"Dave Ramsey is a dickhead that nobody should listen to, and he should fuck off all the way over there" says doctortofu, a random nobody on the Internet
Ramsey added: "If the welfare system worked, people would be sprinting out of these government funded ghettos into a wonderful life, and instead they've set up camp there generationally."
Just more Protestant bullshit that ignores every study and trial.
and racist! can't forget racist! Hey mr. ramsey ya think the practice of redlining had anything to do with people "setting up camp in ghettos generationally?"
Or their children, who didn't even work to get to that point. If unconditional cash grants are bad, outlaw inheritance; it's just an unconditional cash grant awarded by genetic lottery. If working for success it's so paramount, make everyone do it.
I'm pretty sure it's wrong, too. Every UBI trial I've seen has people improving their lives. Some get lifted into work. Some get necessary training. A very high percentage have their life and status improved, better than welfare.
Those who only ever act out of greed and selfishness always believe these are the only reasons anyone could ever be motivated to act. The notion that people could work because they like it, or because it helps others, or because they would rather be active than inactive, is out of reach of their imaginations.
It's worth underscoring that many proponents of UBI disagree that it eliminates the desire or need to work.
Or you know you could just reference actual studies instead of countering one dude's unsupported opinion with an unsupported opinion from "many proponents". You don't need to pretend like it's unknown and the best we can do it jot down opposing opinions from random people.
Yeah pretty much what I would expect from a business oriented website to offer counterpoints as 'beliefs' so that they are dismissed as ramblings from crazy people
I'm sure Dave Ramsey has never read Marx, and I'm equally certain he is proud of that fact, so how can he claim to know what Marx did advocate for or would advocate for? I'm not a Marxist, nor an expert in Marxian theory, but I have read and studied some Marx and based on what (admittedly little) I know, I don't see a connection between Marxism and universal basic income. In fact, I think Marx would have been opposed to UBI, maybe even viewing it as something that would strengthen the capitalist class and weaken the working class.
It is. Welfare states are perfectly fine expressions of enlightened self interest under capitalism. The owner class is guaranteed a relatively healthy population to exploit, the wage slaves are kept just happy enough to not rebel.
"The evidence from diverse interventions
in low-, middle-, and high-income contexts
indicates minimal impact on aggregate
measures of labor market participation,3,5,6
with some studies reporting an increase in
work participation.11 When reductions do
occur, time is channeled into other valued
activities such as caregiving."
Every single study that's ever been performed on UBI has shown a steady level of labor participation, or an increase in it. Any drop, was by a family that now could afford to have a stay at home parent.
He is an idiot. I'm a Marxist Leninist socialist and have read enough to say Marx has never advocated for UBI. It's literally, From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. You produce what you can, meaning you work and you earn. A pure Communist society is a cashless one. Dave Ramsey is a conservative, religious nut job whose whole career is based on "only buy what you can pay for. Don't borrow. Save enough money to buy house with cash" He is a dinosaur in today's time.
He was always a grifter. When I was in college in the late 90s he had a financial responsibility program for college students to help them learn how to get out from college debt they were in the process of racking up. It was something like $40-50 a session for a 6-8 week course. That would be roughly $75-90 today.
I watched way too many of my friends give away money to that guy.
In the 2010's we got the videos for free in the military, too many 18 year old privates spending all their paychecks on Mustangs by taking out payday loans or stupidly high interest loans to get them.
So when I criticize Trump and MAGAs respond ORANGE MAN BAD they're asserting I have a bias so its not enough to just dislike Trump. I have to point out his behaviors, his characteristics, his policy decisions that drive my revulsion and public revulsion.
So when an alleged economics expert like Dave Ramsey says bearded man bad he needs to elaborate what specific notion of beard he doesn't like, or why he's wary of it. Otherwise we can just assume he's being partisan like a belligerent Dodgers fan.