I need to do something about my rage. It's getting the best of me, seeping even into my dreams. Have you ever woken up because you were so absurdly pissed off in your dream? I have. It's not healthy. But I don't know what to do about it, seeing how a lot of it is caused by factors beyond my control - i.e. dumbasses in traffic and the ongoing war
<3 i wasn't ever at the level you're describing but i understand what it's like to be a 24/7 fury factory. i really hope you find some measure of peace.
i wish. :( i lucked out and found most of my rage dissipated when i started transitioning. i think the things you mentioned are still worth being upset or even angry about, mind you.
idk if this is anything but pre-transition i found some modest success in reminding myself that I wasn't really angry with the individuals, but the systems. "these people suck at driving" became "driving sucks", with the understanding that most people shouldn't be doing it. if they had public transport or functionally laid out societies my issue with them would evaporate. making the target of my ire a little more abstract made it easier to shunt to the background, and not reacting with explosive rage helped break the habit of doing so (as much).
Get off the grids. Move away from the internet/social media for a while. Only get online for necessary works, spend time on hobbies outside or read book/play game.