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Majorllama Majorllama

Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Posts 3
Comments 908
Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives!
  • Yeah except I never claimed to know anything about them aside from a user name. they claimed incorrect things about me in another thread awhile back then dipped from the thread.

    It was a 50/50 on the gender and statically my odds were better assuming it was a guy. Oh well.

  • Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives!
  • Yeah unlike you weirdos I don't stalk every single profile I talk to so I can go into every conversation knowing dirt about them.

    Edit: typo

  • What are some good reasons to NOT end your own life?
  • The only reason I haven't kicked it is because it would hurt people I love.

    If there was some magical way to wipe the memory of my existence from all my friends and families minds I would be booking a first class ticket to hell immediately.

    I've done pretty much everything I can reasonably do as someone in my tax bracket. All my other hopes and dreams cost too much and/or seem unlikely to happen at any point in the future so I may as well check out.

    To be clear I am not actively suicidal right now, but I really think we ought to let people check out if they want to.

    I didn't have a say in being brought into this world and it feels cruel to force people who don't wanna play anymore to stick around.

  • What's your favorite sound?
  • I mean there aren't a whole lot of immaculate sounding v10s that you could accidentally mistake it as lol.

  • Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives!
  • If they are so unfathomably stupid then how do you alleged geniuses keep losing elections to those morons?

    Do you think it might have something to do with how unbelievably smug and elitist some of you guys come across?

    I'm not even disagreeing with your specific points as I think they are generally correct, but you have to realize that pointing at a group of people and basically calling them too stupid to know any better is never going to get them to change or side with you. All it will do is make them hate you.

  • Advice
  • Yeah there's fidgety and then there's leg jiggling so aggressively that the entire row of desks is moving and I'm not even noticing because I am so focused on what I am writing down.

    Also in adulthood I was finally properly diagnosed with "moderate to severe ADHD". Probably should have done that in highschool when I told my parents but what are you gonna do. Can't change the past.

  • Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives!
  • Oh looks it's Mr I can't identify a conservative if my life depended on it pancake man.

    You still bouncing around and being wrong about people today?

  • Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives!
  • How am I supposed to curate my own Lemmy when conservative subs are turned into crappy meme factory's poking fun at the conservatives which is already what all of the other subs fucking do.

    This is like building a Starbucks across the street from another Starbucks and then telling me to find coffee somewhere else when all the fucking coffee places in a 10 mile radius have already been bought out and converted to yet another goddamn Starbucks.

  • Advice
  • Nah I just got sent to the principals office for being "purposely distracting" to other students.

    Some teachers shouldn't have their jobs.

  • How is Arcane the series based upon League of Legends, a tower defense game?
  • I haven't played league since like 2018 but I understood some of those words.

  • Could it be offensive for me to use the word "cracker" in this way?
  • The only people who would get mad about the word "Cracker" are crackers and they can suck it.

    source: I am pasty white dude and I have been called every slur for white folks you can possibly imagine. Not a single one has ever bothered me in the slightest. Most of them are hilarious.

    Some of my personal favorites were: Caulkie, ghost, honkaloid, milkhead, moon cricket, mulletard, pigmently-challenged, powdered donut, raw chicken, saltine, tornado bait, wonder bread and mayonnaise packet.

  • Economic Blackout: Will a 24-hour boycott make a difference?
  • Not even a little bit.

    Especially when it's not even like 10% of people participating.

    AND many people already don't do anything after work on a Friday. They just go home and relax.

    Needs to be longer than 24 hours and it needs to gain mainstream support. Until then it'll be comically easy for the billionaires at the top to ignore everything.

  • Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives!
  • Come on come all its time for cm002 to post the exact same shit that's already all over Lemmy but now in another place!

    Y'all already have the entire goddamn website dedicated to shitting on conservatives 24/7. Making yet another place to do it is just repetitive and unnecessary.

    I don't care for most conservative bullshit either, but at least it was nice seeing the random post that wasn't exactly the same as every other goddamn sub on this site.

  • Whats going on with my pc monitor?
  • Damn that's unfortunate. Sounds like the screen is dying or already was when you got it.

    I've had good experience with that brand of monitors on the past personally. Shame yours is kicking the bucket.

  • Advice
  • "just sit still" said to me by pretty much every teacher my entire life.

    I'm not sure what teachers should do with chronic leg jigglers and fidgety people, but telling them to just sit still was not a winner lol.

  • What are some aspects of UI/UX seen in modern websites that really grind your gears?
  • Giant tiles or moving pictures instead of small buttons to click to navigate.

    I'm not saying I want every website to look like Wikipedia but if I had to choose between mostly text with obviously clickable links vs abstract art with bullshit hit boxes I'll take the "boring" text every single time.

    Too many UI devs forget that they need to make it functional and easy to navigate first and THEN you can add flair. Never add pizazz if it inhibits functionality or visibility.

  • What's your favorite sound?

    Is a pretty strong contender imo.

    Greatest sounding car on the planet.

  • Trump says Putin would keep his word on a Ukraine peace deal
  • Guy notorious for lying consistently is sure to keep his word this time!

    Fucking idiots.

  • [Challenge-Solved] Probably one of my favorite gadgets. I wish I had known about them sooner.

    These are electric nail "clippers".

    Though it's really more of a nail shaver if you think about it....


    [Challenge-Solved] I have actually used a couple variants of this thing

    It's a metal band tensioner and cutter. Usually used to secure something to a post that you have no intention of removing for the foreseeable future.


    I don't know where else to ask this. What do the various symbols I've seen around mean?

    Obviously I understand the trash can icon, but I didn't delete my own comment so is that telling me the mods or the original poster deleted my comment? Does the symbol on the right mean they blocked me?

    I tried finding info anywhere in the sync app and looked for Lemmy FAQ pages but none of them had anything on the symbols anywhere.
