Many struggling cinemas depend on sales of pricey food and drink as ticket revenue mainly goes to film studios. But does banning outside supplies really add up, asks Stuart Heritage
This is a story of one bootlicking employee who was in desperate need of fucking off and minding his own business:
However, just as the movie started, an employee told them to put their snack bags away, the report said. They agreed but the employee apparently insisted on sitting next to them to monitor the snack situation.
A few minutes later, one of the children popped a Skittle he was already holding into his mouth, and quite frankly, all hell broke loose, the women said. The employee started shouting at them, and said that the police would be called unless they left. This is when the children started crying.
“My niece asked nicely: ‘If you’re calling the police, are they going to kill my mum?’” one of the women told the newspaper. “And he laughed at that stage. He looks directly in her face and he said: ‘Yeah, maybe we’ll find out.’
Why are people incapable of understanding the US isn't the source of all evil? Shitty people exist everywhere. It's really not that complex of an idea to understand.
A long time ago, as teens, we used to go to the movies quite often. Ofc we didn't buy the local overpriced popcorn but brought our own snacks, smuggling them, all sneaky like. One day the guy who was admitting us in was like "you should just be honest guys - no need to hide them". Of course this was not forever but for a couple of months we could bring inanything because we were not tied by the snacks being hideable.
I mean.....theaters ONLY make money on the consession stand. They basically break even on ticket sales, because of having to pay the movie studios. So if they make you bring the snacks back to your car BEFORE you go in, I get it.
But once you do go in? Once you're in the theater? No. If I were someone NOT with those people, I'd be angered that I followed your rules, I paid my admission, I bought from your concession stand, and now MY movie theater experience is being ruined over some fucking skittles???
I'd me more angry at the employee than the kids/mom. It would cause me to find a new movie theater.
Here's the deal. If theatres can't survive if I don't like their bad expensive snacks, Hollywood will have to figure something else out. Maybe they'll have to hire the same twenty faces less often, or take a more reasonable cut, who knows. Not my problem.
This is why I'm relieved that so many theatres have realized getting a liquor license is the way to go. The profit margins on canned booze sold to captive audience are insane, and then I don't even feel slight guilt about the burgers and fries I smuggled in to munch on! They definitely make enough off the 2-3 beers I'm buying to offset the popcorn I was not going to buy regardless.
If they only make money on the concession stand, then their business model is shit and they should fail. Nobody is obligated to buy that shit and there's no reasonable grounds for policing someone's eating.
... is it smelly food or something? if not, who cares. There's fewer and fewer people watching movies now anyways why chase them away man ... it's so dumb.
I mean if it was my job then yeah I'd say something. It sucks you can't bring in your own snacks but I'm not risking my job so someone can eat their own Skittles during a movie lol
"many struggling cinemas depend on the sales of pricy food and drink"
Fuck you, what they charge isnt "pricy"
its fuckin exploitative. Its why they ban you bringing in snacks, in the hopes you'll pay 20 dollars for 5 cents of popcorn aind 7 cents of soda.
also, You expect anyone to have sympathy for the theater after
“My niece asked nicely: ‘If you’re calling the police, are they going to kill my mum?’” one of the women told the newspaper. “And he laughed at that stage. He looks directly in her face and he said: ‘Yeah, maybe we’ll find out.’
A poor business model on their part does not constitute a moral obligation on mine. Places like this are more than welcome to figure out ways to stay in business without being unreasonably fucking exploitative.
Yeah I'm sorry but fuck cinemas. I used to love going to the movies in the theater. It was a great time and it didn't really cost all that much. Now if I want to see a movie in the theater I have to plan at least 2 or 3 weeks ahead to save up the money necessary to go. The ticket prices are too high the cost of the food is too high and they're getting dickish about it. And it's not fucking inflation either, they are blatantly overcharging for everything. Quite frankly they can all fucking close for all I care.
You realize that is just one side of the story, coming from the person who benefits the most from the theater employees looking badly. I don't know if what she said is true, but there is no video of it, so I would take it with a huge grain of salt.
They agreed but the employee apparently insisted on sitting next to them to monitor the snack situation.
Instead of... telling them to take the snacks back out to the car? There's no situation where that isn't weird to me. Were there no other theaters to be cleaned, patrons to be helped, tickets to be sold, anything else, they just have this extra guy with literally nothing else to do but watch this family not eat the food they brought in?
Pathetic, small men who relish in wielding any power they have to fuck over normal people make my blood boil. From the lowly movie theater grunt in NZ to the plethora of elected officials in the US, they all need to get knocked down a peg. Let people live their lives for Christs sake.
Yep, seriously, is he thinking if he's extra hard on these visitors then no one else will smuggle food in? Because they're not earning any more money by disallowing this family to eat their snacks.
And they're hopefully losing customers over this shitshow, too.
its not nearly as good as any of the other despicible me movies. felt like they had no idea how to tie everything together plus the kids are barely in the movie and dont do anything
Try shopping out theaters. There are many movie theaters pretty close to each other. One of them costs $40 for tickets. The other I can get two tickets, medium popcorn, a box of candy, two medium drinks for that same $40. Guess which one I refuse to go to...
Though, I can probably sneak in that same box of candy if I really wanted to. 🤔
At least it wasn't in the US. Calling the police on someone for anything has a non zero chance of just getting them straight up murdered. So i was happy to see it was in NZ lol
Where I live it is pretty normal to openly bring your own food. You can bring whatever you want. Bring your own ice cream and cheese burgers for all they care.
They do sell some stuff, but its not overpriced.
A few years back, one cinema chain said they were going to stop allowing this. Then their competitor advertised that they still allow you to bring your own food in and then the first cinema chain backed off.
It's become so expensive over here. We were out last week to watch the new Pixar movie. Tickets were 12€ per person (so 24€ for the two of us) and we're eyeing nachos with a cheese dip and a medium drink to share. That would have added 20€ to the bill and we decided that was was just too much. I understand that ticket sales alone don't keep the little cinema afloat, but 20€ for maybe half a bag of store-bought nacho chips and a drink that's 95% tap water? Come on. 20€ is almost a cooked meal for two at an entry-level restaurant.
It's probably a slight mistranslation so I don't mean any offense but, I'm finding"entry-level restaurant" hilarious.
Imagine Alexander, who after years of hard work and dedication to his craft finally moves on to a professional level restaurant. On the way in he sees an overconfident novice kitted out in the newest gear, silk napkin smoldering at his side. Escaping from singed mustache hairs a rasp can be heard,
"Don't eat the fire... Don't eat... The fire."
"Poor guy never stood a chance, came here having never even seen a flambe?? I've trained for this, I've got this, I might not have the best gear but those forks and knives become a part of me when it's time to dine".
Alexander reassures him self, attempting to squelch the nerves steaming from his soul.
His teeth grit, hands clench, breath ceases for just a moment upon hearing the words.
"Do you have a reservation?"
Suddenly the seriousness of the situation struck Alexander, then with a cool confident sigh he knew he would succeed. No plate, bowl, or flaming pan would stop him.
Unfortunately they're trapped. If they lowered the price of food and raised the price of admission to compensate people wouldn't notice. In fact, they wouldn't even make it to the food to see, they'd just know that one cinema has $10 admission and the other has $20.
They could advertise that they have lower concession cost to attract people, but there would be enough people thinking "I'll just go to the cheap one and bring my own food/not buy food." that momentum wouldn't move into their favor.
Keep in mind that you have fancy media devices at home. Cinema served a purpose that may not be as necessary now. That said, cinemas have always made money on food and not on tickets. It will die, but it's not like they are stupid people suddenly for doing this.
I snuck a whole Arby's French Dip into that movie. Carried the au jus cup in my hand and walked right by the staff.
Ask me to leave all you want, but call the police? wtf? That'll be WHY I sneak food in the next time. This time I just needed actual dinner, and y'all don't even sell real food here.
The girl next to me just tonight at Deadpool brought a full meal in a Whole Foods paper bag. At a theater with a full bar and some hot food like pizza and chicken wings.
Wow, what morons. Never let them get you for criminal tresspass. Even your average Karen should have the sense to leave once the cops are about to be called.
“My niece asked nicely: ‘If you’re calling the police, are they going to kill my mum?’” one of the women told the newspaper. “And he laughed at that stage. He looks directly in her face and he said: ‘Yeah, maybe we’ll find out.’”
My man’s finally flexing the full power vested in him as cinema popcorn popper, and it is glorious!!
Here is the original posting from New Zealand Herald which has video of the incident (1 of 3 near identical pages, that website is a mess). I searched out the real one because that linked article is just horrible and unnecessary (idk why he felt cool putting "The only things I’m planning to sneak in are sleeping tablets." at the end).
For anyone wanting to get riled up, NZ Herald also has this wonderful little opinion piece from Ryan Bridge (a local broadcaster).
Ryan Bridge is wondering where people’s shame went when it comes to breaking the rules. This is not the most important story that you will hear today, but it grinds my gears. It’s a small, seemingly insignificant event, but I think it speaks to two things that I absolutely hate about the world that we live in right now.
The opinion article is just a shit show from what sounds like a pretty horrible and privileged person.
In rhe UK (at least the part i live in), they dont stop you from bringing your own food in. I think that staff know that no one wants to pay the crazy prices for the food they sell. If i could buy the snacks they sell for the prices that the shops across the road are selling them, then i wouldn't need to go to the shops across the road. Maybe thats not possible for them, maybe they need to find a new revenue stream.
Movie theatres make almost nothing from ticket sales. They have to pay a huge lump sum (upwards of $100,000) up front just to be able to get the movie and show it for a month. Often they simply lose money on it! So the crazy price of snacks is an attempt to recoup their investment faster and hope to get some profit.
The other model is for the theatre to simply pay 95% of ticket sales to the movie studio for the first week (and a bit less as the weeks go on). This essentially guarantees the theatre loses money on the film (due to all the other overhead that easily eat up that 5%) but it’s less risky if the film is a failure. Either way, they only make money on food!
So they need another revenue stream. If i am forced to pay high tickey proces and high snack prices, im going to wait for the film to come out on a streaming platform and watch it then.
Lots of people do the same. Its the reason most films ive been tonsee recently are in empty cinemas where i basivally get a private screening.
The industry at large is failing and has been for a while.
Yeah, in my entire time of going to the cinema and sneaking snacks in a backpack, not a single member of staff asked me or other movie goers about it.
I think it's only questioned if you openly bring in say, a bag of minstrels of a share bag of doritos.
I mean shit, the smaller hotdogs that VUE sell are like a fiver which is an absolute rip off. You'd think with popular films coming out they'd make a killing with the revenue from the tickets being sold so food prices wouldn't be that shite.
I like movies and I like the atmosphere at my local cinema. I'm going there almost every week.
Most of the time I bring my own snacks. I think they just ignore me because I'm like...their best customer, lol. :D
I do order a drink every time. But eating popcorn or nachos every week sounds like a nightmare, and that's all they have there.
if you talk with some of the workers, they will often toss out the popcorn at the end of the nigh. Ive been know to take in a trash bag and fill it up.
Food in general is one reason I haven't been to a theater in decades. I hate listening to the endless crinkle of wrappers, the shoveling in of popcorn, etc. I really don't want to smell the stink of the burger and fries you brought in or the crunching of the bag. It is bad enough when someone brings their smelly meal onto a plane and I have to smell it for an hour.
It sounds like you have a sensory perception disorder, that is not most people's reactions to those situations. A good home theater system will probably be more comfortable for you.
Popcorn, specifically. I used to go to our local theater for the popcorn. They have a ticket plus large popcorn and drink for $9, it's a great deal. Then I figured out how to make my own popcorn that tastes just like the theater stuff with ghee and fine salt, so now I'm more inclined to just stay home and make my own.
Still gotta do the drive-in at least once a year, though.
I grew up in theaters as my dad was a projectionist. You couldn't pay me to go into a theater again since I was 18, what a miserable experience it had been every time I've broken that rule since. People in public are fucking annoying in so many unique ways.
Misophonia; it’s fairly common. My local cinema usually does one or two special screenings for people with autism. I imagine those are quieter overall.
Personally, I don’t mind- it’s part of the whole ‘going to the movies’ ambience for me. As long as it isn’t terrible smelling or people are intentionally annoying with it.
It is standard policy in New Zealand for cinemas to ban food brought in from outside and the Herald reported that Cinema 3 has five signs posted around the premises stating this.
“The exact wording is: ‘No outside food or drinks allowed’,” the cinema’s operations manager, Robert Greig, said, the paper reported.
Thus, once again, one of the oldest arguments in the world has been pushed back into the limelight: should you be allowed to take your own snacks into the cinema?
private businesses can do what they want. But the prices they charge for food is outrageous. So i just dont go to those places. For the cost of a few movies and snacks now, you could buy your own large screen TV and surround system that will annoy your neighbors if thats what you need.
Should private businesses really be allowed to dictate to us what and when we can eat or drink? If you consider that human right, I'm not sure they should.
Access to food and clean water are human rights, not limitless consumption of either wherever you are.
So you either smuggle it in and don't get caught (my go-to was always a bag of chips stuffed into the sleeve of my jacket, and then sling that over my shoulder), or avoid the place altogether.
They can't stop you from eating or drinking what you want, but they can't be forced to allow you to bring it into their business.
However, if their business isn't sustainable without egregiously-priced food, perhaps it should be allowed to fail. And if they all start to fail, perhaps the studios would start to lose money, and maybe they would eventually understand that it's due to their own greed. But we all know the blame would get passed on to the consumer.
I'm honestly baffled by people busting their ass for shitty jobs for shitty corporations. It's like people being exploited by Walmart risking their lives trying to prevent theft... Like why?
There is a place for it if viewed from the trespassing angle. I.e. "you brought food, now get out!". That said, this person seems to have done roughly the same as people calling the police on black birdwatchers and such.
The theater near me is staffed by teenagers who couldn't care less. I always stop at the dollar store or even grab a burger and put it in my backpack. I haven't been asked about the contents of my bag in like 10 years
We'd go every Friday to the movies and would get ridiculous on what we'd bring in. There was three of us and we'd take in bags of taco bell with the large drinks, one time we stopped at the grocery store and got a whole cooked chicken, six pack of beer, baked beens, and corn. Plates and silverware. Good times.
My favorite was during the opening scene of the Great Gatsby when they're glamorizing all the champagne flowing at these elegant parties, I popped my bottle of champagne I brought in for my girlfriend and I to share and this other guy was like "aw fuck you", in an envious tone.
Most UK cinemas are perfectly happy when audiences bring in their own snacks.
And they still make money. From selling snacks.
Because people are lazy and want a good time.
I wouldn't say that a buy drinks or nachos to support "my" local cinema -- it's still a chain --, but if I feel like it I'm buying from the venue. Many people do. There are always queues for popcorn.
So what next, are they going to start going after people who fill up before they arrive at the theater? Going into the theater on a full stomach is theft, you should thank them for the overpriced food they slave over for you (or at least the hourly workers who are treated like slaves).
They don't control the rules outside the theater. Suggesting there is some slippery slope from them not allowing outside food in the theater to them controlling your life before going is just absolutely absurd.
I was just reading about pirate radio stations. One pretty bitter post by a busted pirate radio operator went like "while a large number of police officers were busy chasing us through the forest, a guy got stabbed to death in the downtown. I think the raid on us was a gross mistake of police resource allocation."
Guy is paid to enforce rules. "Hey you snuck in food I have to ask you to leave."
Last says "No."
Dudes next thing is "Well I'll need to call the cops if you are treaspassing."
Lady refuses. So he calls the cops.
Yes there is testimony from the people kicked out that he was a douche, but for arguments sake let's say the guys denies saying any of the douchebag thing.
Now let's put you in his shoes. You need this job, you have a lady refusing to leave... What do you do?
Seriously his actions aren't unwarranted, especially in a place like NZ where cops don't have a whole thing about shooting people.
I say this as a person who's snuck tons of snacks, but also when I was caught and asked to leave I did.
I’ve “snuck” quite a bit of snackage with me when I go to my local theater. (Especially because they rarely offer anything on my diet.) I put that in quote marks because I’m sure they can easily tell I’m smuggling my own stuff in.
I’ve always reckoned that they let me by because they’re not paid enough to really care. Thankfully I have yet to run into a theater worker on a power trip.
I guess it also helps that I do buy myself drinks while I’m there.
But man, I’d probably shit my pants if they called the cops on me just because I brought my own zero sugar smoked sausages and some pumpkin seeds…
I remember sitting in front of two of my wife's friends during a movie once, when I was overcome by the smell of McDonald's fries. One of them had retrieved a box of fries from the other's purse once the coast was clear.
I used to go to the local dollar store and grab myself a can of coke and some lollies (candy) on my way to the theater. In England, right before the movie starts, they have the rating card come up for a few seconds. It's always the most quiet time because the movie is about to start, so no one is taking, there's no movie playing yet, and the ads / trailers are over.
I would always open my coke at this moment of silence because it was so funny to me to be sitting in a room full or silent strangers and for the only noise to clearly be the sound of a can opening that no one could see was just a coke.
I am really surprised that still somebody goes to cinema. C'mon buying 40 inch monitor and good sound system is not that expensive. You will soon good ROI if you go to the cinema frequently
Give me a fucking break. They brought some snacks for their kids and the theater called the cops. Just saying “it wasn’t handled properly” is an absurd understatement. That was irresponsible and shitty. Did you even read the article? Look how the staff acted. That was a deranged thing to say to a kid. They literally laughed and said the cops might kill their mom. All because after putting the food away a little kid finished a single skittle in his hand.
They didn’t see adults lighting up a crack pipe. It was snacks for kids at a kids movie. This wasn’t just an overreaction/handled poorly, it was a sociopathic reaction.
“But this is how they make money” isn’t remotely enough to excuse this behavior. That only explains why you can’t bring snacks. Not the wild shit I just read.
Random movie theater employee doesn't even make more money because of snacks, only the owner does. This guy cares about something that won't affect him materially. It's just a power trip.
The price and margin for the movie theater of the tickets is decided by the movie studios. I agree that everyone that can buy a drink to support the movie theater should do so but if you are bringing your stuff it should not be punished like this.
Maybe we could all stop the BS and charge what it takes to run a theater then charge what the food really costs? $1 bag of popcorn, $1 soda, candy near cost.
Ah yes, buy the food and drink that costs more than the ticket itself... My local cinema is thriving currently, they even have super cheap tickets and don't give a damn if you bring snacks with you. There was never one time where they removed features of the cinema or made it more expensive, so I am theorising that no, you don't need to buy the extras to keep the cinema afloat.