We have a local cinema that offers bookings for events here, too. There's a lot of behind the scenes jank to get through that many people don't even bother.
$5 movies? Where is this, I'll be there right away. (most of the cinemas in my country start at like $10 USD per ticket...)
The police were called for trespass after the patron(s) refused to leave for violating the rules. There's a difference.
Hanging around in the foyer to try and argue the point is not leaving.
Obviously it was excessive, but they're still within their rights to have someone removed.
You can choose not to go to the cinema. The options here aren't "accept or disobey".
You can entirely remove yourself from the situation, given the fact no-one is forcing you to go into their private premises.
Unlike actual fascism in a country where escaping the government is, at best, uprooting your entire life. Or worst, illegal / risking your life / impossible.
If you have a private property and someone refuses to leave after being asked to leave, that is trespass and they may call the police for it.
I personally think it's ridiculous to escalate this situation over food, of all things.
Suggesting theaters are going to check people for a full stomach before entry is absurd stuff that should probably stay in the bounds of black mirror-esque science-fiction works.
The less technologically literate shout "AI is theft!"
Conspiracy theorists whisper of "government surveils" and "brain hacking chips"...
As a result, those who don't understand new technology become fearful of it.
In itself, "AI" is a total buzzword.