Basic setup for me is scripted on a new system. In regards to ssh, I make sure:
Root account is disabled, sudo only
ssh only by keys
sshd blocks all users but a few, via AllowUsers
All 'default usernames' are removed, like ec2-user or ubuntu for AWS ec2 systems
The default ssh port moved if ssh has to be exposed to the Internet. No, this doesn't make it "more secure" but damn, it reduces the script denials in my system logs, fight me.
Services are only allowed connections by an allow list of IPs or subnets. Internal, when possible.
My systems are not "unhackable" but not low-hanging fruit, either. I assume everything I have out there can be hacked by someone SUPER determined, and have a vector of protection to mitigate backwash in case they gain full access.
The default ssh port moved if ssh has to be exposed to the Internet. No, this doesn't make it "more secure" but damn, it reduces the script denials in my system logs, fight me.
Gosh I get unreasonably frustrated when someone says yeah but that's just security through obscurity. Like yeah, we all know what nmap is, a persistent threat will just look at all 65535 and figure out where ssh is listening.. But if you change your threat model and talk about bots? Logs are much cleaner and moving ports gets rid of a lot of traffic. Obviously so does enabling keys only.
Literally the only time I got somewhat hacked was when I left the default port of the service. Obscurity is reasonable, combined with other things like the ones mentioned here make you pretty much invulnerable to casuals. Somebody needs to target you to get anything.
because the password was the generic 8 characters and there was no fail2ban to stop guessing
Oof yea that'll do it, your usually fine as long as you hardened enough to at least ward off the script kiddies. The people with actual real skill tend to go after...juicer targets lmao
I ran a standard raspian ssh server on my home network for several years, default user was removed and my own user was in it's place, root was configured as standard on a raspbian, my account had a complex but fairly short password, no specific keys set.
I saw constant attacks but to my knowledge, it was never breached.
I removed it when I realized that my ISP might take a dim view of running a server on their home client net that they didn't know about, especially since it showed up on Shodan...
Don't do what I did, secure your systems properly!
But it was kinda cool to be able to SSH from Thailand back home to Sweden and browse my NAS, it was super slow, but damn cool...
Lol ssh has no reason to be port exposed in 99% of home server setups.
VPNs are extremely easy, free, and wireguard is very performant with openvpn also fine for ssh. I have yet to see any usecase for simply port forwarding ssh in a home setup. Even a public git server can be tunneled through https.
I've gotta say this post made me appreciate switching to lemmy. This post is actually helpful for the poor sap that didn't know better, instead of pure salt like another site I won't mention.
I shared it because, out there, there is a junior engineer experiencing severe imposter syndrome. And here I am, someone who has successfully delivered applications with millions of users and advanced to leadership roles within the tech industry, who overlook basic security principles.
If it's public facing, how about dont turn on ssh to the public, open it to select ips or ranges. Use a non standard port, use a cert or even a radius with TOTP like privacyIdea. How about a port knocker to open the non standard port as well. Autoban to lock out source ips.
$ man sshd_config
Specifies whether root can log in using ssh(1). The argument must be yes, prohibit-password,
forced-commands-only, or no. The default is prohibit-password.
How are people's servers getting compromised? I'm no security expert (I've never worked in tech at all) and have a public VPS, never been compromised. Mainly just use SSH keys not passwords, I don't do anything too crazy. Like if you have open SSH on port 22 with root login enabled and your root password is password123 then maybe but I'm surprised I've never been pwned if it's so easy to get got...
That makes sense. It feels a bit mad that the difference between getting pwned super easy vs not is something simple like that. But also reassuring to know, cause I was wondering how I heard about so many hobbyist home labs etc getting compromised when it'd be pretty hard to obtain a reasonably secured private key (ie not uploaded onto the cloud or anything, not stored on an unencrypted drive that other people can easily access, etc). But if it's just password logins that makes more sense.
The one db I saw compromised at a previous employer was an AWS RDS with public Internet access open and default admin username/password. Luckily it was just full of test data, so when we noticed its contents had been replaced with a ransom message we just deleted the instance.
Another thing you can do under certain circumstances which I'm sure someone on here will point out is depreciated is use TCP Wrappers. If you are only connecting to ssh from known IP addresses or IP address ranges then you can effectively block the rest of the world from accessing you. I used a combination of ipset list, fail2ban and tcp wrappers along with my firewall which like is also something old called iptables-persistent. I've also moved my ssh port up high and created several other fake ports that keep anyone port scanning my IP guessing.
These days I have all ports closed except for my wireguard port and access all of my hosted services through it.
Hardening is mostly prevent root login from outside in case every other layer of authentication and access control broke, do not allow regular user to su/sudo into it for free, and have a tight grip on anything that's executable and have a setuid bit set. I did not install a system from scratch in a long time but I believe this would be the default on most things that are not geared toward end-user devices, too.
The other poster gave you a lot. If that's too much at once, the really low hanging fruit you want to start with is:
Choose an active, secure distro. There's a lot of flavors of Linux out there and they can be fun to try but if you're putting something up publicly it should be running on one that's well maintained and known for security. CentOS and Debian are excellent easy choices for example.
Similarly, pick well maintained software with a track record. Nginx and Apache have been around forever and have excellent track records, for example, both for being secure and fixing flaws quickly.
If you use Docker, once again keep an eye out for things that are actively maintained. If you decide to use Nginx, there will be five million containers to choose from. DockerHub gives you the tools to make this determination: Download number is a decent proxy for "how many people are using this" and the list of updates tells you how often and how recently it's being updated.
Finally, definitely do look at the other poster's notes about SSH. 5 seconds after you put up an SSH server, you'll be getting hit with rogue login attempts.
Definitely get a password manager, and it's not just one password per server but one password per service. Your login password to the computer is different from your login to any other things your server is running.
The rest requires research, but these steps will protect you from the most common threats pretty effectively. The world is full of bots poking at every service they can find, so keeping them out is crucial. You won't be protected from a dedicated, knowledgeable attacker until you do the rest of what the other poster said, and then some, so try not to make too many enemies.
Remote access is next. I would suggest setting up wireguard on a machine that's not your webserver, but you can also set that up in a container as well. Either way you'll need to punch another hole in your router to point to your wire guard bastion host on your local network. It has many clients for windows and linux and android and IOS
Now internally, I'm assuming you're using Linux. In that case I'd suggest securing your ssh on all machines that you log into. On the machines you're running you should also install fail2ban, UFW, git, and some monitoring if you have the overhead but the monitoring part is outside of the purview of this comment. If you're using UFW your very first command should be sudo ufw allow ssh
Now for securing internal linux harden the kernel and remove root user. If you do this you should have a password manager setup. keepassx or bitwarden are ones I like. If those suck I'm sure someone will suggest something better. The password manager will have the root password for all of your Linux machines and they should be different passwords.
You should turn off ssh password logins on external facing servers at a minimum. Only use ssh keys, install fail2ban, disable ssh root logins, and make sure you have a firewall limiting ports to ssh and https.
How do I whitelist password logins? I only disabled password logins in SSHd and set it to only use a key.
I also like to disable root login by setting its default shell to nologin, that way, it's only accessible via sudo or doas. I think there's a better way of doing it, which is how Debian does it by default when not setting a root password, but I'm not sure how to configure that manually, or even what they do.
Please examine where devops allowed non-system people to be the last word on altering systems. This is a risk that needs block-letter indemnification or correction.
It's not that devops made ya lazy. I've been doing devops since before they coined the term, and it's a constant effort to remind people that it doesn't magically make things safe, but keeping it safe is still the way.
We have it at my company its just a very small group and we have to manually enable it for production and its through tools like teleport. Staging and the like its free game there for them for debugging, same infra through. Gives us best of all worlds
Wireguard IS a VPN. He has somehow through his challenges of exposing services to the internet, exposed wireguard from his home to the internet for him to connect to. Then he can connect to his internal services from there.
It's honestly the best option and how I operate as well. I only have a handful of items exposed and even those flow through a DMZ proxy before hitting their destination servers.
VPN’s are neat, besides the fact they’re capable of masking your IP & DNS they’re also capable of providing resources to devices outside a network.
A good example is the server at my work is only accessible on my works network, to access the server remotely without exposing it directly to the internet would be to use a VPN tunnel.
Just a note, while wireguard makes its own VPN tunnel, it differs slightly in that it isn't the typical VPN server with vpn connecting clients, it is more akin to a peer network. Each peer device gets it's own "server" and "client" config section in the setup file. And you share the public keys between each peer before hand, and set the IPs to use.
Endlessh and fail2ban are great to setup a ssh honeypot. There even is a Prometheus exporter version for some nice stats
Just expose endlessh on your public port 22 and if needed, configure your actual ssh on a different port. But generally: avoid exposing ssh if you don't actually need it or at least disable root login and disable password authentication completely.
If it is your single purpose to create a blocklist of suspect IP addresses, I guess this could be a honeypot strategy.
If it's to secure your own servers, you're only playing whack-a-mole using this method. For every IP you block, ten more will pop up.
Instead of blacklisting, it's better to whitelist the IP addresses or ranges that have a legitimate reason to connect to your server, or alternatively use someting like geoip firewall rules to limit the scope of your exposure.
That's more or less the advice I've gotten as well. I've also read good things about fail2ban which tries to ban sources of repeated authentication failures to prevent brute force password attempts. I've used it, but the only person who has managed to get banned is myself! I did get back in after the delay, but I'm happy to know it works.
Had this years ago except it was a dumbass contractor where I worked who left a Windows server with FTP services exposed to the Internet and IIRC anonymous FTP enabled, on a Friday.
When I came in on Monday it had become a repository for warez, malware, and questionable porn. We wiped out rather than trying to recover anything.
Although disabling the root user is a good part of security, leaving it enabled should not alone cause you to get compromised. If it did, you were either running a very old version of OpenSSH with a known flaw, or, your chosen root password was very simple.
I've been quite stupid with this but never really had issues. Ever since I changed the open ssh port from 22 to something else, my server is basically ignored by botnets. These days I obviously also have some other tricks like fail2ban, but it was funny how effective that was.
Almost the same here. I also change some ssh settings: disable root login, disable password, allow only public key login. That's about it. I never had any problems.
We’re not really supposed to expose the ssh port to the internet at all. Better to hide it behind a vpn.
But it’s too damn convenient for so many use cases. Fuck it. Fail2Ban works fine.
You can also set up an ssh tarpit on port 22, which will tie up the bot’s resources and get them stuck in a loop for a while. But I didn’t think it was worth attracting extra attention from the bot admins to satisfy my pettiness.
I’ve always felt that if you’re exposing an SSH or any kind of management port to the internet, you can avoid a lot of issues with a VPN. I’ve always setup a VPN. It prevents having to open up very much at all and then you can open configured web portal ports and the occasional front end protocol where needed.
Weird. My last setup had a NAT with a few VMs hosting a few different services. For example, Jellyfin, a web server, and novnc/vm. That turned out perfectly fine and it was exposed to the web. You must have had a vulnerable version of whatever web host you were using, or maybe if you had SSH open without rate limits.
I do worry about putting up public servers that other people might rely on because there's something I might not realize making it vulnerable.
So far I have pubkey root login only on the VPSs I'm messing around with, but my ol' reliable private key from 6 years ago might be beginning to fall behind on encryption standards.
Meh. Each service in its isolated VM and subnet. Plus just generally a good firewall setup. Currently hosting ~10 services plubicly, never had any issue.
Yeah the only thing forwarded past my router is my VPN. Assuming I did my job decently, without a valid private key it should be pretty difficult to compromise.
I don't think I'm ever opening up anything to the internet. It's scary out there.
I don't trust my competence, and if I did, I dont trust my attention to detail. That's why I outsource my security: pihole+firebog for links, ISP for my firewall, and Tailscale for tunnels. I'm not claiming any of them are the best, but they're all better than me.
You over estimate my competence. I do intend to leave my ISP firewall up and intact, but I could build layers behind it.
I run everything on a minipc (beelink eq12), which I intend to age into a network box (router, dns, firewall) when I outgrow it as a server. It'll be a couple years and few more users yet though.