Rattled by a horde of MAGA trolls, here’s what I learned about today’s social media miasma.
Last Friday I made a post on Bluesky and X, concerning U.S. President Donald Trump’s description of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as “Governor.” It occurred to me that, numb as we are to Trump’s stream of blather, the importance of that remark was being overlooked. It was an overt declaration by the president of the United States that he does not recognize Canadian sovereignty. That’s scary.
So, my post: “For a US president to refer to the Prime Minister of Canada as ‘Governor’ isn’t just rude. It’s a hostile act.”
The post got little attention on Bluesky. On X, for whatever reason, it went berserk. Over the weekend it racked up close to 3,000 reposts, over 29,000 “likes” and more than 5,000 replies. Those replies came almost entirely from Trump-loving trolls, piling scorn and abuse on my concerns. “Yeah but it’s Canada so who gives a fuck?” said one.
Do the responses represent a genuine glimpse of U.S. opinion on Trump’s bully-boy act?
Its bad on TikTok too. I've seen lots of news clips on TikTok of Trump and the 51st sate comment. Most comment replies to these videos have been from Maga supporters. Along the lines of "Canada should be honored to become part of the greatest country on earth".
It's very disturbing and very serious. An outright sign of war. It's a tarrif war for now but I worry about what it will be in future.
This quote from a political scientist they interview for the article is one of the most baffling statements I've seen in a while. I keep staring at it.
“You know, it’s sad,” Givens says. “I was one of the first Americans to study the far right in Europe. I’ve looked at various aspects, anti-immigration stuff, anti-discrimination policy, the roots of racism. I did a video for PBS called ‘Can democracy survive racism?’ This was back in 2019.
“And now I’m like, ‘Damn, I didn’t think the U.S. was going to be the first to fall.’”
It is simultaneously nonsensical and the essence of "this explains a lot".
Even some of us in Australia could see it coming. Back in 2023, one of our former PMs interviewed a member of a CIA taskforce that had created a predictive model for civil wars. Normally it's used on other countries, but they tried applying it to the US and you can guess what the results were.
Yeah, Americans are very keen on the idea that the situation will resolve violently through civil war (or revolution).
I'm skeptical. More likely they will quietly submit, as they have so far. Non-US countries should consider the entirety of the US a hostile regime until I'm proven wrong, the same way they do with Russia or Belarus.
While the situation in the US is indeed very dire, I would say that places like Hungary did fall first. I am also afraid that the US wount be the last to fall. Many countries in Europe are shaky at the moment.
Oh, it absolutely won't be the last, but the source was always in the US (via Russia, perhaps). European fascists recently held a summit and the standout quote, from Marine LePen, no less, was "Donald Trump has shown us the way, and the way is strength". Orban said that "The Trump tornado changed everything, yesterday we were outcasts, today we're mainstream".
The rise of the far right worldwide is in no small part driven by US social media profiting and enabling the grotesque drive of misinformation and radicalization that was deployed first in the nromalization of the Tea Party and the justification of the war on terror nonsense and then weaponized during Brexit in the UK.
It was always going to be the US first. And with US backing as a wealthier hostile actor, others will likely follow. Keep an eye on Germany to see if the US implosion acts as a driver or a deterrent. Not everywhere will behave the same, but the dominoes are thudding down now.
And all of this comes down to the last US election. As far as I'm concerned, anybody who could have voted for Harris and didn't is a fifth-columnist, as is anybody who could vote for a non-fascist party with representation in Europe and doesn't.
I'd seen warnings posted that this, in large part, is and is going to be a psychological type of warfare. I thought it was nonsense at first, till I saw the barrage of verbal attacks against Canadians continuing to grow in numbers and frequency at sites like Reddit... telling us we're useless and might as well give up. But then it occurred to me that when our enemy wants us to think we're doing it wrong, it's because they know we're doing it right!
So if they are, in fact, attempting to defeat us psychologically, then we need to fight back the same way: We need to maintain and guard our right thinking and perspective by continuing to read and post and share those articles that prove our efforts are working! When we read something that discourages us, we need to follow it up by also reading from the reams of encouraging news out there! Foremost, we need to remind ourselves and each other that we aren't alone in this... that, as Canadians, we are 40 million strong! And not only this, but we also have the support of Friends from all around the world, many of them even joining us in our efforts!
So we need to keep standing together and standing strong... knowing they would love nothing more than to see us give up, and in fact need for us to give up cause they know what we're doing is working!
Also, Twitter has a lot of bots. More than ever before. This shapes discussion in many ways. Most basically, posts meeting certain narratives get more upvotes, quote tweets, etc. resulting in an algorithmic boost. Add in Xitter's desire to "boost engagement" by bidding controversial content. Finally, so many people are leaving Xitter, or at least using it less at it's quality declines.
The purpose of troll farms is to overwhelm people with a wave of opinion, making it seem like it's the opinion of the majority even if it's only a minority, to make readers doubt their own opinions as they see to much support which really is only 1 person for every 1000 comments if that.
@breakfastmtn "is this how americans really feel?" -- a lot of them, yes. 100%, there are plenty of americans who feel that way. certainly not all of them, but definitely a lot
People who decide not to vote are in fact making a positive statement, they're saying "we agree with whatever the people who do vote decide." I don't give America a pass due to apathy.
It's probably a vanishingly small population that actually believes the US should absorb Canada. The problem is there's a substantial population that will just support anything Trump says without critical thought, and Trump will repeat anything Putin tells him to without critical thought.
WTF are you talking about. You wanted the Nazis To win WWII? Why don’t you ask the South Koreans if they think US involvement in their war was “in the wrong”?
Massive support? People were marching in the streets here over Vietnam.
Canadians will need to do the right thing and hurt America in the spot they like most: their pocketbook.
This will hurt us too, no doubt. Monetarily, probably more. But I don’t think the average American are prepared for what kind of hurt we can put them through.
I agree with you but you need to be careful about the details. You'd like to think Americans care about their pocketbook, but so many people voted for Trump with the clear expectation that he would raise the cost of living.
Or maybe they believed his lies, and now we've seen that egg prices are higher than ever and gas isn't going down, but still there's no public outcry, right? We have millions of Americans who will vote against their own best financial interests.
I think it's still kind of early for many Americans who voted for Trump to "bring down the price of eggs" to realize that they were lied to.
There has to be some level of cope that they'll have to overcome first. Like they'll see Trump and Elon dismantling the gov and think that they're just making it less wasteful to save money, which they'll use to save the economy. Or that as more and more "criminal" immigrants are deported prices will start to come down somehow. Something along those lines.
I like to imagine that the farther we go into Trump's presidency the more that those economic voters will start to realize that they were sold a bad bill of goods. It's only been about a month since he was inaugurated after all. He's still in that "honeymoon" phase of his presidency.
The thing that is surprisingly hard to keep in mind is that the US is a culturally fascist country. It has been for a very long time. It's what a fascist democracy looks like.
It is a country with long standing and broadly shared and accepted foundational mythology. It glorifies the military, and the "All American" young adult. There's a strong cult of tradition, a deep distrust of learning and knowledge, and firm belief in the United States as a country and people of "action". Despite their own claims to the contrary, they believe that disagreement with the US is betrayal, particularly on the part of people who arr not white and born of white US citizens. They always have an external enemy (and often an internal one, too) to judtify any action. They have contempt for countries and peoples they see as weak, and a huge hard-on for machismo.
American exceptionalism, which is taught to every school child in the country, is a fascist doctrine.
You can go down the list of fascist qualities outlined in Ur-Fascism and see that the US has always ticked off a large majority of them. The only thing that's different today is that Americans are confronting someone trying to turn it into a disctatorship.
It's not the fascism that bothers people about the current shift, but the governing structure the current fascist-in-chief is trying to impose.
The media needs to catch up with the notion that they can’t rely on Twitter to be an accurate pulse on the world sentiment. It’s not the same people at X. It’s not people at X in a lot of cases with the bots.
It likely went “berserk” because X’s algorithm and the bots are tuned to whip up keywords like “governor” and “Canada” used together.
yes... of a vocal subset of the maga cult. magas generally have some similar views but it's the extremist trolls that you encounter most online.. because they're so fucking persistent and they're everywhere specifically looking for opportunities to hurt others and spread the gospel of a leaky diaper.
the maga nuts are about one-third of the country. another third is furious and pissed-off, and the last third has no fucking clue how bad it really is and how much worse it's headed for.
The U.S. is a terrorist organization. They always have been. They’ve always been at war and are always looking for war.
Anyone who thinks different just needs to look at the atrocities they’ve committed in the past.
Look at the atrocities they’re doing now and it’s widely being accepted as OK. Ethnic cleansing, removing one people’s from a location they’ve lived in forever, annexation of sovereign nations, discussing negotiations of a country without the country under attack being invited to discuss their future, nazis in the henhouse, Nazis taking to the streets to proclaim victory, mass racial action, concentration camps for migrants, using <insert excuse here> to bolster their wants.
This isn’t a stable country, this is a country beginning to show its true colours and hopefully they get ripped apart from the inside.
Someone needs to put down Trump and his rabid MAGA movement.
X is full of Musk bot propaganda which was always his plan. X is obviously manipulated but by who? I'd love for someone to take him to court & find out. Wouldn't be surprised to learn him & Trump have foreign countries helping, likely Saudi Arabia & Israel.
Yeah youtube comments aren't the same as the ones of yore people generally think of. They used to be filled with slurs and racism and now they're mainly just insipid with some very occasional ok discussion or info
If it had been about a US state, the responses would have been exactly the same. Magas hate anything that doesn't agree with them, so what chance could Canada stand on a hatehole like twatter?
Blogger uses a clickbait title, you're never guess what happened next!
What happened next is I don't take the article seriously, titling it like the audience is a bunch of 14 year olds with impulse control issues is a great way to burn credibility.
I missed nothing. This is a left wing circle jerk piece about how toxic Twitter is and how over encumbered it is with far right Trump supporters, and I don't need a companion essay to provide further context on that.
"Do the responses represent a genuine glimpse of U.S. opinion on Trump’s bully-boy act?"
Obviously fucking not. Saved everyone else a click.
Say what you want about how many Americans disagree with Trump blah blah blah, when it comes down to it, Trump could invade us tomorrow and throw us into concentration camps and enough Americans would be behind it that he could get away with it. I don't see how canada doesn't become annexed by the us within the next few years. I doubt the Republicans will ever lose power of the government again, so this is pretty much our future. I'm thinking of moving but I doubt I can convince my wife to come with me. Plus our house is here. Not sure if I sell it before the us comes and steals everything.
Trump could invade us tomorrow and throw us into concentration camps and enough Americans would be behind it that he could get away with it.
A rather large chunk of Americans would rather fight for Canada tbh. Also, most battlegrounds would be in blue states, which are the ones who least want that.
But would they? I'm sure they'd disagree but I don't think they're gonna rise up and try to fight against the military. We'd get steam rolled and the world would just sit and watch. Sure they'd be mad, but in the end, the us military is #1 without any actual competitors other than China who is fixated on Taiwan and at the same time hates us anyway.
We have 1/10th your population and economy. We have a tiny military in comparison with outdated technology. It would be laughably easy for you to take us over. Yeah, maybe the rest of the world joins in, or maybe they just let it happen. You guys are the preeminent military force on earth. I could see it happening without any resistance from our allies. I bet that it woudl lead to the collapse of nato. In fact, I bet it ends the way that putin had hoped for Ukraine. Even an under ground resistance would be weak since you guys are right next door. The logistics of a full scale invasion would be simple for your guys. Honestly at this point i don't think there is a lot preventing it from happening. Trump has made it clear he isn't going to follow the law. He has also made it clear that he is willing to do extreme things. At this point I think it's a matter of what is easiest for him. Collapse us economically so we join willingly or a military invasion. I think the reason he picked the first is because it's easier.