Brave Sir Elon ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it's ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Elon turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Swiftly taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir Elon!
Musk probably watched Stewart’s conservative show interview appearances over on YouTube, dating back to his first stint on the daily show. They couldn’t trip Stewart. He rolled over all of them. The interviews stopped, again, surprising no one.
Jon Stewart single-handedly got CNN's "Crossfire" ( featuring a not-yet-fully-crazy Tucker Carlson) cancelled just by going on the show and doing his thing.
In the final exchange before a commercial break, Carlson remarked that he thought Stewart was "more fun on your show, just my opinion." Stewart responded, "You know what's interesting, though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show."
i watched that crossfire interview when it first aired and i think it's telling that stewart & the daily show et al. are still the primary vanguard of american liberalism when the rest of the world has changed; especially so when they solely focus on stoking the culture war fires and ignoring the class war that creates them.
I'm shocked. Right up there with his cage fight with Zuck. He can't handle pressure. He got booed at Chappelle's standup show, and reportedly locked himself in his office to the point where people had to check on him and were worried he was self harming. He's fucking 10 ply.
You knows, I'd normally not be okays withs callin a guys soft. As my women studies teacher says it's only the performance of the's masculinities and the threats of takins its away that keeps the cycles of the patriarchies going. That's beings saids, Elon's nots exactly what's the kids today's are calling woke.
I knew he was going to pussy out. Conservatives who are routinely in the public eye can't survive outside of their safe spaces. That's why Republican politicians are cancelling their town halls. They can't handle anything other than a gentle interview on FOX or OAN with the questions sent to them ahead of time so they can get their answers from the heritage foundation.
I’m sure he’ll be on Joe rogan again getting verbally fellated and reassured that he dodged a bullet not going on the violent left wing propaganda deep state media show
From what I've seen, if you watch any of Rogan you'd find that he's not actually shouting MAGA to the heavens. He's literally the "I'm just asking questions" guy, a useful idiot who normalizes right-wing thought for them, not the place they go for reassurance. Bannon and the like are the ones saying crap like deep state conspiracy.
Mischaracterizations are what fuel the right's rhetoric when they try to say we don't know what we're actually talking about.
Oh no he pretends to be balanced to some degree but he's completely bought into the maga propaganda. He may be a useful idiot, but he's a useful idiot who is all in 100%. They're not mischaracterizing him at all.
Bannon is smart enough to know it's all a means to an end but nobody's going to him for reassurance. Especially not Musk. Bannon loves shit talking Musk.
I stopped paying attention to asmon after he started openly supporting genocide of muslims and brown folk. Has he doubled down on that stance in the last few months?
Edit: downvotes from asmon stans on lemmy? Quick poll to the downvoters: what's your instance? I have a guess, but I want to see if I'm right.
Never been a fan. He shows up in my feed sometimes.
Recently someone called him Jew, prejoratively, and he not only was offended but like, really angrily corrected the record that he's German, ok? (I guess to him this is the opposite of Jewish?) and idk just the whole interaction and his demeanor in that moment was a bright red flag.
This was all in the wake of the Elon fake gamer shit. Maybe I read into that small interaction too much but my Nazi senses went 5 alarm.
That seems to be his appeal, if you can believe that. He serves as validation for a specific type of degenerate lifestyle I think moreso than his views.
There's also a huge huge risk of speaking with a master debater (yw). Smart people are everywhere. People who are genuinely good at debating are terrifying to argue with. It's a rabid animal except they have facts and logic and easy to understand, well structured arguments. It's infuriating.