The secretary of state, heading to talks with Ukrainian officials in Saudi Arabia, said future talks with Moscow will be needed to determine what Russia is willing to give up to end the war.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio said on Monday that Ukraine would have to make concessions over land that Russia had taken since 2014 as part of any agreement to end the war.
Mr. Rubio spoke as he was flying to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for talks with senior Ukrainian officials, and 10 days after a contentious White House meeting between President Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky. The Trump administration halted military aid to Ukraine after the blowup, which centered on Mr. Trump’s refusal to include any security guarantees in a proposed deal involving Ukraine’s natural resources.
"Turns out, Russia doesn't want to concede anything and demanded more Ukrainian land. Well, we tried. Clearly, it's high time for Ukraine to stop getting in the way of peace."
I miss the good old ‘we don’t negotiate with terrorists’ US.
If someone breaks into your house, kicks your dog and rapes your wife, you don’t negotiate to let them keep your TV. You shoot that fucker between the eyes. That’s what we need to be doing.
US literally funds terrorists, gives them weapons, and gives them CIA training to do terrorism. It's like all these terrorist leaders went to the same school, of Americas.
Heck, I’ll take any president who lived during my lifetime over Trump.
Dubya definitely got rehabilitated the past decade in many people’s eyes. Of course, he’s still… probably… a war criminal over the whole Iraq / war on terror situation. But I certainly understand the average American wanting him over Trump. I miss when the worst thing a president did was misspeak like his ‘fool me once’.
At the rate we're going, I wouldn't be surprised if trump drops all sanctions against Russia, and starts even funding them and providing them US weapons and Intel. I just wouldn't be surprised.
I would assume they're getting the Intel already. The entire administration is comprised of Russian assets and useful idiots. Even if the info isn't being handed to them directly, all the existing security is being ripped to shreds and the teams that would counter any threats have officially been told to ignore Russia completely.
That said, I wouldn’t put it past Trump to publicly give Intel to Russia, but only because he's an idiot and assuming there is a low he won't sink to his always a losing bet.
I wouldn't be surprised if we're already in a slow rollout for him to go public with support for Russia. The deal could be that Russia and US split Ukraine in some way, whether it stays as "Ukraine" with installed leadership or blatantly annexed.
The problem is the maga cult and the Republicans in congress who would support it. The maga masses will lap up whatever propaganda they're fed like puppies and a bowl of peanut butter. But what the fuck are the Republican leadership thinking? At that point the US has fallen, but maybe it already has and we just don't know yet. But maybe not... time will tell.
Trump has offended pretty much all of our major trade partners, so we need a new market to sell US goods as well as replace our imports. As it just so happens, Russia desperately needs goods due to the sanctions and has a reduced manufacturing capacity as a result of marching all their young (and not so young) men into a meat grinder. And even though Putin is a backstabbing, murderous, KGB thug Trump knows that he won't touch him, because Trump's just too useful of a flunky.
Granted it's a morally repugnant move, but when has that ever stopped Trump?
I think he was already pushing for that not too long ago, but all the bad press lately has him backpedalling and promising Sanctions and Tariffs, but still won't give back the foreign aid he took away.
I wonder what the useful idiot Elon Musk thinks about this, given he's shown fealty to Putin several times already.
Imagine a hypothetical scenario in which Mexico invades the United States, takes complete control over the state of New Mexico, and right in the middle of the conflict Great Britain says "the war needs to end", drafts a ceasefire proposal that allows them take control of half of the country's natural resources, and offers no security guarantees in the event that Mexico decides to attack again. If you refuse, the British will stop sending military aid to help you continue fighting. Oh, and Mexico gets to keep New Mexico.
Who in their right fucking mind thinks that this is a good deal? Any sensible person would rather continue fighting than give up their advantage for some flimsy ceasefire that won't stand up to an invader hellbent on conquest.
Do you remember when the Biden Harris administration provided military, financial and diplomatic support for a genocide that lead to hundred of thousands of casualties? No wonder people didn’t want to vote for them.
To that point, lets be real, even the united states doesnt really care about new mexico. Crimea in this argument has actual economic value.
Honestly any square foot of what russia has stolen from Ukraine has so much more economic value in comparison to new mexico, its hardly a realistic comparison.
I get what you are saying. But taos vs a warm water sea port is such an insane comparison. Its so much worse.
Albuquerque? Let em have it. Santa fe? Please.
It's a hypothetical scenario. I could think of some better examples if you really wanted, but that's the most salient one I could think of off of the top of my head, because you know if the United States was attacked, we would expect the international community to fall behind our right to defend ourselves from any and all threats to our sovereignty.
I don't see why things should be any different when considering Ukraine's position.
Russia is collapsing - this war is absolutely draining their economy. The questions are whether Ukraine could keep that momentum if the US suddenly cuts off communication media and whether continuing a war to a victorious position is worth the cost to Ukrainians. I'm not there, I don't get any input on the decision, but I'm absolutely understanding of my Ukrainian coworker that fled the country and wouldn't ill judge Ukraine seeking an earlier peace in exchange for concessions.
I don't believe that Rubio has earned that distinction in the slightest, even in a derogatory manner. In fact, I am pretty sure that he has only ever once walked onto a used car lot and that resulted in only two things happening. One, learning that he ought not walk onto a used car lot. And two, the true value of a high mileage Jeep.
Security Guarantees means putting a NATO (or future equivalent) base at the border with soldiers from all over Europe, anything less than that is not guarantee of fuck all
MAGA is a terrorist organization. Their whole missguided ideology of "ruling by strength" is just another way of saying ruling by fear. Using fear/intimidation for a political outcome is by definition terrorism. If someone says it has to be illegal (not true) we can also show the number of arrests and violations of peoples legal rights occuring all over the U.S. Breaking laws pertaining to 1st amendment, 4th amendment, 5th amendment, 8th amendment, 9th amendment, 10th amendment, 14th amendment, 15th amendment, and the outright breaking of the law of the land (constitution) by overriding the legislature, which was the only thing keeping the U.S. a Republic.
Why would Ukraine be negotiating with another adversary? That’s like a boxer going to the wrong corner after the round, that guy also wants you to get your ass kicked.
You don't get it though, Russia bad. Therefore, throwing your male population through forced conscription into the meat grinder with no expectation of winning is based and cool and patriotic.
I think it’s more likely that Ukraine forfeits USA support and it’s probably for the best at this point. I hope CANZUK and Europe are willing and able to step up to pick up the slack.
As Tywin Lannister said "Any man who must say, "I am the King", is no true king."
Any man who goes around telling everyone they're brave, probably isn't brave. In fact it's incredibly cringe.
A cringe country full of cringe people who say one thing but do another. Claim to stand for freedom, democracy, and liberty whilst oppressing all of those things both at home and abroad.
So basically they (putin and trump) want more than 2022 borders. And let me guess, they also want sanctions eased and elections to install a pro-putin government? Ukraine should not make any deals with the US. The US admin is the enemy within and the enemy of democracy.
The ceasefire is just a step to get to the sanctions and elections demands. And once they have a "reason" to force those things then russia is set to continue their forever-war.
“Let’s blow up the post war consensus and fuel everyone getting bombs.” This ain’t the way I thought we’d solve climate change, but making the human race extinct with nukes is certainly a way to avoid making them extinct through climate collapse.
I saw a mouse poop and its poop was saying that Ukraine should give territory and other things. I just ignored it and moved on my trail this morning. Can't let poop dictate world order.
Remember that one time when the US got in the way of peace when Britain invaded? Why were we so stubborn again? It's a mystery, but hopefully Ukraine doesn't repeat our mistakes.
You care or you don't care? but care to let the war end ? What are you saying really?
Why are you arguing here instead of packing your bags? You’re free to go to Russia to make the war end, I don’t understand what’s stopping you.
Why is it always people like you that will never set foot on the frontline that are saying stuff like this?
If you really want the war to end, when can you enroll to stop russia from starting WW3 ?
Why are you not stopping russia, if you want the war to end?
Why are you promoting WW3 by asking Ukraine to surrender to russia just like Czechoslovakia surrendering to Nazi Germany which lead to WW2.
Why are you trying to drag your country into WW3 ?
Why are you not **guaranteeing ** peace (with Nukes or NATO membership) to prevent russia from expanding territories into Ukraine again?
why are you promoting a forever war ? Why are you not at the front line to stop russia from starting the war again and again ?
Why do you want OTHER people to die while you sit comfortably on your sofa telling Ukraine to surrender so that Putin can start the next war and WW3. ?? Why don't you pack your bags? go to Russia to make peace and end the war, I don’t understand what’s stopping you?
Why do you say one thing but are free to do the opposite of what you say?
The solution is guaranteed sustainable peace. But you and your leader, Putin don’t want peace because it means compromise and it means that Zelensky, EU, NATO, Georgia, and Crimea also gets something (surprise, that’s how peace works!)
You’re free to go to Ukraine and help guarantee their protection and their territorial integrity, I don’t understand what’s stopping you. Why are you arguing here instead of packing your bags?
I’m free to do the opposite and I’m content that my country has made it clear that we will not send any troops to Ukraine