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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Tesla Dealership in Oregon Gets Shot Up, Drawing FBI Scrutiny
  • I think you misunderstood. I don't think shooting up a dealership was useful.

    My issue is in the fear of making a martyr has been a big discourse which has lead to inaction. In the hundreds of political discussions I've been a part of leading up to the last election it became a recurring theme that people thought Trump couldn't even be arrested or held accountable for the many crimes he has committed.

    Which lead us to a duality where either Trump was a martyr persecuted and having it stimulate his base or we let Trump continue to not experience any consequences and continue to rally his base unimpeded. It became a no-win situation at the outset when we started being afraid of making a martyr.

    While we don't want to do anything that will unduly increase support of Trump or Elon. The use of words like martyr doesn't do much to help us. I agree we need to be smart about what we do, but I also think we need to be mindful of the language we use and the connotation that it has.

  • Tesla Dealership in Oregon Gets Shot Up, Drawing FBI Scrutiny
  • I hate this fear of making the opposite side a martyr. I've been hearing it for arresting and prosecuting Trump for so long. People making that claim basically let him face no consequences and look where that got us. As opposed to "making him a martyr" and who knows where we'd be. At the very least, they'd have had to regroup and change their game plan.

    We can't keep being paralyzed into inaction by the fear of "making a martyr."

  • Why do people see me as far older than 19 when I type the way I do sometimes?/Why do people think full stops are rude?
  • I think it's trying to understand society and his place in it. These aren't bad questions. At a certain point you rather know where you fit and other people be damned. But at 19, your trying to understand how other people think still. You have your own thought process and are still getting used to other adults not processing information the way you do.

  • What are some Adhd-things you do that people can see/notice?
  • Read something and not registering what it said. Only realizing it after a half page or more. Then going back, reading it again, only to still not have a clue what it says. Then trying to read it aloud, because surely that will keep my mind on task enough to register it. But no. My mind decided that some tangent was way more entertaining.

    I usually just give up at that point. I can't wrangle my mind back and have it be interested at that moment.

  • Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?!
  • A big one for me was user management. I don't have to concern myself with that. So it helps. They also have apps for most things, I can just say go get Plex instead of what device are you using? Get x app. Here is the server information you'll need to put in.

    I didn't have to put a lot of effort into managing the people using it.

  • A Friday Night Massacre at the Pentagon
  • At the very least to signal that they think it is wrong. To make the Republicans go on record saying they condone it.

    And not only that, make everything they are doing in Congress just that much harder. Those small sabotage of the other harmful work they are doing.

  • 19 Year Old DOGE Staffer Known as 'Big Balls' Reportedly the Grandkid of a KGB Spy
  • That's a poor take. I'm exhausted after the last 15 years or so of being very engaged. Politics and the news media has changed. The way things are reported on is different. What is happening is different and what is being reported is different.

    I want politics to be about the bureaucracy again and not about power grabs and how to protect ourselves from fascists literally destroying it.

    I want to discuss actual bills and how we use the government to better our society. How we structure our laws and society. How we regulate and manage corporations. How we allocate our taxes to mundane and boring agencies and projects. I want to worry about the infrastructure and how we are paying for our roads and rebuilding the bridges. I fucking LIKE that stuff.

    I don't want to get into a ego fight and try and decipher some inane ramblings of a fragile president. I want a president who acts presidential with honor and respect. I want a president I can be proud of, even if I disagree with him.

    I want to go back to having political discussions where I may vehemently disagree with someone else but where the stakes weren't literally life and death. I want to have the kind of engagement where those disagreements didn't end is name calling and dismissing what the other side felt or their experiences. When we worked towards a compromise that advanced this nation towards a better future and took ideas and concerns from everyone.

    And quite frankly. I hate that I am afraid of what this government is doing and what this government is becoming. I hate that they are making me feel that way. I hate that this is probably the very same feeling the right has had that allowed these fucks to be in power in the first place.

    I fucking can't stand how divided we've gotten and your "no sympathy" response doesn't fucking help. I fucking hate how we write off "the other side" just because of what team they are on. If we don't actually hear what they are mad and upset about they'll go into their echo chamber with people who do and vote for the fuck that campaigned on destroying the system that wasn't listening to them.

    So don't think that I want oblivious disengagement. I just don't want to be in fucking fear for my life, the lives of those I love, and the lives of my community.

  • Clinicallydepressedpoochie inspired this one...
  • And being 4 times the distance from Washington DC as London is from Berlin.

    If I were to protest at my governors office, he'd just be agreeing with me in my blue state. And even my governors office is over 600km away.

  • 19 Year Old DOGE Staffer Known as 'Big Balls' Reportedly the Grandkid of a KGB Spy
  • All I wanted was to stop having to worry about what was happening in government. I wanted it to go back to boring bureaucracy. I wanted the news to stop being about whatever bullshit came out of Trumps mouth. Or Elon's.

    I just wanted it to go back to normal when it was rare to actually hear what the president said. That their speeches were a special event.