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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Which browser do you use and why?
  • Depends on which way the Firefox ditchers jump - jumping to Chrome, yeah... not great. Jumping to more privacy respecting options... it's your data, you should be able to choose (if you care...)

  • Which browser do you use and why?
  • I read the new language to mean: they are going to record your input streams and feed them to AI/LLM - thereby recording your previously private info that they used to discard and protect. Up to you, I use Chrome because it integrates well with the gmail account I've used for 25+ years and I appreciate the "login anywhere and get your same setup" functionality, as well as the ability to nuke remote login sessions.

  • Google’s ‘Secret’ Update Scans All Your Photos
  • Google photos has been "searchable by name" for years now. Tell it the name of a face in one photo and it can go search (pretty successfully) through all your photos for other photos containing that person. And, of course, once told, it never forgets.

    Is it still a service when you are the product? Or, are you being served?

  • The future of the internet is likely smaller communities, with a focus on curated experiences
  • Smaller communities don't get targeted for commercial exploitation. But, then, something has to support them even if they don't cost much to run - they still cost something, both for bandwidth/storage and moderation/curation effort.

  • The future of the internet is likely smaller communities, with a focus on curated experiences
  • Not all of Reddit works, but some of it does for some people, and the reason it works for them is because the moderators shape communities that the community members enjoy participating in.

    Personally, I think active communities below the Dunbar number (about 150) in size are some of the most rewarding to participate in, long term. But, there are always a lot of people who flock to wherever the biggest crowds are.

  • Apparently, 12% of Technology Workers Believe that MacOS is based on Linux
  • While I was doing OS-X stuff, I remember Darwin just being a really painfully bad implementation of the apt functionality in Debian based Linuxes... Potaytoe, Potahtoe, Darwin is like burnt house fries, IMO.

  • Google is on the Wrong Side of History.
  • It is, but the tellings I have heard of the Peter Principal generally have the incompetence leveling off at some lower strata where they can no longer do the job well so they don't advance any further.

    The unspoken implication of Icahn's advancement theory is that management doesn't really do much of importance in these companies, basically any idiot can rise to the top. Of course that's not true, people can always actively undermine their own success, so they at least have to be smart enough to not do that.

    Highly successful CEO I met over dinner once had this to say about his outstanding company growth performance: 1) it wasn't him, it was luck of being in the right place at the right time and not screwing it up too badly. 2) The hardest thing was choosing who to hire. If at least half of his new hire choices didn't actively make things worse, he considered that to be a good batch.

  • HP ditches 15-minute wait time policy due to 'feedback'
  • The ultimate answer:

    They have been making these things for decades, they know how to make them better, they know how to make them more durable, they know how to making them even simpler to use and fix, they choose not to, for profit. That should be structurally discouraged.

    Charge the manufacturers for the FULL, REAL environmental impact of shipping materials and end of life disposal of their products. Yes, that cost will be passed to the consumers, as it should be. It also rewards sale of more durable goods.