An acquaintance of mine will literally die from anaphylactic shock if he ingests anything with even traces if milk...think severe peanut allergy, but for milk. It's not the lactose, it's some protein in it or something, and fucking everything contains traces of milk.
The boomer crusade against alternative milks is one of the weirder forms of toxic masculinity and smacks of subservience to and brainwashing by the milk lobby.
I mostly agree with you, but it's not great to generalise about an entire generation some negative aspect of people that applies to many people, regardless of age.
Like, if you're trying to be toxic about your coffee, how do you even justify diluting the coffee with milk in the first place? Can't even do toxicity properly, get real
Since plant based milks are just basically water with the plant stuff in it, can't we make coffee milk and put that in our coffee as a milk alternative?
I didn't realize I was lactose intolerant for the longest time. I just assumed everyone had some food that gave them the booboos and it was just the price of living. I thought intolerance was synonymous with allergy, and since it didn't kill me, I just assumed I didn't have it.
How I found out:
Me: I sure do love ice cream. Sucks that it makes me stomach hurt.
Friend: So you're lactose intolerant?
Me: Oh, no, no. Ice cream and milk have just always messed up my stomach.
A ton of adults legitimately don't know that most people develop some degree of lactose intolerance as they age. They think lactose intolerance is like a rare disorder rather than the norm for mammals. It feels like the kind of thing they should have taught us in health class.
"Around your mid 20s you should pay attention to if milk makes you fart a lot."
Same with my younger brother. He once told me that he has diarrhea least one time a day. He tought that this is a completely normal thing and is not willing to change anything. He would rather shit his pants than give up milk.
I thought everyone was dealing with it. Like, mine happens to be ice cream, someone else gets mudbutt from chicken wings or something. But we keep going because flavor demands sacrifice.
I've started drinking milk alternative because I would get belly ache when drinking cold milk. And I saw the episode on kurzgesagt about milk. Where they say it's better for the environment.
In the end I'm still eating regular dary like cheese and yogurt.
Oat milk is good, but I can't figure out how to make it foam up really nicely like cow's milk when making a latte ): that's about the only time I drink milk nowadays, so the lactaid is right next to the machine.
I also enjoy the occasional oatmilk latte but recently was reading something about how oats have all sorts of pesticides that can make their way into the milk
Do you want to hear the story about how I figured out how I had lactose intolerance after eating 3 helpings of an ice cream dessert with extra whipped cream?
It involved farting all the way home. Like a puff escaping with every step walking a few blocks home. I was so damn glad to be walking late at night. And I just felt miserable with my bubbly, knotty guts the whole night and the next day.
Seriously, I love ice cream and eat as much as I can get my hands on - but nothing in the world would make we want to go through that again. So happy for lactase tablets and vegan options.
No, you can easily take espresso-based beverages "black", too. Or rather, you can easily make them not-black by adding milk, which is pretty common for americanos.
I don't understand why you'd drink a soy caffè latte, because I don't understand why you'd drink a caffè latte, because I don't understand why you'd drink any type of coffee.
in one episode of the culture war the right wing focused on soy as leftist and woke and disgusting because it contains phytoestrogens, which are very unhelpfully named and don't actually function like human estrogen but they love to pretend they do. there's also vague bigotry because wow soy is sooo different and different is bad. there's also the fetishization of history and white men's culture of drinking cow milk, and if you are lactose intolerant they probably also expect you to just deal with the pain and the shits because a real man must always experience pain or whatever.
IMO the real issue with alternative milks is that they're popular with left-leaning people, because of concerns about the environment or animal welfare. And rightwingers hate everything that might make the world a better place and/or is popular with left-leaning people.
Soy aggravates my IBS, and I am forever getting people looking at me funny because avoiding soy has become a right-wing talking point. I hate it so much.