You got one downvote. That asshole is either in the wrong discussion and doesn't know their music or is a Nazi cock gobbler and needs to wipe the orange off their lips.
We just watched one do a nazi salute twice, on national TV, in the seat of government and not a single member of the "opposition" had the balls to walk up there and punch him in the face.
The Nazis have won. People care more about civility than fascism.
The fascists will lose. They always lose. They might seem to have the upper hand right now, but they can only fool the people for so long until they fight back.
Culturally at least, they have. Not a single Democrat did anything except whine about the very public displays of Nazism.
Luckily for us the courts and other countries are actually providing some checks and balances, but if we get a Reichstag-style event in the next two years, the Democrats will absolutely fall in line with whatever form the dictatorship decides to take.
Tbh Black metal (awesome as it is) has a lot of ties to Nazi movements. Back when I was first getting into it I bought myself a Burzum shirt, because I only had a vague idea of Varg being somewhat of a controversial figure. I thought, how bad could this guy really be? Well... He is B A D. Despite a lot of this kind of music still being a guilty pleasure of mine I have ventured into anti Nazi bands such as Neckbeard Death camp, who are really vocal about kicking Nazis from the scene. That being said, traverse black metal paying heed to your step, for ignorance can end you up with neo Nazi band merch.
I have a Celtic knot tattoo on my forearm (actually it's the album cover of King Crimson's album Discipline).
My British friend told me I shouldn't display that in public in the UK because people might think I'm a neonazi.
I'm like fuck no, Celtic symbols don't belong to Nazis and I won't let them have it! Also, it's a prog album cover wtf
Yeah, prog rock's not very popular so most people won't recognize it as what it is, unfortunately.. However, I wear band tshirts like 80% of the time and by far the best reactions were to my Rush Tshirt. Followed by Riverside and KGLW.
Or Hawaiian shirts. Man, I love my Hawaiian shirts and I was not happy when they were briefly associated with some nonsense fucking Civil War 2.0 bullshit. I'm very glad that particular stylistic movement fell apart.
Boogaloo Boys were strange, they seemed to be a bunch of loosely affiliated extremists from every corner of the political spectrum (although concentrated in certain corners).
They’ve already taken some Metal. Went to a Metallica concert and there were trump flags in the parking lot, militia-style shirts, firearms shirts, blue line flag shirts, Punisher skull shirts…. I was surrounded by White Power and authoritarians. The Metal Heads I grew up with all decided they wanted to carry the batons and riot shields they hated in their youth. Didn’t help that FFDP was there with their military fetish and making commentary about the Biden administration.
Depends on the band, I guess. Been to some punk stuff and it was really mixed. Metallica was the biggest metal show I’ve been to, there were different ethnicities in the crowd, but I would have felt kinda uncomfortable were I them. E: TBC I felt uncomfortable by what I saw.
Kind of yes, although their music didn't have anything to do it, and their "white supremacism" didn't go much beyond "but can that n----- play the guitar?", confederate flags, and Phil Anselmo's "edgy humor". Some of it was actually overplayed, because Dimebag didn't play his guitar 100% aligned to perfect rythm, and djent kids didn't like that. Metallica is more aware its own right wingedness in its music.
norse mythology: the bisexual dude who has a meathead son and an adopted genderfluid kid. doesn't go anywhere without his horse-grandson. knows everything will go wrong when they get a dog.
Plus they associate war with masculinity and magic with femininity, and their main guy is the god of both. Women fought and men learned magic. Clearly gender was a pretty flexibly concept. (Not to even mention that we found what appears to be trans masc viking burials.)
Man, feel like Norse iconography might be almost a lost cause here. I was looking into getting a Thor's Hammer tattoo years ago... Every variation you can think of has been co-opted by a Nazi group somewhere. I think it was the FBI that used to keep a database of symbols linked to terrorist groups, most of it was various flavors of Nazis and most of that was symbols stolen from Norse culture.
I've got a huge Vlad Tepes Dracula tattoo for very personal reasons. Then I find out Nazis are using it as a symbol. Fuck their perfidious infiltration.
I remember when Anime ang gaming were pretty progressive. Now they complain wokism about everything. God fucking damn.
Then the hentai thing is insane how the rape theme took over. They cry censorship and shit but man you follow a guy in Instagram that does hentai ONLY ABOUT RAPE! 80+ works all about rape! You don't see a fuckin problem there buddy?
Yeah it gone a little personal.
Yeah I get it but I mean the NTR and "guy doing the rape" definitely took over. I remember on the late 90s early 2000s it was much more fantasy bs and "lucky guy" stories shit like bible black and house of dolls where the exception rather than the norm.
I can give it to you that maybe it was always there and I'm having some rose tinted memories, but definitely is worrying and the supporters are quite a handful that's undeniable.
the bigger thing right now is people being purposefully obtuse and treating "punk" as the same thing as "counter culture."
conservatives are using this argument to state that they are the REAL punks because they are anti-establishment (while somehow holding all branches of the government but whatever)
in their mind punk people change their political ideologies to whatever is the opposite of who is in power, and so clearly all existing punks had to flip to the other side the second obama was elected or something.
(I'm a second generation punk on both sides and my whole family would curb stomp these asshats)
Conservatives have never and will never be the punk, because punk is a counterculture movement against cultural conservatism, not who is in office at any given time. Punk has always been about cultural freedom, and conservatism is about cultural restriction.
Like the broader skinhead movement, Oi! was originally just a punk subgenre, but now a lot of people only affiliate them with fascists.!
This is why gatekeeping is actually important. But you've got to be sure you're keeping out the people who want to change the group, rather than people who want to join it.
They are fucking losers who have based their life on hate. It’s all they have, we gotta show their idiot followers they have no fun. We know how to fucking party. Party for freedom! Be excellent to each other. I want a bill and Ted future, not a handmaidens tale. Stand up and fight back!
I agree with this. That singer is a mega douche anyway. One of the most hilarious things I've seen was a few years back when he was trying to beef with Ice-T on Twitter, and Ice just kept calling him "Mr. Trapt" and it sent him off the fucking edge.
This is a wonderful point! I recall years ago reading the government said of the hippies that they just started selling them incense (to put it lightly) and it was one of the ways of taking them down from the inside. So this is an old trick used by many. Sucks how insidious it all is.
Does that go for liberal or philosophical ideals like free speech?
I come across a bit of rhetoric identifying free speech as a right-wing authoritarian cause, arguing that they "claim, twist, poison, ruin" it, so it's fine to give it up and no longer defend it.
Those rhetoricians seem to have a skewed or ahistorical disregard for the advances in political philosophy from the enlightenment era that got society out of the dark ages, away from authoritarianism & toward political plurality & liberal democracy.
Freedom of speech was a foundational development & its growth enabled the civil rights movements that followed.
Yet according to the rhetoric, it's a problem now that right-wing authoritarians claim it as part of their cause.
They'll just let them claim & define it, and now that free speech is wrong (since they let right-wingers "have" it), it's okay to limit & undermine it.
One might think they're right-wing authoritarians in disguise trying to dupe everyone into threatening the foundations of liberal society.
Whether or not they are, there's a good chance they'll show up here possibly in response to this comment.
Is there a name for that type of rhetoric or the people who argue it?
Anyway, it all seems like capitulation to me.
I think letting fascists claim such philosophical ideals is a mistake.
Free Speech is the right to have and express opinions without being repressed by the government. Yelling fire in a theatre is not an opinion any more than harassing people with racial slurs or other forms of flatulence.
Nobody is giving free speech to fascists. Ignorant assholes are misappropriating the term to justify their disgusting behaviour and they're the only one's falling for it.
The (direct) harm principle of free speech has been recognized since at least J S Mill.
It's reflected in legal limitations on incitement of imminent lawless action (falsely shouting fire); incitement of violence; defamation; discriminatory acts that objectively deprive peaceful access to rights, opportunities, or resources we are entitled to.
It does not restrict merely offensive conduct that bothers.
Are you referring to harassment in the looser sense of merely irritating conduct or in the stricter sense of personally targeted conduct that is unwelcome & objectively harms or deprives peaceful access as mentioned before (often through persistence)?
We don't have a right not to be offended.
Freedom of speech is specifically for speech we dislike including much that you listed.
It's also for speech to oppose that, which could be taken much further instead of trying to compromise it.
People who support only "free speech" they agree with don't support free speech at all.
They either never understood free speech, or believe it's not worth it, thus give it away to the authoritarians exactly like I criticized.
I’ve read all the comments here and I’ve concluded that we don’t really have an effective way for dealing with this problem, although we all recognise the problem.
I will forever curse Milo Snuffaluffagus or whatever his name was for Gamergate.
Especially since incompetent Games Jouranlism is and has been a problem for a long time, and now nothing will be done about it because any attempt to reform or shake up the industry is poisoned by the spectre of that bigoted sham.
There's a bunch of fucking Nazi punks out there. Punk and satanism are uber alles. Punk is anti fascist as it gets but these fucks are too stupid to see it.
I love how butthurt they become when you call them fascist. They're perfect fine invading spaces they don't belong in, but the moment somebody labels them correctly, they lose their shit
The culture of "real" hip-hop is basically crime culture, within that crime culture the same methods of of fascist control are used. Like the way rappers attack one another and try to control people. Gangs intertwined with the culture. Gangs are fascist, they are Nazis, they abuse people for their own personal gains. Rappers are often a voice for that sort of shitty behavior.
Just listen to any "gangster rap" they are all authoritarians raping other people's lives.
I'm familiar with this version - it's still a bit silly, but I understand it's more of a pressure group than anything, and I can see where they're coming from.
Not real Christianity though. Not the one where people feed people and help others. Don't forget Prez Carter and Mr. Roger's were both that kind of Christian. They can have the Jerry Falwell style bullshit.
But my childhood church said that Carter and Rogers weren't real christians. Mr Rogers never would have advised I follow the bible's instructions to marry my rapist, for example.
I've heard "cherry picking" used a lot to deride christians for not following the bible, but I absolutely want people to be fake christians and only follow the feel good parts. I don't want people to be devout and take things on faith, I want them to question what they're told. I don't want the real christians who follow the bible as closely as possible. I want them to acknowledge that the bible has some horrible stuff in it that nobody should listen to.
The ADL didn't call Elon's salute a hate symbol, I think we can rule out their expertise at the moment. Also: "Non-racist pagans may also use this symbol, so one should carefully examine it in context rather than assume that a particular use of the symbol is racist."
That's not gonna stick. Maga are not cultured people. They don't listen to music, they don't delve into self reflection, they aren't thinking about meaning and the universe. There is no art there.
Sure there are a few people here and there, that will make a website, but that's not gonna hold.
Punk Rock and black metal? I don't know, I listen to a lot of that and I get rarely hear any Nazis making such music. Of course there are bands like that, but there are also some gay Nazis and we aren't taking about Nazis appropriateing gayness.
Football perhaps, maybe football away games. All the trouble that some hooligans cause abroad. Thankfully football might be too big to fail, but they do give it a bad vibe at the worst of times.