I buy CDs and rip them into lossless myself unless it's not available and then I'll sail
There is no problem... in theory. You can show mathematically that profit maximisation and utility maximisation can distribute goods effectively. In theory, on paper, where everyone follows the rules and so on. That's true with any system really.
Often, when you solve these models in economics, you implicitly make the assumption of 'benevolent dictator'. You need someone outside the system that has nothing to gain by interfering in the system, that can move stuff around at will, that regulates every single agent/firm to behave in ways only permitted by the system etc.
The problem is humans are human. None of these things work if someone decides to not play by the rules. People can blame the system sure, but if the system isn't even being employed properly in the first place, I think it's the wrong argument to be having. It's a bit like ignoring or modifying half the rules of a board game and then saying the game is broken because it leads to weird outcomes.
Still prefer V. I think VII actually looks interesting to me but until they iron out the early issues I'll hold off.
The problem is that in theory the workers also are supposed to own the factories and get a slice of the profits. This is what shares are for. Unfortunately, in practice, a larger and larger chunk of people seem to be getting excluded from that bit.
You must be using knuckle dusters regularly
I'm my case it was an autism diagnosis but otherwise yes.
Since nobody seems to have read the article:
Following the unusual birth, Krispy Kreme has offered Dallas, and, more pertinently, his family free doughnuts for a year and will throw Dallas a birthday party every year until he’s an adult.
This is one of the best things I've seen on the internet
Probably because he expected for that sort of money for the only reaction to be people jizzing themselves
I dunno if you follow car stuff much. Chip shortage during COVID affected how many cars could be made. Manufacturers saved them for high margin high value cars. Already there is a smaller market for them. Plus, charging infrastructure in some countries is behind to the point where a lot of people are sticking to petrol. That's the wider picture.
On top of that VW made a really good EV platform and then screwed it up with a cheap interior, glitchy software, and frustrating laggy haptic buttons everywhere on cars that weren't exactly cheap. Why bother with that when you can get a Kia Niro (as an example) with more features, a massive warranty, more range, better interior for the same or less money?
GabeN quote still as relevant as ever
This is also mentioned in the article
Premonition rather than prediction really
Literally what regulation is for though it has become a dirty word ever since businesses have essentially started running the world in place of monarchs
Yeah pretty much what I would expect from a business oriented website to offer counterpoints as 'beliefs' so that they are dismissed as ramblings from crazy people
Most sources suggest 1100s
Hanging on the wall of my local guitar store about 15 years ago.
I mean it's still one of the most convenient ways of doing it and cameras are good enough these days that it doesn't matter much if you don't send the original file