The politics of getting intentionally incomplete games to add DLC's and squeeze more to the players does not help. The Civ VII is clearly incomplete and we all know it, within perhaps two years, there will not be all the things that the company already knows that the game needs.
V is still goated. Some day I'll look into the Vox Populi mod for it as well. VII looks shiny and new but I can't say what I've seen of it has made me feel compelled to buy it.
Honestly, I like the look of the leader/civilization changing and mixing. Looks like a lot of fun, in the "late-game rogue-like", "Break the game by amassing synergies" type way. Its a different appreal than 5, but that just means I can enjoy both rather than picking one. That said, given the price, the DRM, and the reported buggyness, I'll probably still be waiting a few years at least. At least that gives modders time to get to work.
I've played every Civilization up to and including 6, but I've been playing Humankind and loving it. It's by the studio that did Endless Space 2, the game I've put the most hours into, and that's saying a lot. Humankind solves some of the frustrations with Civilization I always had. For example, wonders are claimed by a civilization and made whenever the user feels like it. There's no wasting 20 turns only to be beat to the punch by a player you haven't even seen yet. Stuff like that.
I can vouch for Humankind too. It offers quite some depth and variability despite some stupid balancing here and there. Beware though it can often feel unfair and broken due to a hidden steep learning curve, as faith and influence are your core diplomatic strength, and the emphasis on territories when the game shoves cities in the main UI focus. Underneath its game design is largely quite good.