Labelling it titty milk will only make me drink more of it
AI isn't human. Stop pretending it is. AI takes advantage of humans. Your argument is invalid.
Your comment seems loaded with purposefully inflammatory language intended to align AI with groups of actual real people who experience prejudice in the real world instead of corporations who have a vested interest in not paying artists, and brother, as a trans person, it makes you look like a real silly goose.
The word "treason" used to mean something in this country . It can again.
I think it's a great idea. It might finally pry me off the reddit teat once and for all.
I love cats. They choose every day to continue being our friends. They didn't need to be genetically mutilated to love us unconditionally like dogs. Cats are free creatures.
On the other hand, I am a disabled adult who has never served or even been eligible for military service and yet I am still asked a handful of times a year 20 years after the last traumatic event I experienced if I have served, and with what branch. It's not always a sure thing. Traumatized neurodivergent people get close enough to fool some.
Y'all should be more honest with yourselves and admit that veganism is a religion. Your god is cattle, like you.
we arent.
just once I would like to hear any of you chucklefucks tell me how exactly you're going to make any of this work with all the willfully dumb and eagerly violent people who exist in the country we have right now. it takes decades to change a people, and we have been changed. you don't have the ability, the time, the resources, or the know how to change us again, now or in the future.
I'm telling them you said that and letting them loose in your ac intake vent
I can feel my butthole unclenching already 🥲
Tell them to watch some YouTube videos on growing facial hair with the use of minoxidil. The foam kind is best.
Well groomed, long hair, like well-maintained, thick, stretched earlobes, communicate patience and the ability to finesse your way through difficult, potentially uncomfortable situations in service of a larger, long term goal. Unfortunately, you can be very patient at becoming an asshole as well as becoming a decent, well rounded person. Facial hair doesn't make you cool. Being a cool person makes you cool.