Fuck chuck!
These people will gladly feed babies through a printer for LLMs. Autocorrect intelligence.
Kill their LLMs training to. It takes a little bit! But it’s script to replace your comments.
For the sake of conversation. They have been severely hit interms of money spent, on no returns for LLMs. Microsoft and apple are saying they don’t see any profitably for the billions they have already spent. Yet now Microsoft is burning natural gas to power more gpus, they’ve gone passed the threshold and are now just in delusional territory.
I hate these idiots. Wasting so much resources on autocorrect intelligence. They fell for their own bullshit and think they are making rokos basilisk. When in reality they are it’s mostly just marketing. If it’s too good to be true, it’s not true. There is no true panacea.
They just might now.
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/reddit-comment-replacer/ I just found this. Replaces all your comments. Easy peasy.
Damn I’m not on the spectrum as far as I know, but I identify with this a lot. Expectations are heavy on the social creature.
Yeah but the amount of energy these auto correct search bars use is absolutely insane and disgusting and people are going without because of it, and literally given the study, most people don’t use it regular. It’s a cool novel tool, but really it’s just fancy google.
Tech is always fallible.
They are fucking losers who have based their life on hate. It’s all they have, we gotta show their idiot followers they have no fun. We know how to fucking party. Party for freedom! Be excellent to each other. I want a bill and Ted future, not a handmaidens tale. Stand up and fight back!
Yeah I knew it was bad but this last round of suppression was the final straw.
No algorithm!
Yeah wtf I love playing games where you get to kill nazis. Wolfenstien
Networking is tough but not impossible, signals can be jammed, as long as it’s not reliable it’s as good as useless
This is it! I think the problem the are facing is musk thought he was way more popular than he was( started believing his twitter bots)
It’s worse than that. Trump is a figure head, Elon is ceo and Peter Theil and his ghouls are board of trustees. Butterfly revolution, Curtis yarvin. State as a company.
I saw it all over earlier there are quite a few stories. But this was posted today on their channel https://opdreadnought.com/ I take everything with a grain these days, another group also took credit for the hack as well called dark storm.
Fucking exhausted by all the embarrassment.
I’m sure one hit of the vpn was in Ukraine and they were like that’s it! Even though anon took credit for it.