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ElfBean ElfBean
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Dan Bongino: Trump names podcaster as deputy FBI director
  • In any other circumstances this might be kinda sad. Like does he seriously have so little else going on with his life that all he can focus on is this?

  • when did you change in your dreams?
  • I'm mostly worried about my grandmother - it's been at least 6 years and she still treats my cousin's bf like a girl despite having it explained to her multiple times that he's a man. She's definitely a product of her generation, but it's the refusal to listen and even try to learn that gets to me. Other than that everyone's been cool with it, though my parents are still slipping up constantly. As for everything else it's going surprisingly well so far; I've already started noticing some stuff that should usually take a couple months to kick in

  • when did you change in your dreams?
  • No physical changes yet (aside from one dream I had as a kid) but they have started incorporating various transition-related scenarios already. Only been on E less than a month and not even a full week after my first shot I was already having dreams where I demonstrated the whole process to unknown observers. I've also had a couple where I've gotten into arguments and cut off less accepting family members, so that's been a Fun™ preview before it inevitability happens irl

  • rule
  • Transfem enby here - the way it works for me (can't speak for anyone else) is essentially as two valid options. Some of my friends alternate, some stick with one, but if you're going to pick just one then those are the correct options. Can't guarantee it'll be the same for others with multiple valid pronouns but most will be happy to explain if you ask. Personally I list them from most to least preferred but they're both right so as long as it's one of those I don't care that much

  • Diamonds lose their sparkle as prices come crashing down
  • If someone proposed to me with a high-end GPU I think that would seal the deal honestly

  • Guess I'll Start Rule
  • It's all good, and thank you :3 I'm not great at taking compliments but I appreciate them all the same

  • Guess I'll Start Rule
  • I actually had a toy one as a kid. Sure, it was repurposed from a mega man battle network cannon with the sticker removed, but I knew how I was gonna use it the moment I saw it

  • How's your week been?
  • Same... I'm trying to get things sorted as soon as I can, and hopefully starting monotherapy soon, but even then I'm still gonna have to keep an eye on supply chains and government policies potentially forever from the look of things. I'm scared, for myself and everyone else both here and in the rest of the world. None of us asked for this but it's all framed like it's our fault somehow

  • Elon Musk makes major push in Europe to boost German, British Far-Right
  • Maybe if that were the main issue there would be the slight chance he could get over it eventually. It's definitely a big part of it, but it seems like this has been a steady progression for a while now. Plus a heavy dose of sunk-cost fallacy keeping him locked into every shitty decision he makes

  • it's a intimate thing
  • Wow, didn't need to call me out like that. But yes.

  • Bilblow Baggins?
  • God I wish that were me. Either of them, I don't care

  • now I know why
  • I've bridged the gap, I have A S C E N D E D

  • now I know why
  • EXWM. With evil mode, obviously, I'm not a complete monster

  • Not his nightmare
  • As someone who has abused it and kinda had a problem with it - that shit is poison. Literally. It has the same mechanism as deadly nightshade and a lot of poisonous plants, and it can be absolutely hellish. Totally legal in most places for some reason though. Feels like shit but paradoxically is also super addictive

  • Did you ever have that dream?
  • I've had exactly one dream, at around 6 years old, where I was a girl. I barely questioned it aside from finding it kinda cool. The last 20 years they've all had me as a guy, but recently they've started overtly including dysphoric content and feelings

  • Mr. Scrubkus
  • 😫🧽💦

  • Mr. Scrubkus
  • Come on, who doesn't want some of that Scrubkussy?

  • mourning lost time rule
  • Oh I have childhood trauma too, I just try not to talk that deep on it too often cause my parents are trying to make up for it where they can, they just get irritated at me for things they could have avoided in the first place. Plus it's a mixture of them and other kids screwing up my childhood. I'm just glad they're taking my transition so well honestly; they mess up all the time but they're clearly putting more effort into this than they ever did when I was younger

  • mourning lost time rule
  • Thanks 😊 I made it with Picrew; it has tons of different pfp creators in different styles. It's a pretty close recreation of what I look like irl but I'm way more comfortable with this than showing my actual face most of the time

  • rule :)
  • Your blåhaj loves you! He doesn't just endure you, he wants the best for you and he wants to give the bestest cuddles he can