Sometimes I forget to count my blessings and I get caught up in focussing on this marxism stuff too much, and it can wear me down. I find participating in a society that I just can't get behind extremely frustrating and if I then also forget to touch grass, things start to look greyish in my mind.
It is a nice week. I am healthy. My party is having a festival this weekend. It's going to be great weather all week. I am in a good spot. I should just keep that in mind as well.
I literally only disagree with two of those. How the hell is the final level “two individuals didn’t kill an extremely specific and high number of people.” Even if you’re not a “tankie” it should be obvious that this could the claim could be eliminated on technicality (Stalin killed 45/55 million instead), or just a basic recognition that an individual can’t be solely responsible for millions of deaths. Even if neither, some of those people were Nazis, and it’s good to kill Nazis.
I haven't read a Marx text in a while and I kinda forgot how frustatingly difficult he can write. At least Lenin figured you can at some form of humor to your text without them becoming goofy.
Plus I always struggled more with the philosophical parts of Marxism versus economics, science and things about the state etc. No idea why I started with the philosophy stuff first now.
Marx is far more difficult for me to read through than Lenin, which is why I have read little from him directly so far. What are you reading now? I am going through capital volume 1 at the moment.
Marx is difficult I think because of his background and who he was and who he intended his works to be communicated too.
He was purely an academic speaking in academic language writing, in most cases for other academics. Thats why if you read his personal letters, he seems to speak more like a human would, and if you read his publications intended for reading by everyone (like the communist manifesto) he does engage in allegory and imagantive writing to accent his points (...there is a spectre haunting)
Meanwhile Lenin had to be able to communicate with the educated russian class, but also the rank and file of the revolutionary army as well as the Russian serf class; he knew most of his writing had to be understood on the terms of the less educated as a whole class but intended to educate everyone to the level that they could understand him removed from western academic language, to his benefit I think; detatching from liberal academic language is a revolutionary thing in itself.
Materialist philosphy is so cool honestly, I read a great materialist theory on reincarnation recently that argued since our conciousnesses are material things that we can be sure exists, as we pilot one, our conicousnesses themselves where made by material conditions and those conditions will repeat given an infinite amount of time.
Which means we're all trapped in this infinite conciousness loop called reality weeeee.
Isn’t that just the “if you have infinite monkeys banging on typewriters you’ll eventually get Shakespeare” thing, though? Not that consciousness can’t be revived, but it’s pretty unlikely for the same one to form again.
It wasn't too overphilosophical by Marx per se. I was reading on Marx' and Engels' critique of Hegel and it send me down a rabbit hole of Hegel, Kant, Marx and some rando's at 10 in the evening after working 9.5 hours. Some things are easier on a clear mind.
Ironically May 1st labour day has a lot of history in the US (was even started there by some accounts), but now some of the amerikkkans I know call May 1st a commie holiday (tongue in cheek but still).
To me, Amerikan May 1st is just another Hallmark holiday I don't celebrate because there is no loyalty to Amerikans in me anymore. If I had anything of worth to sell for citizenship elsewhere, I'd have done it by now.
Funny thing about Survival of the Fittest. People who hold that as a social belief always assume that they're going to be "the fittest", never even crosses their minds that self serving ideologies can turn on you.
Funnily enough, this topic is covered in classical literature - "Crime and punishment" by Dostoevsky. But everyone focuses on stupid ass religion metaphors and bs about self-sacrifice.
I would also like to know this. There appears to be an autobiography written in English but not one written in Spanish. At least I couldn't find it. Suspicious.
I started dating a partnered poly guy a while ago when I wasn't in the place for a really serious relationship, but eventually got more stable and developed more serious feelings. I don't consider myself poly but have grown a lot during this relatjonship. Now his girlfriend is increasingly resentful of me and has actively started antagonizing me out of jealousy. She has several other partners and they and my bf get along well, but now says she is into 'parallel poly' and does not want to interact with me at all. This feels very hypocritical/cake-eatery/'rules for thee and not for me'. It puts me in a crappy space because our social circles interlap significantly and it makes my relationship with our bf and shared friends more difficult.
I could use advice finding the appropriate way to share this realization with my bf because I recognize my bias and conflict of interest.
Theoretically if she doesn't get along with you that's fine. Not everyone likes everyone. However she should be cool about it. This seems uncool. It seems like she is resenting the increased amount of his time and space you are occupying. Depending on how everyone is about everything I'd ask your boy to work on it. Then just sitting down and the three of you talking it out. Especially if you are new to poly they owe it to you to help work through issues as they come up.
Lotta folks watch movies about cool and hip grifters who outsmart everyone and get away with everything, and start thinking themselves the same. They think they can just get a credit and not return it, "beating the system" like the hip, cool, smart cats they are
Went to the first big artist show I been to since COVID last night with my best friend and danced my heart out and felt really happy! Wore a really over-the-top outfit and felt really good about my gender and my body.
i had mono 2 years ago and ever since then my sleep hasn’t been right, no matter how long or how well i sleep i’ll always wake up extremely tired like i did when i had it
i’ve considered that but i didn’t have the antibodies for covid when i checked a little over a year ago and i did test positive for mono and had the enlarged spleen and all of that (i guess covid could maybe cause that though). also it is common to still feel exhausted from mono 6 months after you have it, and while i don’t feel like i do when i have it, it’s definitely altered my sleep going on 2 years now which isn’t heard of though like that article says
A self-made legend and American treasure, Jimmy Buffett, will be sorely missed and joyfully celebrated from coast to coast, sea to sea. We crossed paths once in Austin and had many laughs that evening over a few glasses of red. Wish we'd gotten to do it again. RIP, Jimmy. We learned to be cool from you.
I need to do something about my rage. It's getting the best of me, seeping even into my dreams. Have you ever woken up because you were so absurdly pissed off in your dream? I have. It's not healthy. But I don't know what to do about it, seeing how a lot of it is caused by factors beyond my control - i.e. dumbasses in traffic and the ongoing war
<3 i wasn't ever at the level you're describing but i understand what it's like to be a 24/7 fury factory. i really hope you find some measure of peace.
Get off the grids. Move away from the internet/social media for a while. Only get online for necessary works, spend time on hobbies outside or read book/play game.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.