I have done this for as long as I can remember.
Fr*nce has fallen. The croissants have been seized.
If a large marxist-leninist party does not exist, this may be the next best option given your cirumstances. You are also in the imperial core, so I think it would be very difficult to find a party that does not have at least some large issues in this regard.. If we do not have the means to have our own organization yet, it would seem somewhat reductive to try to create one, given how much time and energy that requires.
I tend to think of what Lenin said regarding reactionary trade unions. They need to be worked with as they are the main proletarian organizations. Trying to create your own "pure" union often serves the risk of just removing potential connections you could have made otherwise.
It really depends on the social conditions what path regarding these kinds of less ideologically coherent parties should be taken I think.
Marx is far more difficult for me to read through than Lenin, which is why I have read little from him directly so far. What are you reading now? I am going through capital volume 1 at the moment.
I did recently, and I highly recommend it as well.
When I am reading more casually, I do not save anything, but when I am focused on actually studying, I search to see if there are any study guides online and take notes every few paragraphs. I think for everyone, there are differences in how receptive to note taking they may be, or how notes may be taken. I sometimes take notes as if I am attempting to explain a passage to someone else, and other times it is completely incoherent to both myself and anyone who reads it.
What marxist/leftist news sources do you follow?
I have been attempting to update my rss feeds with new sites. So far, I have: Liberation News, Bulatlat, Monthly Review, Kawsachun News, Latino Rebels, Unicorn Riot, Tricontinental, Workers World, Hood Communist, Democracy Now, Peoples Dispatch, WAFA, CGTN and Granma.
WAFA, and Granma do not seem to have functional RSS feeds and I could not setup CGTN's feed properly.
I have always despised g*mer chairs for their appearance and associations.
Oooh, I should try that soon to revisit them.
I completely forgot about flash games. I tried to revisit coolmath games recently, but all of the originals on the site are unaccessible I think, which is very saddening.
Definitely minecraft. It is still my favorite game after a decade of playing it. But aside from that, Spirit Tracks/Phantom Hourglass, Kirby Superstar Ultra and Jak and Daxter.
Worst New York Times article you know of
For me, it may be the one where the author praises the whiteness and "sexiness" of Vanilla Ice, and claims he is just a misunderstood figure. I will need to search for it as they have published many articles about this man.
Lenin is very entertaining. Like in The Right of Nations to Self Determination when he basically calls Trotsky a worm.
I searched William Blum's name to check if he is the author of Killing Hope, and made a very crinkly discovery: William Blum, US Policy Critic Cited by Bin Laden, Dies at 87 | New York Times The New York Times never fails to cause me immense anguish.
In her book, 'Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement', she has a chapter dedicated to anarchism, if I remember correctly.
For Walter Rodney, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa is perhaps his most well known work. I have read that, and Decolonial Marxism. Both are very wonderful and comprehensive.
Anuradha Ghandy's book on feminist trends has been immensely useful for me in navigating a lot of idealistic tendencies which exist. Her statements regarding anarchist organizing particularly is something I think of often. It is a very short book, so it may be easier to go through as well.
And Vijay Prishad writes constantly. He is in a lot of leftist outlets being interviewed, or writing articles The books I can think of from him are Washington's Bullets, and Red Star Over the Third World.
Favorite authors
They not have to be marxist specifically, but all of mine are. My favorites are: Walter Rodney, Lenin, Anuradha Ghandy and Vijay Prishad. I have been thinking of Red Star Over the Third World again recently, and I may decide to reread it soon.