Musk also threatened changes to Community Notes on X as Trump administration has sought to falsely portray Ukrainian president as a ‘dictator’
Elon Musk accused Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of “feeding off the dead bodies of soldiers” and falsely claimed he is “despised” by Ukrainians, echoing Donald Trump’s rhetoric.
Musk also threatened changes to X’s Community Notes after fact-checkers refuted his claims. Trump and Musk’s remarks align with Russian propaganda, prompting European leaders to reaffirm support for Ukraine.
Observers rejected claims that Ukraine is a dictatorship, emphasizing that its wartime election suspension is both legal and justified, similar to the UK's approach during World War II.
Critics argue Musk’s stance undermines free speech and factual discourse while aiding Kremlin narratives against Ukraine.
I heard his approval rating is insanely low for a president this early in their term. Unfortunately it doesn't mean so much now but at least there are folks in the USA not lapping it up, no idea where they were on election day though.
It doesn't matter how low it is, he has that 30% locked in.
It will literally take him destroying their lives for any of them to change, and a bulk of them will still never change, much like the COVID deniers who denied it's existence up to their last breath when COVID killed them.
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.
Have you found an alternative where I can follow most public personalities that I currently follow on X?
Edit 4 days later: I came across and used it to gather my following list on X and follow them on Bluesky and Mastodon. 3 people found on Bluesky and 0 on Mastodon...
You might have to miss out for a bit, but once they start noticing a significant drop they'll move somewhere else. People with "public personalities" want to be seen and heard, they'll go where people can see and hear them.
Holy shit Zelenskyy appears to have seriously triggered them.
I wonder if he said something to the effect of “no i will not participate in your stupid fake peace process, if you want to stop supporting us, say it with your full chest to your own country where I have a higher approval rating than you.”
Putin is putting a lot of pressure on them to make this deal. Elon's kids could be kidnapped, or his parents. Putin isn't messing around. They are in deep shit. What Elon keeps thinking is National Treasure meets The Hangover meets Austin Powers with him as this "funny but lovable" space villain who is just being a little rascal, is a delusion. And when Putin reminds him that this is actually real life with real consequences, it triggers his substance use issues and other narcissistic abuse issues. He is seriously in deep shit, they are messing with BRICS mafias and mobs that are part of official state governments that have nukes. It's not good for them
It still baffles me that the party that wraps itself in the American flag and calls themselves "Patriots" seem to have no problem what so ever in letting a non-elected immigrant run the country.
He knows we can talk to the people of Ukraine, doesn't he? Like, it's not like the olden days where very few people ever directly communicated with people from other countries. You can't just pretend we don't know how they feel about stuff.
Elections are suspended because no one has time to "run an election". Basically, that is not at all what is important right now. A much larger and more powerful country is literally trying to erase them. It's so far failing to do so in a staggering way that is probably super embarrassing. Ukraine is not doing OK in the grander sense, of course, but they are doing way better than anyone would have expected, especially the Ukrainian people. Zelensky has managed to maintain both support and respect, but more importantly, morale.
Zelensky is a big problem to Russia, you know how you can tell? Listen to Elon and Trump talk about him...
Elections are suspended because no one has time to “run an election”.
And also (if I've understood correctly) it's straight up impossible by Ukrainian laws to run elections when martial law is active. They'll hold democratic elections eventually and choose the next president but until then Zelenskyi is sitting president. Things run just like their laws mandate.
In some other country there's memecoin agency operating without any legal oversight with considerable power, maybe look on to that first...
It´s why they want a cease fire and a peace agreement, so martial law stops and elections can start again. That doesn´t do away with the whole discussion about what regions of Ukraine are then valid to do an election, such as Crimea, or what to do with all the refugees in other countries.
I don't want to call for anything illegal here but Elon Musk has to go somehow or some way. He's a danger to the western world. He is compromisable and a facist.
This is literally a Russian talking point! "If you care about these soldiers, you'd end the war quickly!"
In other words, give Russia the land they stole and reward them for all the men, woman and children they have murdered, tortured, raped, and stolen as well as all the destruction they caused! If you do that, Russia will do this again, and it might be your country! Please support Ukraine because I think the US will actively help Putin now...
It's either this, or the buzzwords using"Western countries did this or that", it's the same thing tulsi said a while back on a poc right wingers channel
I starting to genuinely wonder if we'll see Musk getting executed in my lifetime. Either by lynching/angry mob Mussolini style or an actual judicial process leading to death penalty.
Depends on whether he manages to create the 4th Reich with Putin or whether Europe wins the upcoming war.
Perhaps he manages to piss off the rednecks and they lynch him, but so far they seem to love it. Then again the consequences may not really be felt by them yet.
In a country known for guns, poor mental health care and prideful morons you'd figure this fuck face would be dead already. No one willing to take one for the team, eh? Me either.
Why is anybody listening to that little Muskrat? Guy needs to be put in a rocket and shipped to Mars so we dont have to listen to his manic rantings. I feel sorry for his 12 kids .
Insane how they're not even trying to "both sides" it, saying the Russians have some culpability for the war. Nope, just shamelessly supporting a Russian dictator.
he's often touted as a founder of Tesla, but he wasn't a founder. He bought it. Much like all the other projects he's got. He hasn't created anything in his life. He was born rich, and inherited many many millions of dollars. He's nazi scum.
I have to say I find this somewhat curious. Why is Musk aligning with Putin? I don't think it's just to echo Trump, but I also don't see how it's in his interest to do so. Being pro-russian is not exactly popular among Americans, across the whole political spectrum, and neither it is among allied nations. Does Putin have some kind of insane leverage, or what's in it for Musk?
Is he just so deep in his delusion that the world is his own shitposting messageboard that he's too busy being edgy to realize he's committing suicide?
He sees a model of oligarchy he likes. What else is needed? He has more money than anyone could ever spend in a thousand lifetimes. But now he has power, and it was so, so easy for him.
I think this is it, Musk is playing a different game than most of the others.
He knows that there are very few dollars left to squeeze out of the free market... So he is getting in on the ground floor of a new type of oligarch fascism he likes. Now he can not only control his competition, but the very basis of USD value itself... If you the think his stock market and crypto scams were bad, you haven't seen nothing yet.
Allegedly, he was given liquid capital by Russian oligarchs to buy Twitter when the courts ruled that he was obligated to buy it. He might be rich, but that kind of money wasn't just sitting in his checking account. It was his company valuations.
Once he got tangled into Twitter, that's when he seemed to really go off the deep end.
I don't think Musk is aligning with Putin. The crux of the issue is European countries do not have a plan. They provide very limited support to Ukraine which results in many Ukrainian casualties and loss of territory day after day.
Musk also threatened changes to X’s Community Notes after fact-checkers refuted his claims.
The only part of this that surprises me is that it didn't happen sooner. Musk is so thin-skinned that he's indistinguishable from an anatomical model of a human.
No alternatives. And I'm not only talking about the military - some schools, kindergartners and other institutions use them in the places, where it would be very hard/impossible to use regular wired network.
Best case scenario this will not end well for Elon. Worst case scenario this will not end well for the world and we'll all die in nuclear war or something.
and falsely claimed he is “despised” by Ukrainians
Doesn't really seem false by now. Zaluzhny was more popular and seemed to have some plan. Zelensky used the fact that said plan seemed a compromise worse than Ukraine can get at the time, to press Zaluzhny out. Ukraine really has spent some time postponing elections.
Also let's remember that under Poroshenko Ukraine was having steady military preparation and buildup, Zelensky didn't add much and Zelensky's approach to conflict, if anyone remembers, was almost pro-Russian (as in "we just have to stop shooting and talk", and yes, it doesn't seem there was a better plan). Also for two weeks or more before the invasion it was in all the news that US and other governments think Russia is going to invade Ukraine.
Ukraine could have, you know, mobilized, taken this seriously.
I'm of an opinion that Zelensky initially was a Russian trojan horse for Ukraine, similarly to Pashinyan for Armenia. Except Pashinyan did his job well and Armenia is on its knees, while Zelensky kinda failed to do that because of existence of well-prepared (at that point in time) military and western support.
This may seem satanic, but since Russia is grinding to shit its own troops in Ukraine, suggesting that a government or a faction interested in their country becoming again a Russian puppet is grinding its troops intentionally too - doesn't seem so stupid, I'll explain why - the military is basically where most of patriotic and volunteer work went in Ukraine since 2014. It's in some sense an institution such a government would try to damage as badly as possible.
Also notice how rumors about corruption in Ukraine's military (not taking about the rest of the government, that part is not interesting, it's an ex-Soviet state) have been building up slowly in correlation with that military becoming less professional and weary, because of slowly losing competent people as direct casualties, by disability or even burnout.