You know... I never even considered that this was being told from a woman's perspective, I 100% just assumed it was a dude, there was no doubt in my mind.
I would gladly be on either side of this, tbh. I did once get a bit of a blowjob during doctor who, but I made him stop because I couldn't focus on the episode (heaven sent). We canoodled after, but he was clearly upset I valued a show over sex. But, like, it was heaven sent! And it was the premier of the episode. I made the right choice.
Lmao mood, like if you're going to put something on for background noise it better be something neither of us care about. Being on the giving end sounds amazing, marathon dick sucking to go with marathon lotr watching, amazing.
Yeah, I could totally be on the giving end, and wouldn't mind being on the receiving end, if the blower were also into what was on, and it was like a major edging session like in the image.
Or, y'know, if we did it doggy style and both watched xfiles
This is why the ideal background movie is any Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie. They are hilarious, but ultimately the movies behind them tend to be boring. You don't usually need to pay attention to the plot to get most of the jokes. So, your attention can weave in and out. They are also usually monotone enough to fall asleep to, which is a bonus.
Extremely relatable. I tried to watch LOTR with my boyfriend who never saw it/cared about it. He was like eating snacks and not hearing all the dialogue. I had to turn it off after 10 minutes and crying twice already. I couldn't do it. I cared too much.
You know, he broke his toe during that scene. That's why the scream was so soulful. If you didn't know any better, you'd just assume the look on his face and the passionate shouting were just from the blowjob.
She was explaining bombadil, cause he's not in the movies, right?
Never got through the books and don't recall him in the movies. He's magic card is super neat if very narrow, anyone wanna give me a quick Who or what he is?
Audiobook in case you are better with that. Other two books are there somewhere. There's also a whole thing about getting a sick dagger which never shows in the movies. Also a whole thing in the conclusion of the series about Hobbiton which is fun. The movies did a good job selecting plots to omit.