Don't drink anymore, but a walk under the starlight used to be my fav. And if you've got a long walk home you're basically sober by the time you show up
I got pretty wasted in the woods once together with some friends while grilling and staring at the stars. That was epic.
I have no clue how I got home though. That's a two to three hour walk when sober, and I was drunk enough to only remember the first half hour of it.
But now I drink maybe twice a year, and very little. The stars look nice even when sober. And on Monday weed was legalized here, that's more like it for me nowadays.
Tries to walk under the stars in the city: city light polution ruins it. Tries to walk under the stars in the countryside: Starlink light polution ruins it.
My wife came home a few nights ago and I was already in bed, I heard her starting a meal in the microwave, not unusual. Next day I see the time on the microwave was 43:57, and the meal was still in there. Real glad she didn't press start. She has no clue what time she was trying to enter. I like to theorize, due to the arrangement of numbers, she just punched the num pad.
I never bought myself stuff while drunk, but I liked to go on twitch and subscribe to random small channels, and gift them games they wanted to play lol.
Yeah I get the 🌌being tired🌌 part too..... but then I act like an aggressive toddler who has every right to stay up past their bedtime and it goes away pretty quick
Terrible story, I went to a foreign city with some friends and got black out on tequila for the first and last time. Apparently I left our motel without letting anyone know to go perform urban parkour. I somehow failed to clear a 2nd floor jump and based on the imprint in my one shoe, landed entirely with my right heel. Clean break.
My phone log showed that instead of calling anyone I was with or maybe medical assistance, I tried to call my boss 3 times before giving up entirely. I only have memory of some nurses later asking if I wanted to go to a hospital, but I denied them and slept it off. Guess I was found eventually, lol.
Then comes losing my shirt, and if encouraged, I will find a table and lose more.
After that I hit the "walk in the woods" point. Or, really, "I wanna find a nice high place to sit". Dunno why, but after a certain point, I just wanna get somewhere I can look down over a city or something. There's something magical about it. Here's all these twinkling lights, all these lives going about their night. Some going to work, some going out to get fucked up, some to get just fucked.
And there I am. My own twinkling light, out in the night. Small, insignificant, just the red glow of the cherry of a cigarette against the nothingness. For a brief moment, I am both a part of that grander light, and apart from it. Above us, all the lights in the sky, bringing it together.
Alcohol turns me into a very morose, mellow philosopher who thinks the world is even darker and more fucked than I think when I'm sober. It also gives me the munchies.
I thought that was supposed to be weed that did that. But I've never smoked weed, so idk. I've pretty much stopped drinking.
We already have that autonomy when it comes to alcohol. We are not, however, as autonomous when it comes to the reactions of other people to our autonomous behaviour when under the influence of alcohol. Or any other drug for that matter.
And their reaction's existence within the law is immaterial.
That is, if you do whatever the f--k you want, don't be surprised when other people do whatever the f--k they want when they react to whatever the f--k it is you're doing.
If you're lucky, they'll complement (possibly also compliment, but complement is intended) what you're doing.
All me depending on the source. LR,TB: Vodka, Gin, Beer, Mushrooms (is there a "Journey in the wood" booze? I don't know anyone that gets like that on any type, and I know a lot of drunks, maybe I just don't spend enough time near the woods)