I don't think I've really seen any literature about web3 that wasn't a crypto scam in a trench coat. Do you have any links or info about the original goals of web3?
The thing is that many people, myself included assumed most were dead and cannibalised by Reddit and Facebook groups. Turns out those specialised places have been running continuously on their own pace. Yeah, threads can still span hundreds of pages but in the end going through them makes you an expert on things overnight ;)
Bring them back! I for one would rather use a forum over a fucking Discord server any day of the week. At least forums are open, searchable and discoverable. Good luck finding the answer to a question you have that some poor sod like you may have also asked in a Discord server months or years ago.
Yes, but this time deep web forums that are unsearchable/unindexed so that information is lost forever! (Discord, telegram, matrix)actually that might actually be a return to web 1 forums before search engines were giant and all forum seach engines sucked ass 😂
I think it's always going to be a sort of long-tail phenomenon, with most people involved in the biggest platforms, but a large number of small platforms that attract a minority of the overall population.
Depends on where you live, but in the US I think there will be a sharp divide between two general groups: a minority who put some thought into what they do, and the vast meme-ified masses who accept whatever is laid out for them.
I think by now we have figured out the majority of people are garbage and you only want to spend time with a select group. Discord seems to have this figured out.
It depends on the discord. I joined a discord where the most narcissistic people were there and they singled me out for whatever reason because I wasn't just simply going with their thinking. There was another member that thought like me but their own narcissi tendencies made up a conspiracy theory that somehow that was my alt. I didn't even know the guy irl. It's a shame as I was interested in the subject matter of the discord but I guess if enough village idiots own a discord, the smart villager is seen as the idiot.
Sounds a lot like the past. And, actually, a bit like the current internet. Custom websites, feed syndication, etc. didn't disappear, they just shrank in the face of behemoth platforms.
Definitely depends on the site because I've seen some impressive modern looking sites in the past, but a lot of sites I find on there definitely encapsulate that vibe in a great way.
EU would have to defend Greenland from the USA (and given the already huge amount of US miliary presense, they would probably fail). South America would be a warzone between US and resistance forces funded by EU, but since they also have to fund the defence against Russia, they don't have the fund to fight two fronts, so they focus more on the EU-Russia front. UK will have to also defend itself from the US military that can launch an attack from Greenland at any moment (good luck, they left the EU lmfao). Russia and China relationship doesn't do so well and they fight over Mongolia and the "Middle East" (for lack of a better term). Australia joins China as a Special Administrative region because USA gone fascist, and EU is already fighting two fronts, so they eventually got absorbed in China's sphere of influence. Japan is now a warzone between Vanguardist "Socialist" China, and Fascist USA.
And Taiwan is... wait what's a "Taiwan"? Oh that boring island that has totally always been under PLA control and totally never had any de facto autonomy under the name ROC, like ever, that Taiwan? Long live CCP! (/s 😉)
(Actually, maybe I should write a story about all this... 👀)
Panama, Greenland, after that might as well take the rest of Central America, move all the people out to the Galapagos Islands and build an all inclusive ocean to ocean resort complex.
I wasn't too early, but I joined reddit around the Dota 2 beta, so circa 2012, and damn the site became more and more garbage the more people it had, most comments became nothing but karma farming one liners, references or snide shit.
Communities grew into massive echo chambers, quality of discussions went down the drain.
I firmly believe that connecting people to their IRL friends is an important part of the potential of the Internet, as it is shown by Facebook, for example.
But I also believe there are people looking to connect with new people and finding a community where they can express themselves wholly. I think the current Internet is weak in this regard, weaker than it has been before, but I think it's possible to build a place where people can connect.
I have a friends Discord I set up a year before Covid, and for about a year only 3 people used it, mainly to play some games together.
But when Covid hit, it obviously gained some traction. And now it's THE place I interact with friends since I've long ditched the likes of Facebook.
I keep going back and forth on whether or not to possibly set up a Mastodon server for friends. The hardest part would be convincing people to use it. But it could just be like our little shared space that could still interact with the wider world. It'd be kinda cool to have a Local feed be just people you know in real life.
Small communities where one can talk about specific subjects? Man there's something like that already and people can run it from their own computers too, forgot the name though.
I do not hold with this, at all. After leaving Twitter two years ago, and going to Mastodon, and Mbin, when the world started to come to an end three weeks ago, when Trump flipped to making the US and ally of Russia against the world, I needed to be plugged in, so with years of reservations against supporting anything fucking Jack was involved in (he's still the largest single shareholder of bluesky stock, so fuck off telling me he stepped away from the board), I finally signed up for Bluesky, because when shit is going down, I don't need to be browsing some lefty tankie currated community for realtime news, I need to be jacked in to the widest collective there is, so I can parse and disseminate information for every source possible.
Maybe the idea behind those smaller communities is that they’d be focused on things like fishing and kite surfing. Social media that are even remotely popular have become football stadiums where people constantly need to pledge allegiance to their teams and that’s just really boring now.
the world is now gripped in the great struggle between democracy and fascist disassembly with the worlds only superpower squarely onside with a criminal fascist government of russia with no regard for human life even of it's own citizens, with Billions of real lives on the line all around the world, a great many of us will be fighting over tinned beans and rainwater in the next years, there is nothing boring about being able to prepare yourself to keep your family and loved ones as protected as you can, with forewarning, and kite surfing ain't gonna do that. fishing will become more and more useful though, that's a good one.
We need at least ONE (hopefully not more though heh) person on there when Pres Musk announces WWIII so they can screenshot for us :(
Guess that’s why there’s XCancel.com & a couple others mirroring - they’re soldiers, must be costing them a bit of actual $ to create enough accounts to still scrape & mirror so many tweets from the site
I'm finding it just like Twitter used to be (which is what I heard it was, and expected before I signed up), minus the overt Nazis, and able to weed out the AntiSemites easily enough with an actual "fuck off into the shadow realm i can't see you you can't see me" block function, as apposed to what Mbin/Lemmy offer which is simply masking
Depends on how you measure things. If you pie-chart the internet by bandwidth used, most of it is currently used for TV 2.0 (streaming video, mostly by subscription.)
I really don't consider streaming services to be the "real" internet. It's video on demand, and not a communication, socialization and creation space like the rest of the net.
Full disclosure: I've been part of that cluster of communities for a couple years now. Best advice i have to give to anyone is to take their time. The speed of conversation often slows way WAY down.
It can be commoditised but it’s hard to gain mindshare against monopolies like Facebook. It doesn’t really cost that much to run a small board / forum / chatgroup.
I'd say genuine. Genuine experiences. Sharing shit for sharing's sake. Not for better SEO. Not for profit. Just unadulterated human expression.
That's how I envision using the internet for entertainment in the near future. I'll still use the shitty corporate sites when I must, for transactional browsing. I'm not going to pretend I can push Amazon, Microsoft, Google, online banking, etc. out of my life just like that.
But I will actively seek authentic spaces. They will be a tad smaller than your average social network, Reddit, and whatnot. But I'm certain they're out there and more people will join me in this search and populate these small spaces as time goes on.
Lemmy, Mastodon, the IndieWeb movement. The first steps. I hope to find more!
Not all of Reddit works, but some of it does for some people, and the reason it works for them is because the moderators shape communities that the community members enjoy participating in.
Personally, I think active communities below the Dunbar number (about 150) in size are some of the most rewarding to participate in, long term. But, there are always a lot of people who flock to wherever the biggest crowds are.
Most small group forums have manual user validation with very specific questions.
I’ve seen stuff like “what is on the the 5th page of the user guide for this product” along with language/culture specific questions you can’t just easily google on forums that are focused on a specific area
Does the Networking Effect suddenly no longer apply to internet applications? Seems like we're just seeing people gradually migrate from older and less functional applications like Twitter and Facebook over to newer and more functional applications like BlueSky and RedNote.
If me and other linux nerds being happy in our little mastodon instances about some random feature being added that no real life person cares about is a circle jerk then im all in for it