I've read my fair share of theory but it has been a while since I list reas a piece. I think the last actual theory I read was The Jakarta Method somewhere in may. Since I've been giving some more important tasks by the party now, I figured I might start reading the theory list again.
I wondered if the grad had any tips for reading theory. Do you write things down? Take notes? Save important paragraphs? Etc.
When I am reading more casually, I do not save anything, but when I am focused on actually studying, I search to see if there are any study guides online and take notes every few paragraphs.
I think for everyone, there are differences in how receptive to note taking they may be, or how notes may be taken. I sometimes take notes as if I am attempting to explain a passage to someone else, and other times it is completely incoherent to both myself and anyone who reads it.