But “business man = good at running things”…. That’s what the narrative has always been. Cracks me up. We all work for businesses and complain about how stupid our companies handle things, but still this myth is spread. Macroeconomic government administration is nothing like running a corporation.
Neither do I. None of us normal people want anything more than a comfortable life. It’s these psychotic billionaires that can’t stop taking no matter the cost to humanity. They are backing us all into a corner and making this shit necessary. They are monsters.
We need new blood from the democrats. The old corporate democrat bull shit gave us Trump. They need to step aside for the progressive wing. The young people want that and a lot of the older folks feel the same if you drill past their 80s socialism propaganda programming. We want a new “New Deal,” not more corporate apologist bull shit. The billionaires and corporations have proven all they can do is abuse the public trust. We need strong protections to keep money out of politics first and foremost.
It’s time to start cutting out the cancer and getting our society back. Billionaires are the cancer. Mangione had the right idea. Make them hide in bunkers and live in fear cut off from society. Billionaires are the source of all corruption and corruption is why our government is failing.
When history crushes MAGA like it did the Nazi movement, I hope all the supporters are ridiculed in society as much or more than post war Nazis.
Need a Mangione in the audience.
Gee, wonder why Trump would want to redact and limit the release of documents he has been implicated in? 🤯
Lmao! My bad. Didn’t proofread carefully.
He is Putin’s puppet. He’s definitely doing this on purpose. America is fucked.
I don’t hear this from many Trump voters I am around. There are questions, but most live in information echo-chambers that aren’t giving them a real picture of what is happening. They also consume very little detailed analysis. It’s mostly headlines and hot takes that “inform” their opinions.
Gross as fuck. Seem like Trump’s type of dudes - deviants and grifters.
He’s such a petulant little baby. Macron corrected me, now I’m mad. 😭🍼👶🫃 Fuck Putin Puppet.
The best poll on what people think of Elon.
They want to get rid of them then tank the economy so they can claim we can’t afford them. The rich are engineering a major crash. With this level of concentration of wealth, they can buy up a massive amount of assets on the cheap. Then their Network State plans will keep their assets fluid. Wouldn’t be surprised if Musk’s meddling was about directly stealing social security assets to boot. This is all just a big theft of the boomer generations assets. It’s going to get real ugly.
Clinton followed a bunch of Heritage foundation right lite policies just like Obama. It’s all billionaire backed bull shit to give to the rich at the expense of the rest of us. Clinton gutted workers power with NAFTA, handed billions to private prisons with his “crack down on super predators” policies, and helped along the 2008 crash with his banking deregulation. We haven’t had a true democrat in this country since Carter and that is directly because of billionaire money in politics.
I know this is true. Bernie was one of the few I saw as possibly bridging the gap. I knew multiple people who were Republicans that said they would vote Bernie because he was a man of conviction. I think Bernie would have pulled a lot of Republicans in 2016 because of the climate. So many rural people voted Trump in protest of the establishment more than a love of DJT back then. 2020 was a different story, so was 2024. 2016 I think he would have had a real shot to take from both sides with how little enthusiasm Hillary and Trump had. Bernie’s rallies dwarfed either of them. He had so much momentum. But this will always be a what if…
That’s a dumb statement. Everyone in America has bombs with a quick trip to the hardware store and a few hours work. Bombs are not hard to make.
Empathy doesn’t matter TO YOU. Society functions on empathy. It is a skill and one you clearly need to develop. You aren’t a good leader if you don’t have it, you just think you are.
Don’t see how they could. It would be near impossible to enforce with current technology infrastructure.
Could MS suck any worse? It’s like they want people to not use their products. Capitalism is the ouroboros.