They have bidets for your whole body now, you can install them at standing height in your bathtub
So many things boomers consider normal is just brainwashing from some lobby or other
Like we’d be so lucky. They want 1984 not a brave new world
The bird motif is up for grabs, call it Warbler
Workers strikes are the farthest possible thing from facism
Now I have to listen to that song for the next two days straight
Gimme a fucking break, a marginalized person has no obligation to engage in a debate with someone who wants to continue marginalizing them and maybe do worse
Bruh what if like, we are the universe thinking about itself
The memes here are the choicest it’s true
Should see a doctor. I burts out laughing once. 3 month recovery time.
Lmao one social media site is not as much of a change in the human experience as going from no internet to internet was. I’ve seen every form of internet communication there’s been. TikTok is just not my preferred form of interfacing with the internet, it’s not that revolutionary, and like every other website or app it will fall out of vogue sooner or later
My boy? My brother in Christ I’m not even American but still know Biden is a neoliberal bootlicker
A human being can’t be deleted with a few keystrokes
Most of that data is from trumps term….