don't forget the part where they put on the chains and weights and throw people down the 11 windows to hell.
actually windows was meant to prevent people from falling there, yet people still kept using it, that is why every once in a wile they add a extra window, specifically designed in ways which they think would prevent people from trying to use it, yet still many do somehow.
I run Windows. Yeah, mm hmm,. Big Windows user over here and I have no idea what to do with this Linux thing or how to install it. When can you come over and install it for me? I'll get the wine. I hear wine and Linux leads to a lot of fun game play. Malbec ok?
this is actually how I convinced someone to want to install Linux.
had my install stuff with me, as well as my official arch Linux clothes(you all know what those are).
once the person saw the cuteness, the person suddenly wanted Linux very bad.