Robert F. Kennedy Jr., independent challenger for president and anti-vaccine activist, has a cockamamie solution for drug addicts and people who use medication for depression or ADHD: strip people of their tech gadgets and send them to government-funded "wellness farms" to grow organic food. Doesn't...
This dumbass thinks we'll concentrate better in camps. Psssh. (This was a joke. I know it should be obvious but that's no longer the world we live in.)
I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it — to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities
Yes I too read A Scanner Darkly dipshit. I'm absolutely sure you can't wait to send people to the New-Path farming commune so that you can profit off of their altered state in hopes that "one day" they'll be able to rejoin society.
What a fucking dipshit. They just all honest to god want modern slaves. Like good god, there's no veil to it any longer, they just want free fucking labor.
Yeah, the fucking heavens had to align to create the single greatest opportunity for this pun. The news editor looked up at the choir of singing angels and quietly whispered “no” as they used the word “labor” instead.
Or he could just change his mind after snorting another line of coke.
"And then once they get to my forced happy farm, they'll all get a unicorn <rips line> and, wait for it man,... they pay me to be there...."
Don't worry, they'll make sure to "protect" your loved ones if you keep working hard. Protect from what, you ask? Well, just keep working hard and you won't need to worry about it.
Incidentally, if anyone is a screenwriter, I'd love to see a film where an alien parasite takes over the brain of a prominent politician and forces the population of a country to stop taking prescription meds so it can reproduce. I just don't want to be in that movie.
If the Trusk-era US economy is to run on prison labour, they will need technically skilled inmates. Between people with ADHD and people with depression and anxiety disorders, this should provide plenty.
he’s a cunt, but that’s not what he said at all….
he said he wanted to establish optional camps to help people get off these drugs if they want to… and that they would grow their own organic food, because he sees diet as an underlying cause… not labor for other people….
who knows what the real camps would be like but this is an old story taken to extreme assumptions
Ah I see you are a comrade who buys into phrasing like special operations not meaning invasion. Quite interesting isn't it how effective simple word play leads to some members of the population insisting it isn't what other people see it to be. Concentration camp? No no comrade we don't call it that anymore.
It kind of sounds like you are unfamiliar with the kinds of "options" people who get caught for drug related offenses are given. Even now it includes things like "optionally" being an informant, or else going to jail or prison. Or in other cases, "optionally" admit you are an addict and submit yourself to a court ordered rehabilitation program, or again, circle the incarceration drain. Should be noted that many of these "rehabilitation" programs in rural areas are faith based - as in, they care more about turning you into a Christian (of their particular denomination), than they do about rehabilitating your actual addiction.
I have a suspicion that this new program is going to coincide with an upsurge in the drug war. I think it would be wise to err on the side of caution and stay away from all federally illegal substances. Supposedly RFK wants to fund this with cannabis taxes, but that is still federally illegal. So they could just as easily institute a cannabis crackdown if they wanted.
How do you know what is going through his worm infested brain? I think its fair to assume the worst about this idiot and extrapolate what he actually means when he talks about these 'wellness' camps.
At the very least, he wants to take meds away from people who need them to survive and be happy. That's already batshit levels of insane and cruel. I don't think forced labor camps are too much of a stretch from there.
I don't see why you're downvoted. The headline is directly misquoting him.
I don't agree with him on much, but having optional organic farms like a peace corp is not a terrible idea to help people. There's lots of mental health benefits to getting into nature, eating healthy, being active, etc. It's not going to help everyone, but that idea on its own isn't crazy for a government mental health program.
He'd sooner eat a bag of McDonalds than do a single crazy thing he promised.
What's that? He already did the McD thing? As a show of fealty to our new king?
Oh, my.
I've been saying for years that people on the left need to get strapped, and that cops ain't there to protect them. It's sad that it's taken a fascist getting elected--mostly because too many people on the left were purity testing and sat out--for them to catch on.
...And yet, left-leaning states (Colorado, California, others) keep trying to restrict gun rights even more.
While the article is a little dated, it's also a little misleading since he's describing all brain altering drugs, such a opioids.
Still not great, but the devil's advocate could still argue that mandatory rehab at a commune for drug abuse is quite reasonable (especially over prison). What's problematic is him making it a labor camp, and including things like Adderall even if it doesn't quite sound mandatory in their case. Adderall abuse certainly exists, as with most things, but it's certainly no heroin.
Right now the status quo sucks, though, as far as drug rehab and government services are concerned. Since at least Reagan, we've gutted those services to those who need it. Just wish it wasn't these assholes filling that void. Really need a progressive in office...
More like if we don't get our basic facts straight we look just as disconnected as they are. This post is misleading and there is absolutely no need to exaggerate, RFKs idea is plenty stupid but now the article is just an easily dismissed propaganda piece because it eschews objective reality instead of just outlining the actual stupidity. Who is to trust anything in this article after the title is outright wrong? Like this entire article isn't even worth anyone's time, it's just RFK spitballing to the media so they had to make up a bs title while there are real news articles likely getting ignored
What do you think is more likely, Republicans, for the first time in existence do something to help people and put together a safe and comprehensive mental wellness program for people that need it that would cost billions? Or the party of the 13th amendment expanding it to include anyone they deem undesirable?
I think my point is they're exploiting a real need in order to push whatever crap agenda they have. That's true in healthcare, immigration, and "the price of eggs" (read: social inequality). Until those holes are fixed, there'll be conmen to exploit our needs.
Since at least Reagan, we’ve gutted those services to those who need it. Just wish it wasn’t these assholes filling that void.
They're not filling that void. Their broad antagonism towards all things healthcare and science makes that painfully clear. A vague idea about "wellness" on a "farm" that is really just forced labor is not healthcare reform, it's a threat of violence.
I actually can't find anything about chronic cocaine use causing incontinence .
Short-term it makes you get the shits, long term it can turn your bowels into non-functioning tubes of fecal compaction and cause lethal constipation or require surgery to remove the giant death-turds that will occur. As for urination, I suppose like anything you abuse it might cause damage to muscles or delicate blood vessels that allow organs like the bladder to function, but by that point you are more likely to see kidney death before bladder death.
People can develop incontinence without any help from drugs too, it's a common and embarrassing symptom that can be caused by a number of different diseases or conditions that can hit anyone at any age.
Just throwing a little actual knowledge into a pool of speculation. I was raised by a cocaine addict in a family of cocaine addicts, I've seen its effects. I tend to think Trump does use stimulants or did for a long time, the way he speaks and his mannerisms lines up pretty close to what I've seen over and over. The shit will fuck up your brain long before it hits your guts.
Every time someone points out hypocrisy in this "administration" I want to smash my own skull through a marble table.
Yes, they are massive hypocrites, they didn't win leadership despite this fact, they won leadership BECAUSE of this fact. They appealed to the hateful while driving away the moderates and less engaged people by shitting in the political well. The people who voted these shitsacks into office are our nation's most hateful, hypocritical idiots who see someone above the law as an "alpha" and will praise him every time he does something inconsistent, because they see it enrage normal, decent people and they consider that "winning."
They'll threaten the people you love if you don't comply.
Look around at other places that do this kind of thing. You don't think they've thought about that already? There's a story floating around about a dude in a similar situation who didn't meet the quota (or something), and they cut off his little kid's hand as punishment.
Exactly. Getting people to work when in involuntary servitude is a solved problem. You can research some of the history of what methods were used to get African slaves to work, especially in the early colonial Caribbean colonies, if you really want to lose faith in humanity.
It was actually a quite difficult problem from the slaver's perspective. You kidnap some guy from the coast of West Africa. You take him from his family, haul him across an ocean, and force him to work against his will on a sugar plantation on a Caribbean island. You offer him no way out and instruct him he's to work as hard as he can until he keels over and dies. He gets nothing from his work, and he has no way to earn or buy his freedom. Oh, and he doesn't think he did anything to deserve this treatment either.
Exactly what motivation does this man have to work for you exactly? Early on, in these slave colonies, the slavers found that many abducted people would simply refuse to eat and starve themselves to death. The inescapability of their predicament meant that the slaves couldn't even hold out hope for eventual rescue or escape. It would be like if you were abducted by aliens and hauled off to a planet in another galaxy. There's simply no way you're escaping and getting back home. So many slaves would simply refuse to work and just starve themselves to death.
Eventually the slavers did figure out ways to coerce slaves into working. And those methods are as bad, and probably even worse, than you can imagine.
Apparently, during the last Trump administration the pharmacy at the White House handed Adderall out like candy to all the staffers. Every accusation is a confession.
Seriously, was he not a good guy not that long ago? Either he wasn't and I wasn't paying enough attention to the man, or he was and I've missed something where he changed.
It sounds like communist "reeducation camps". I know the far-right claims to hate communism but they're a lot alike in that they want control over people's lives.