I hate these idiots. Wasting so much resources on autocorrect intelligence. They fell for their own bullshit and think they are making rokos basilisk. When in reality they are it’s mostly just marketing. If it’s too good to be true, it’s not true. There is no true panacea.
Well, investing in public education, infrastructure, healthcare, and renewables isn't immediately profitable and US capitalism doesn't do anything unless the rich can immediately profit from it... So would it actually make any difference if the billionaire class gave up on LLM? They'd probably just build more penis rocket ships or stupid fake hyperloops. Or maybe more nesting Yachts. Either way, they aren't going to use our resources to help us in any meaningful way.
For the sake of conversation. They have been severely hit interms of money spent, on no returns for LLMs. Microsoft and apple are saying they don’t see any profitably for the billions they have already spent. Yet now Microsoft is burning natural gas to power more gpus, they’ve gone passed the threshold and are now just in delusional territory.