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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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old dreams of picket fences, family life, and swinging benches.

have become fleeting memories, forgotten, tired legacies.

and in time, through fear and doubt, acceptance, now surging throughout.

for the man I grew to be— proud and whole. and with him, now free

here together, us as one impassioned, yearning to welcome

renewed dreams of finer fences, family life, and swinging benches.


shower thoughts

i spent a little longer than usual in the shower this morning.

partly because of the hangover and partly because of him.

i could feel an end to the hot water as it cascaded off my body.

partly because of my tears but mostly because of him.


how much could minor shoplifting add to the economy?

how much could minor shoplifting add to the economy if:

  • it was only targeting businesses that ship their profits offshore and/or avoid paying local taxes;
  • the shoplifted items were items that were going to be purchased; and
  • monetary savings redistributed to local businesses?

One of the last photos of Jack Karlson, aka Democracy Manifest

Political Memes pntha

art mimics life

Columbus probably Spanish and Jewish, study says
  • same way we can map the origin of the human species to west africa: identifying unqiue dna sequences of local areas and correlating the data (e.g. if they’ve found a certain dna sequence in all humans that they’ve also found on bones from 100,000 years ago in west africa, then that could suggest all humans originated from west africa at least 100,000 years ago)

  • Excluding China from 6G standard development risks fragmentation
  • what a dumb comment. Volt Typhoon have been discovered in critical infrastructure—not universities—across the world using lotl techniques. they are a group not hacking for espionage but hacking to directly sabotage their targets… i.e. shutting down electricity grids, telecommunications, water, etc.

    also, they are not “PRC-sponsored”, they are the PRC, more specifically the PLA.

  • me irl pntha

