I keep thinking it’s same article being reposted before noticing the drop is 10-15% greater than the last time I saw it. I hope he’s kicked from Europe entirely.
Yes, you are right, not anymore, I don’t trust it though as it was founded by not only Peter Thiel but also Elon Musk.
PayPal blocks accounts that are politically controversial, such as some alternative media outlets, cryptocurrency platforms, or activists. Also Whistleblower organizations like WikiLeaks have been blocked and their funds frozen.
For these reasons I find a boycott completely justified.
Is there a Canadian version of paypal that works the same way? I was searching but couldn't find one and ever since AI came around my business shrank to almost nothing. Also, other than having an old nearly defunct facebook account, what $ would I be unwittingly giving to Zuckerberg? Serious and naïve question.
-Your past likes, groups, comments, and interactions are stored and can still be used for ad profiling or sold as part of larger datasets.
-If you once liked a brand or a political page, that interest could still be factored into long-term data models.
-If you have active friends, their interactions with your old profile (e.g. tagging you in old posts, mentioning you) can still keep your account relevant to Meta’s algorithms.
-Your friends may have synced their contacts with Facebook, meaning your email or phone number could still be in Meta’s database.
-If you’ve ever used “Log in with Facebook” for third-party apps, Meta can see when and where you log in.
-Even if you don’t actively sign in, Facebook cookies might still track you across other websites (depending on your browser settings).
-Advertisers may have access to archived data that gets combined with current trends.
-Your profile might be included in anonymized datasets used for AI training or market analysis.
That made me wonder, in regard to your question, how much meta really makes out of Facebook accounts like yours.
Out of curiosity I asked Mistral how much an inactive Facebook account might generate daily. It estimated $0.005 but noted it could be even lower. Let’s take a careful guess at $0.001.
Ridiculously low, irrelevant, right?
Well, there are 3 billion Facebook users. Let‘s assume Facebook earns $0.001 for each account, each day.
This would be 3 billion times $0.001 which equals $3,000,000. Daily!
If you have the money to buy a Tesla I don't think you're someone who cares what people think one way or the other. You don't need to care about public opinion with that kind of income.
What? A Model 3 starts at 42k (without the tax credit) or 299/mo for a lease. That’s below average for new cars in America, or significantly below average if you qualify for the tax credit. KBB says the average for a new car in December 2024 was nearly 50k.
And sure, not everyone can afford a new car, but very few Tesla buyers are “that kind of income” wealthy.
We have this, crap copied from twitter or crap copied from reddit. Take your pick. :)
To be serious for a minute, I do wish there was more discussions and not just circle jerking. Its funny how everyone left the big platforms but still discusses the exact same things.
Say what you will about faceless corps, but toyota won't send some jackass out a the public face to do sieg hail, and be the gleeful butcher of government programs.
You have to be nestel levels of horrific before it breaks out of the corporate bubble.
I seriously question the mental stability of Tesla shareholders. Why on Earth does that man still have a job?
I'm not even talking about this recent stuff, I'm talking about all the things he's been doing for the last few years. It would get any normal person fired.
As a publicly traded US company, can't the board of directors vote Elon out because of tanking sales? Seems like that's the only way for the company to survive at this point.
In a normal company they could, but the board are all loyal to him, not the company. Recently they insisted in giving him a 50 BILLION bonus, yes, with B. No chance they will intervene. And putting a puppet CEO like at Twitter won't have a strong effect either.
Deliver is not the same as sales. They are also launching a new model this summer so people could just be waiting. I know it’s a great news story, Europe bands together against Musk to show dissatisfaction with American politics, but it may not be true. If someone could find Tesla reports that delivers are far lower than expected I will change my mind.
I mean... why wouldn't all that is happening not have a effect on sales? Musk is the face of Tesla and Musks image has totally gone downhill for lots of people. He's gone from "techbro genius" to "fascist" in a few months (!) in the public image and there is really not reason to doubt, that this won't have an effect on sales.
This is what makes Musk's B-line towards Nazi stardom so strange to me. Like, did he think Nazis were suddenly going to start buying electric cars? They literally put nuts on their trucks right next to their bumper stickers using homosexual slurs to describe electric vehicles, all while "rolling coal" in front of every Tesla they see on the road.
These are the people you want to market to?
And at the expense of your existing market?
This is why I wouldn't put it past them to try to hide the real sales numbers. Wouldn't surprise me if they're down 90+ percent and the company is effectively dead already. The board of directors are Elon's creatures and their personal wealth will depend on keeping the facade (and stock price) up so they aren't about to cry foul.
I live in one of the Eastern countries and surprisingly most tesla owners I see on the street are from Ukraine. We don't even have developed infrastructure to use that car.
I don't think Elon gives a fuck. He's tricked everyone he needs to into giving him billions of dollars. He isn't going to give any of it back. He's laughed all the way to the bank.
I don't think he has to care, but I think he might. SpaceX and Tesla are the only 2 brands he regularly promotes as he hopes people forget about all the other stolen, idiotic ideas that have failed.
He has mentioned many times in the past how "owning a Tesla is fiscally responsible". Considering DOGE and falling Tesla sales... it's only a matter of time until he sees if he can push Tesla as "The American Car" subsidised by tax payers and potentially cheaper then other brands (due to tariffs)... I don't put it past him to try to take over all the transportation in the country. He's stopped pretending he isn't just a super villain a while ago, so going out of our way to ensure that the most "affordable" car is his and cripple the nation further by literally controlling the means of transportation.
So? You subsidised him since forever.
Not a peep when he demanded to keep his factories open in full Covid times or plenty more scummy things.
Only when he became a Trumper he was no longer great papa Elon for half of you.
What makes you think I wasn't verbally critical of him? I was telling ppl that were praising him that he seemed to virtue signal and seemed shady back in 2017. I was told I was looking too much into it. But in retrospect...
Tesla is a meme stock in the disguise of a car company. It being down 30% means little, if anything volatility is good for big market players. Allows them to fleece more people. In a month Trump will announce a big tesla contract and it'll go back up.
Or so I tell myself because pessimism is easier to live with.
Not really. The UK is very anti-Musk and very anti-Trump.
Ireland and the UK being the only ones to grow is likely due to the way Tesla delivers Right-Hand Drive cars - they deliver them as one large batch each quarter rather than constantly trickling them out like LHD cars.
If you look at UK and Irish sales figures across multiple months, they swing between being up and down, depending on when RHD shipments come. Overall Tesla is down (and the UK even before Musk's recent actions bought far fewer Tesla cars than France or Germany)