When I was in middle school, the techy kid walked up to me with a piece of metal in his hand and said, hey, did you know you can take out this part of a lighter and use it as a taser? I thought he was cool and immediately took a liking to him. Turns out we took the same train to school, and soon enough we'd share our train rides. Soon after, he started staying over at my place. One day he was chilling on my bed and installed something on his laptop called "Mandriva Linux". This is the day I met GNU/Linux <3
I worked with her older sister for a couple years, perfectly content being single. One day, randomly blurted out that I hated being single. Her sister asked me to describe what I wanted, I said a few things, and “You just described my sister! Let me introduce you.”
Apparently, she had already thought we would be perfect together. That was 16 years ago, and we’ve been married for almost 13. I could not ask for a more perfect person to have as my wife and dearest friend.
I worked at a college bar for beer money. Her friends came in all the time, she did not. Then one night she did, and I was literally struck dumb - just like the stories. There was a few months of seeing her here and there, a few conversations - I had never met a woman so amazing. I was a bug, and she a goddess in every way. Imagine my shock when she handed me a napkin with her phone number on it and said “call me sometime.”
You bet your ass I called her the very next day. That was 28 years ago. The crazy part is things got steadily better over the years. Nothing got “boring” it got more exciting. Looks fade, but she’s more beautiful to me today than ever. Kids didn’t drag us down, they made things more fun. Bills and chores and life’s troubles became something we worked through together - teaching us that we can overcome just about anything and be successful. I’d argue all of our success is because we’re a team.
We truly hit the love lottery when both of us were “done” and didn’t believe something like what we have is possible. Put away your baggage, and keep an open mind - your napkin could be handed to you today.
Renaissance Faire, 1999, in northern California. She was a wench, I was a german mercenary (Landsknecht). It was lust and love at first sight. Four kids later, misfortune and death, and I'm still here, mourning her all these years later.
The year: around 1994. I was 14 or 15 and using a borrowed account on a local collage network. A student there shared his modem pool login info with his friend who was also my friend and he shared it with me. My first taste of unix was a DEC minicomputer in some cs professors office. I learned a lot of the ins and outs of unix and the internet... 2400 baud for pirating software and porn mostly. Eventually random ftp sites and netnews got boring and redundant. I got introduced to irc and was amazed at the instant interaction with other computer people. My friend at the time hung out in a specific channel, #chitchat2, and I joined it as well because why not. It was a pretty tight knit group of regulars that hung out there and talked about whatever... Nothing in particular. At 15 I felt pretty accepted by people for the first time in my life.
Being the budding wanna be hacker and scriptkiddie I also hung out in all the warez channels, #exceed, #ego, #warez, etc, and picked up on irc scripts and whatnot. SrFrog and his seminal lice script was my favorite of the time. I learned about patching and compiling a customer version of the standard unix irc client, and ran lice. It was pretty fun to mess with people and being 15 and relatively immature I spent hours riding server splits and nick-colliding people for the hell of it. There were some dicks that hung out in #chitchat2 so I did what I could to make their life hell. Looking back I was probably as much of an asshole and they were insufferable IT twits.
I also met a girl there who was in college in another state. She remembers me as being a gigantic asshole and super immature. She hated me and would refuse to talk to me. Over the next 4 years I grew up, turned my script kiddie nature into an actual passion for computer security. As I grew she and i became sort-of friends.
Eventually, when I was around 19, my family moved across the country, and she graduated college and moved the other way across the country to be with her family. We started talking more and more on irc, private chats, late into the night. Out of the blue she called me on the phone which blew my mind. I had dated on and off but this is the first time I ever had a member of the opposite sex who I felt was actually interested in me. One call turned in to once a week, then to several times a week. I had to get a job so I could pay for 400 dollar a month long distance bills (this was the mid to late 90s and I never invested time in the phreaking skills I probably should have). One day she sent me a message "I bought a plane ticket and am coming to visit you in 2 weeks".
My heart exploded on the spot. I spent the two weeks saving what cash I could, I found a hotel for her to stay at (my parents were cool but not cool enough to let her stay with us, she was some random anonymous person I met on the computer, as they put it... Stopping short of calling her an axe murderer).
The day arrived and I met her at the airport at the gate. You could do that then. It was then, at 19.5 that I knew I was in love for real, not just in lust or in dire need of companionship. Our next week together was a blur of every: passion, incredible sex, amazing conversations, and our souls connecting on a level so deep I didn't know such a connection was possible. It went way too fast and seemed to last a life time all at the same time. We even spent some time on irc talking with all our combined friends in #chitchat2. By the end of our time together, we knew we had to be together. I brought her to the airport and walked her to the gate. We were both sobbing but she promised that her next step was getting her shit together and she was going to move to where I lived.
The next 6 weeks was arduous. It might as well have been 6 years. But in August of 1996, she packed her bags and flew across the country. She lived alone for a couple of years until I had issues with my family and I moved in with her. 4 years after moving to be near me we got married.
Tomorrow, April 28th will be our 24th year wedding anniversary. It hasn't always been easy but I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else.
As for the love of my life, tru64 lead to Solaris, led to slackware linux, Debian, ubuntu, Arch, etc. my lifelong love of unix and unix like operating systems started 30+ years ago with tru64 and I wouldn't change it for the world.
Just kidding.... It's my wife that is the love of my life. We met "on that damn computer" as my mother likes to put it. Every year on our anniversary we go to where we had our first irl date. I sometimes pop back into efnet on irc to see if anyone has returned to #chitchat2 but so far haven't found anyone. I'm still friends with, and grateful to the guy who gave me access to the colleges modem pool.
Summary by ai:
In the mid-90s, a teenager delves into Unix and the internet through a borrowed college network account. He explores pirating software and mischief on IRC, where he meets a girl. Despite a rocky start, their relationship flourishes, culminating in marriage and celebrating their 24th anniversary. Their love story, born in the world of computers, endures over time.
Also OK Cupid, but my wife and I also knew each other back in high school. So that was our icebreaker. Ok cupid was the only dating app I could actually use because everything else required a Facebook profile, which I do not have...
It has. I'm pansexual, I had two guys show interest in me and none of the people I showed interest in matched and there were quite a few. I live in a small population place so that doesn't help to begin with. I also was stupid enough to pay the premium subscription to get nowhere. And tinder wasn't any better either.
So I was at a dungeon and overheard two women lamenting the lack of lesbians in the local community. I then walked over and said “hi I’m a lesbian” to the both of them. Anyways I’m married to one of them now somehow.
“I then walked over and said “hi I’m a lesbian” to the both of them. Anyways I’m married to one of them now somehow.” - This is possibly one of the most lesbian sentences I’ve ever read. Congratulations and mazel tov!
I played a song I wrote about cannibalism at an open mic night she was bartending at. She told me she liked my song and gave me a high five. I wanted to ask her out, but didn't want to corner her while she was working, so I made some jokes and left.
She sent me a friend request on Facebook, so I sent her a message asking her out. Said something like, "Yo. You're real pretty, and I wanted to ask you out, but doing that kind of thing while you're behind a counter seemed uncool." She said she was flattered, but she just started seeing somebody (I missed her by a week). She asked if I wanted to be friends, and I told her I was super attracted to her, so I wasn't all that into being friends (in a super unshitty way). Being buds with someone I have a crush on is almost always a bad idea. But I didn't completely close the door either.
I kept running into her, and we wound up getting closer anyway. I kept my boundaries (for the most part), and never hid that I was interested in her beyond friendship, but also wasn't a lil creep about it, nor did I pressure her about anything, or try to guilt-trip, or any of those yucky things dudes do when they're interested in someone who wants friendship. I was just very clear that I liked being around her, but wasn't trying to be her best friend or anything from the get.
Her boyfriend was an abusive alcoholic, and like two yearas later, wound up on jail for a few months on his third DUI. She started hanging out more, I made my move, she dumped him while he was in jail (the only real safe way to do it), and now we're engaged as fuck.
Sometimes people have to work shitty relationships out of their system, and I kinda pride myself on finding the balance on being around and available, but not TOO available, and real clear about my intentions. Wound up with the coolest, prettiest, kindest person I have ever met. I got hella lucky.
On a drunk Thursday night out noticed my bike wasn’t where I thought I left it. Decided to steal a bike myself on my way home. A week later, again on Thursday night, ran into this girl and had a great time. She didn’t have a bike so I offered to bring her home. While getting closer to her house, I started to recognise the area… this is where I stole the bike. Asked her what happened to hers (legit question, everybody has a bike in the Netherlands) . Told me hers got stolen the week before. I started to feel awkward when we stopped exactly at the place where I had stolen the bike. Apparently this was where she lived. Told her this was where I grabbed a bike a week before. She looked at the bike, and I shit you not, it was hers. I hooked up with the girl that I stole a bike from. Fast forward a year and a half later, decided I do not believe in “Meant to be” shit and broke up with her. Some time later I meet a different girl, the love of my live… this is 20 years ago now, we’re now expecting our first kid.
About a decade ago, I was renting a room from a couple I was friends with. One of them went to a hairstylist and during the appointment said to her "I don't have any girl-friends, do you want to hang out some time?". Well that hairstylist said yes and they made plans to go snow tubing a few weeks later. I was supposed to go with them but came down with a cold. I still wanted to meet this new girl so I came down to see them off. That's when I met the woman that would eventually become my wife and the mother of my child!
I had never been more upset that I was sick than that day lol
I was a lazy jerk that just bombed out of the local college in record time. I figured I'd try photography trade school. She was a natural artist with no plan and picked the same trade school. We were in the same 6-month program. She specialized in lab work, I went into product photography. Class started October 1984. We had several family deaths, financial ruin, and other calamities - but supported each other through it all. Lived with family and in the car. Got my life on track in my 30s. Bought a house in 2000, married in 2004, kid in 2009. Now a boring but desperate suburbanite staring down the next downsizing wave and big medical bills.
I was at a going away party for a friend when I overheard her at the bar talking to someone about The Human Centipede. I thought, "No fucking way," and immediately walked over geeked out about the movie for a bit with her. I owe my marriage to that movie.
My ex-fiancee and ex-girlfriend for 7 years was getting hit on by our boss. She used to brag to me about it. They started texting back and forth until suddenly she wanted to "just be friends" with me (which entitled "benefits").
This was all about a month before our wedding. So naturally I declined being "friends" and slept with her bride's maid. We decided the sex was good enough to try dating.
We played 1,000 hours of Elite Dangerous together during the duration of the pandemic. Turns out he's a great skier and a hell of a good cook, too. We are in the process of getting engaged after dating for two years :)
I had gone to ride the Critical Mass two days prior on a whim, where I ran into a friend of a friend from college and we ended up riding home together and getting to know one another. He took a bomb picture of my skinny ass having pensively out over Lake Michigan under the lamplight. We split up and I thought that was it, other than him messaging me the photo.
It was not it! April 27, I'm sitting outside Bridgeport Coffeehouse, trying to get some work done on my laptop. Who comes up behinde but this very guy! He explains that he and his girlfriend were supposed to be going on some kind of tour of the stockyards for a class, but couldn't find it and they happened to drive past me, and could they check their email on my laptop? Of course I said yes, but it turns out they had very much missed the tour. So they invite me to hang out and I jump in the car with them.
And we're driving around just exploring the South Side, stopping whenever we see something interesting, talking and giving and having a great time. The last thing we stopped for was some guys painting a mural on the side of a bar. The artist and his assistants and the film crew recording them explain that the mural is part of a local art festival (Versionfest, for those familiar with the Chicago arts scene) and there's a whole expo of artists around the corner, and a party and concert to close out the festival that evening.
And this was no highschool art fair. There was some great stuff on display, printers and tinkers and jugglers and painters and the kind of people who generally know where to get heavy-duty explosives at any given time. My new buddy and his girlfriend split back home and I go back to my house, just around the corner at this point, to eat something and put on party clothes.
We've all been to that party, right, where everyone seems to know each other but you don't know anybody? Some hate it, some thrive, and me? I was already having the best weekend of my life at this point, I'm absolutely jamming. I meet all sorts of cool toms and mollys in this rambling old house-turned-community-centre and finally I step out onto this giant porch on the upper level.
And there's this one young woman, all by herself, smoking a cigarette while everyone else is huddled in little groups having animated conversations. I think to myself, Hey.
I bet I can bum a cigarette off her.
I swear to you that's all I had on mind. At this point in life, I was barely out of homelessness, all my friends had dated each other and broken each other's hearts; and I had gone from being wrecked by my own exto failing to date a bunch of friends of friends, to finally getting ready to move away to another city and form a new, hopefully less incestuous, friend group and, more importantly, swearing off women.
That's always when I meet the next one.
So anyway, I swagger over to her and say, Hey, I was over there not talking to anybody and I saw you were over here not talking to anybody, and that just seemed awfully ineffecient.
Now I'm going to backtrack and tell her side of the story. It starts when she was six years old but that's personal and not mine to tell, but cutting a long story short she saw Grant Lee Phillips in concert and the opening band was a local singer-songwriter who she instantly became a huge fan of. He was headlining the concert at the art festival and she was there to see him, thinking it was at a normal venue with a bar and not a weird house with two guys selling loose high lifes out of a cooler. She was the only other person there who didn't know everybody else there, and had already called her best girlfriend to come hang out and maybe hit on the musician.
And they she saw this gorgeous, cool-as-hell guy step out onto the porch. He looked around, then walked straight up to her and said, "Hey. I was over there not talking to anybody and I saw you were over here not talking to anybody, and that just seemed awfully ineffecient."
Swoon city, she told me later.
So she texts her friend with new mission parameters. No more concert buddy, it's serious wingwoman time. By the time the girlfriend gets there, we're deep in conversation, and my blind ass is just happy to have made a new friend my own age.
To spare the more personal details, the wingwoman winged it, we all ended up back at my place, the girlfriend and the musician split off after we all broke into a construction site at one am for giggles, and my new friend let me know she wanted to be more than friends. She had ogled my Chekov's profile pic with the brooding and the lakeshore and the lamplight while surreptitiously scoping my socials and liked what she saw.
The next day we had our first date. The next week our second, seeing the same band that brought us together. Three months later she proposed; a year after that we were married. It's been a hell of a ride.
Local gaming store. I joined one of the tabletop rpgs. We talked a lot after this. He had cats which endeared me to him. I met his cats. His cats liked me. He also had a trashcan in the bathroom so I knew he was smart. We've been together uhhhh 17 years this December I think.
Haha, it was a minor flag but it's good! A lot of bachelors just seem to not have them. Even though they're useful in more than "once a month I must have one" kind of way!
In an acting class. I didn't notice her but she noticed me. Next class she switched from dressing tom boyish to more feminine and I noticed her. 20 years later and we just had our second kid.
Back in the days of non-ironic MySpace, I used it to promote my band and my now husband was one of the people I contacted. A few days after that, we ran into each other at a local bar in line for the bathroom. I got his contact info and asked him out on a date. We've been together since.
There was a local r4r dating subreddit I posted to in 2014, somehow my (now) wife saw it like two or three months later. I titled it "Creepy guy seeks woman way out of his league", which I am still very proud of as a great title for a personals ad.
A little over a year later we took a look back at that same subreddit and it was 100% hookups, the dating part had been completely phased out except for the subreddit name.
On the internet! It was a writing/roleplay app that doesn't exist anymore. We hit it off, became best friends then started dating. We got married in 2019 when I went down to meet her parents then she came up here here for covid. Been together 7 years. Shits amazing.
Online dating, but we really clicked once it turned out we both love same kinda of video games (mostly Kojima stuff). She commented on my gaming headsets in one of my pics, but they were not even gaming headset, they were just Bluetooth sennheisers, but from there we dove deeper into our interests. Thank you Sennheisers!
Met through a friend and his GF. We don't talk to either now.
Our bonding occurred when they were yelling at one another, they were drunk and wanted needed the other's attention. We refused to "settle" an incident or even participate in it.
This occurred way more often than just a single incident. It was a habit if you went anywhere with them. Both competeted for the other attention but would not give in... only one up the other. Pretty Fred in my opinion
My ex broke up because I revived an important problem that was a month old, but she eskalated and broke up. Didnt hurt as she had too many red flags she couldnt fix.
We had a hotel that couldnt be canceled and I was alone with it and payed it alone too. I talked about this issue in a discord dating server and a Person DMed me.
We both also talked how we both dont want a reltationship in future after having both similar issues. But somehow, we both were too attractive and had the best sex in our both's life. We also are very similar and tend to be the person who we dreamed of to have as a partner.
Now life goes on and we are a bit too far away, still. After University we plan to come together and meet every vacation for the best sex again.
I was accepting and embracing the void with the addition to focus on myself and isolate a bit. I loved the idea to finally be able to focus on myself only, but got the love of my life instead.
I still can focus on myself easily for some reason. Other relationships dragged my entire focus onto them as I always had problems that I wasnt allowed to talk about. But with her I easily can talk about anything
Well, I didn't...
And looking at where I am heading, I probably won't either. However, it is certainly positive, in some way, not for me, but the other person. I am not a good person.
The closest I ever found to love was a result of me being unapologetically myself. I was a terrible person but it turns out that someone was into that. By the end I was involved with someone else's life by no effort of my own; exemplified by the fact that my first memory of them is a few years after their first memory of me. Sadly as I grew as a person we fell off and this time i'm finding it a lot harder to find someone who likes me.