It would behoove you to learn to not be reactionary to an obsessive level and recognize when someone is screwing with you because it's fun to make you spaz out.
All prices are going up on April 1st because if Canadians can pay for heat and food, that means Canadians have too much money. Watch in April what happens.
Ok, whatever, if you say so
Decentralized social media is the answer, not federated social media and federated never will be.
XMPP with OMEMO is far superior to Matrix
I thought I might get questioned on it, no prob Bob. For Linux, both the kernel and the 400 distributions, I say schizophrenic they are all labelled as Linux but they can't function together. The Arch kernel is different from the Parabola kernel, and the Fedora kernel and the generic kernel from the Slackware kernel, The way Pllasma runs on Gentoo has been modified from how Plasma runs on Devuan. Again, they all fall under "Linux" but can function quite different and any 3rd party software has to be modified to be customized for each distribution. If a program in Debian can't function, SUSE people might not be able solve it if they don't know the Debian layout. The Linux eco-systems is very fractured, divided, yet all run Linux kernel, they are the same but different because they're distributions, but run the same system but not compatible with each other, it's schizophrenic.
In comparison to OpenBSD, it is on group of people that develop the OpenBSD kernel, OpenBSD system files and libraries, with a single point of focus behind their engineering and design, and develop their own software management tools. Similar with FreeBSD, that there is a set team that develop the FreeBSD kernel who have nothing at all to do with OpenBSD kernel. What works on FreeBSD is not going to work on FreeBSD. And the FreeBSD team develops their own FreeBSD system files and libraries with their own FreeBSD design and engineering so that each BSD is their own standalone operating system. A FreeBSD kernel will never function or be recognized by an OpenBSD system. Porting a program to OpenBSD is not going to work in FreeBSD because the whole system is designed differently, that's why each BSD is an operating system and why BSD does not have distributions. FreeBSD will never be able to read a NetBSD file.
Whats' app, while E2EE can still pull lots of information from who you message, how often, the size of the messages, and contact's phone number. Messenger has the content of your messages and with whom you converse according to Facebook account info stored on Facebook servers. Snapchat has a record of all activity, contacts, and message content. The messages only disappear from app but not from SnapChat servers. All 3 of those record of how you live your life, except Whatsapp can't see content of messages but still has your activities and contact phone numbers.
Signal was ordered to turn over user content to court and Signal only had when the user last connected to the service and date of account creation. Signal had zero information about messages, when messages were sent, or to whom.
The value will be a comparsion of path tracing and raying performance on ultra, no FSR and no DLSS, at 1440p ultra of 9070 XT and 5070 Ti.
To get gamers interested in Radeon, if ray tracing performance matches or slightly higher than 5070 Ti, than it must be priced at $500 to beat 5070 at $550 or gamers will buy nVidia.
Will he bring transparency or restrictions on pharmaceutical companies, what does he bring? Can he put a ban on pharmaceutical companies doing advertisements and commercials? There must be criminal laws created for the financial ties between drug companies and politicians.
For the sake of basic security, there should be a lot more corporate adoption of OpenBSD and FreeBSD. Company networks would be a lot more secure than using Linux due to Linux's schizophrenic nature. Ask a full time BSD sysadmin their view on Linux.
If you're not catching on to the point, then I'll leave it that, no animosity.
The highest form of being a patriot is dissent.
Publicly banning opinions and beliefs is the fastest way to lead to murder and physical violence. Most commonly, murdering those that have been banned for not conforming. But if you can find other areas of personal interests and enjoyment to build friendships with people who disagree with your opinions, the collective whole is not so hostile.
Are you demanding nationalism?
Libre software selling whatever they can is good for maintaining development.
If the Linux kernel ever changed to AGPLv3 I would for sure buy one GNU/Linux stable release each year to make up for corporations that would ban Linux from their network due to AGPL3 legal obligations.
Am I not allowed to choose to spend my own cash on higher priced import items if that's what I choose to do?
By your logic, you must show respect and acceptance to libertarians or anyone who follows religious teachings if they are not trying to punch or shoot anyone. Other than that, that's what criminal law is for, to protect everyone from execution or assassination, but rejecting people, refusing to associate certain types of people because they find certain kind of people disgusting does not equate to planning mass murder.
There is no such thing as diversity if nobody is allowed to reject what you believe in, reject your opinions, a la "diverse opinions and beliefs".
Carney believes Canadians have too much money. Carney has no interest if Canadians can't afford food food or clothes. He only cares that all Canadians give their paycheque to government and give thanks to government that they are still alive. Watch interviews of former colleagues. Research his associations and personal values.
All prices on everything in Canada is going up on April 1st, Carney wants higher taxes on working people, Carney wants more taxes on companies. Look up how many years ago Carney last paid income tax.
Go out and ask people on the street who they want as prime minister, the internet is not the real world so don't go by internet blah blah blah pieces. Ask people about their political disagreements when hanging with friends because friends can strongly disagree on politics and maintain a close relationship. some married couples vote differently from each other. Social media websites will never be an accurate gage of voters intentions.
Vespucci for OSM
I'm interested in using Vespucci app to help contribute to OpenStreetMap but I do not have cell service, I don't have data or GPS, it's wi-fi only so no working GPS.
I can't figure out how to use Vespucci with a offline phone when outside.