I'm shocked. Right up there with his cage fight with Zuck. He can't handle pressure. He got booed at Chappelle's standup show, and reportedly locked himself in his office to the point where people had to check on him and were worried he was self harming. He's fucking 10 ply.
You knows, I'd normally not be okays withs callin a guys soft. As my women studies teacher says it's only the performance of the's masculinities and the threats of takins its away that keeps the cycles of the patriarchies going. That's beings saids, Elon's nots exactly what's the kids today's are calling woke.
It's not meant to be taken literally, but as a blatant hyperbole. The joke is referencing the fact that 2 ply toilet paper is notably softer than 1 ply toilet paper, and extrapolating that to the fictitious extreme of 10 ply toilet paper which, if possible, would be unbelievably soft. It's from the show Letterkenny, as are a bunch of the other things people are commenting in response.