suppose depression and anxiety can take a variety of different forms, arise from a variety of different causes, manifest in a variety of ways, and respond differently to a variety of treatments.
In your case your particular malady didn't respond to medication but did respond to other treatments.
It sounds like you can readily acknowledge that not everyone is experiencing the same illness and that often diet / exercise / lifestyle just isn't relevant.
The problem @simplejack@lemmy.world is referring to is when people who successfully treat their illness with diet and exercise assume that everyone elses illness will respond in the same way.
Remember that show BrainDead? I still wonder how that was cancelled so quickly. I cannot help but wonder if it was a little too close to home, even if it seemed like it was going to bothsider politicians in Washington...
I could save them a lot of time and energy, here's all the solutions to things they're "studying".
Highly processed foods and lack of varied diets.
Extremely high healthcare costs that make treatment/cures unreachable.
General distrust of medical professionals due to online guidance being actively harmful for most people.
Long commutes and general shift to online/office work has lead to greater rates of inactivity.
Lack of in person community leads to isolation and mental health issues.
High costs of living, being told your neighbors are your enemies, disinformation in the news making it hard to be informed or knowledgeable, and constant threats to people's lives leading to mental health issues.
People taking ivermectin like it's Elon musk doing ketamine.
Agreed on all of it but the WFH point. WFH has helped a ton of people. It's also a net benefit for the environment, human health, financial relief and mental health. Anyone telling you they work better in a office with a 2 hour daily commute in traffic is either middle management or C level. No one wants that shit.
I read the comment as saying return to the office was leading to sedentary behaviors - which I would believe. My commute is 45 minutes each way in ideal traffic - that's an additional hour and a half of just sitting for days I have to go into the office compared to my work from home days.
Could not agree more. Most especially if you have toxic management.
It's so much worse with those kind of people in-person. With remote work you can at least not bump into them in the bathroom/kitchen/hallway, etc., you don't have the time-and-morale-killing "pop-in", you can leave your camera off, turn off incoming video, skip non-essential meetings, etc...it really lowers the impact of having to work with someone you don't like very much and is part of management...
I hope to god everyone on antidepressants isn’t about to go through what people with ADHD have been going through for medication access. Ridiculous hoops to jump through, short term prescriptions, doctors treating you like a criminal, and medication shortages have made life miserable for so many people.
Its almost impossible to get an adult diagnosis, it only changed during covid when they bent the rules and allowed telehealth appointments.
Then once your on it, for like the last 5, maybe more years there has been shortages on amphetamine salts and methylphenidate. One gets a shortage, then quickly it's the next in a cycle.
Your GP is supposed to be able to write a script for Adderall, but mine refused until I went through their hospitals mental health service to "confirm" the diagnosis I got from a famous medical facility (UCSF), which was a 3 month minimum wait to talk to the person who could then write the recommendation to see the person who can diagnose me and give me a 1 week script (another 2 month wait after the first appointment, so 5 total now), then my GP could write me my full-month amount
Oh, I'd been taking them on my old diagnosis for a fucking year and a half by that point, so it's not like I was some recent diagnosis who was trying to doctor shop, I had a record of this shit
Oh, and trying to regularly pick my meds up from 2 different locations of the same chain pharmacy caused issues, even though it was because I travelled for work and could easily produce documents and statements from my company CEO to back me up
every pharmacy within 75 miles of my house responded to me trying to figure out of they could take me on as a new patient with active hostility, 4 hung up on me without an answer, and one said "no, fuck off you junkie"
I... I can go on, sadly, those are just my personal ones
According to the article RFK wants to find the “root causes” of a broad range of conditions, including autism, ADHD, asthma, obesity, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis. Sure thing, while the his fellow fucking MAGAts shut down and destroy US medical research and increase deregulations pertaining to the food industry and pollution.
Republicans finding the major contributors to those conditions is going to be like that scroll of truth comic. They'll only care if it turns out that the root cause is gay people existing or something (spoiler alert: it isn't, but that won't stop them).
Does he want a bunch of undiagnosed schizophrenic people coming after him and his fellow maga stooges? Because this is how he gets a bunch of undiagnosed schizophrenic people coming after him.
There's a lot of reports in this thread specifically around the "lazy doctors" and "it's just stress" prescriptions.
This is where reddit would lock the thread and go "too much trouble to moderate." That's never been my personal policy.
But here's the thing... "Lazy" may not be technically correct, but it's been proven over and over again that if you are a woman or a minority or other marginalized group, medical professionals often are not listening to you.
“When government researchers follow Kennedy’s orders to study SSRIs, they’ll find reams of research, including long-term studies, that have found that the drugs are safe and non-addictive.“
They disparagingly refer to it as "the cult of 'science'" so that's a foregone conclusion. Complex issues as interpreted by people whose only ideology is "fuck all that pansy ass shit, man up!!!"
I couldn't agree more. Forced labor camps for the citizenry is totally ok, but you don't just fuck with the bag. Eli Lilly, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer & friends won't allow even the restriction of SSRIs, let alone the banning. Worst case scenario, they get "forced" to increase the price.
Pharma has an open left leaning culture but once you get to executive leadership and the board the only thing that matters is sales. The bribers (aka lobbyists) will work with anyone.
You can bet your ass there is more chance of the FDA getting disbanded than drugs having prices regulated or simply being banned from sale. I'm expecting the biden price negotiations for medicare and medicaid to go away so the pharmas can milk us even more with their exclusive monopolies for the first decade or so of sales.
From what I can tell, the most widely used antidepressants are long off patent and pretty cheap as generics. That's why insurance companies want doctors to prescribe them instead of sending you to expensive therapy. Overprescribing antidepressants in that sense is more like overprescribing aspirin. Medically unnecessary, maybe even potentially harmful? Maybe. But, the stuff is too cheap for Big Pharma to be doing it purely for the money. That's what opiods were for ;).
This is a really shitty attempt at a gotcha question, just so you know. I have depression, any neurologist with an MRI of my brain can tell you that, because there's a softball sized cyst and the structural placement of it makes depression highly likely, it's too big to be removed all the empty space would lead to shifting, brain bleeds, embolism, seizures, and strokes which would kill me really quickly. So shunt and valve and medication is my only treatment option. Anti depressants aren't just for people who are having a bad week and don't know how to cope, or people behind on their self care, or people who are facing a life challenge and just need a little pick me up. Anti depressants are being taken largely by people who go to their doctor and say ''I'm so depressed I no longer enjoy the things I used to love doing, I'm struggling to remember what happy feels like, and I can't stop contemplating the end of my life'' it's for people with clear diagnosable depression. Please stop acting like you have any room to jump up people's ass about the maintenance meds they've been taking for years that get them results when nothing else did. Do you think a jog a day is the solution? It's not at all. If that was the solution, this wouldn't ever be a medical problem in the first place, easy solutions don't require medical intervention. If you really think the average person on antidepressants didn't spend YEARS trying to solve it without any medical aid, your delusional.
Oh yeah definitely. I always knew I had it, I've had it my whole life. You try being a suicidal 7-year-old and see how well you like it. I didn't start getting better until my 30s.
i love the tough talk from all the edgelords saying "yeah wait until you take mine away then i'll be a real problem for you" -- lol they'll just lobotomize you. y'all have no idea what healthcare was like before anti-depressants, huh? you don't get a choice what happens to you after you act out ONCE in public. sure, talk your smack, it feels good... but, personally? i'm scared. my grandma used to get shocks, and that's when we actually had asylums... now we don't. pretty scary stuff, ngl. not enough room in jails for all of us... they'll find other solutions.
I grew up autistic and had adhd and an anxiety disorder when most people had no idea what those were. My autism wasn't that bad... but the way how people treated it they acted like I was less than human.
As an aside, electro convulsive shock therapy is still done. It's weirdly been proven useful for the treatment of some disorders. But as far as I know, it's now done with full consent.
But now, as back then, no one really truly understands the full mechanism that causes it to suppress symptoms.
Yeah my great grandpa was in and out of the institution for anxiety and it was a miracle he kept his brain in one piece.
Antidepressants have problems. They're often treated as the first thing to throw at someone who has mental issues regardless of whether or not they're warranted (back in the day it was a common story for trans people to get prescribed antidepressants instead of hormones and have to wade through the Dr's crap), but the modern system in which people with mental illnesses are given medication that's peer reviewed and have some degree of autonomy over treatment is worth all this.
This is of course not real. Acting out in public once may get you punched or a disorderly conduct charge but it is unlikely to enable anyone to lock you up let alone star in a remake of one flew over the cukoos nest because a lot of law and case law has happened since.
According to https://gunviolencearchive.org/ over 50% of every gun death in the USA each year is from suicide. More than half. Nobody gives a shit because while the numbers are staggering, they're not kids in school or people in a theater, mall, or grocery store. They're still dead though.
Gun ranges won't let you rent a gun unless you: 1) Have someone with you 2) Have another gun with you (and clearly you just want to rent their gun to try out a different gun) because they're afraid (almost certainly through experience) that you'll kill yourself.
This nation not only doesn't give a shit, it gives even less of a shit now as seen in this article.
Translation: Prison farms people are forced to go to because someone says they have a problem. This will also help with all the migrant crackdowns because who is going to grow and harvest our food.
Seriously though, after deinstitutionalization we were supposed to build a bunch of community health centers to help people. That never happened, but it should have. This is some perversion of that stolen idea designed to enrich the wealthy.
Nah, he'll make them more difficult to access for poor people. I have moderate income and can afford to access them (probably at higher prices). Sort of like how rich white women can still afford abortions. I'm not worried for myself, but I am for others.
That's why I'm not as worried about RFK as I probably should be. All these goals involve introducing wide-reaching regulations, which is completely at odds with this entire administration.
Suicide rates are going to spike if this idiot gets his way. I may well be one of the statistics before it's over, if he takes away my access to medicine that has enabled me to live a somewhat normal life, not that it'll matter to him or his ilk. The cruelty, as the kids like to say, is the point, I guess.
Please remember, when the meds are gone and life is still going on, when they're threatening to put us in camps, remember... once you're in a camp with other like-minded people who have been wronged, what 'fun' we can have together. That's what will keep me going.
Keep taking away reasons for people to live. I'm sure millions of desperate, voiceless victims with nothing left to lose will not backfire for the people in charge at all.
He's doing you all a favor. You don't need meds; to cure the depression you just need to get off the bed, have a walk every day and smile more. Right? Right?
(just in case, /s, it's a shame that we can't tell anymore without announcing it)
Don't get your panties in a wad, your Linux might crash. Why don't you paint yourself orange and put on a blond wig? Sounds like your already dead if it happens so what do you have to lose?