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caramel_jalapeno CaramelJalapeño

I'm disguised as a human.

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how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I started PoE three times and couldn't ever get into it. I hope you have better luck.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I never had a big problem with a COVID shot or a flu shot until the time I decided to do both on the same day. That kicked my ass bigtime for a couple days. Since then I always schedule them a couple weeks apart. Might help if you had a similar issue.

  • UnitedHealth hired a defamation law firm to go after social media posts criticizing the company
  • Have fun and be safe! Target shooting is great fun. The motivation behind it is saddening, but let's keep hoping that doesn't happen, while we prepare for the worst.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Good luck! I hope something works and gets you back out to enjoy yourself.

  • UnitedHealth hired a defamation law firm to go after social media posts criticizing the company
  • We have our own. We just aren't bloodthirsty zealots running around with a rifle rack in the back window of our pickup truck that's covered in stickers a 6 year old finds amusing. It will take something serious to galvanize everyone into action, but when that happens they are going to find out they accidentally trained a whole bunch of liberal soldiers along the way.

  • Dems Reportedly Angry That Progressives Are Pushing Them to Act Like an Opposition Party.
  • “We are picking the most important fights and lying down on the train tracks on those fights,”

    Somebody should tell that idiot that the train always wins when you do that.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Being 'trapped' while you feel awful is the WORST kind of tedium. I hope you get well quickly!

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • That's pretty great that you'll get to see your brother and enjoy a break from frigid Maine winters.

    I was just looking at some heated ski gear because I also get very cold, very easily, very fast. I hate it, but I really enjoy skiing and I haven't figured out how to get the snow to stick around during the summer yet.

    But anyway, there are all kinds of electric socks, undershirts, pants, gloves, etc out there that are very easy to use, with small rechargeable batteries. I wonder if those might help your joint pain, and get you back outside a little bit more? I finally bought some heated insoles for my ski boots this season and it is a game changer for keeping me out in the cold and enjoying myself. I gave a pair of heated socks to a snowboarder friend of mine and he absolutely loves them. I have a heated jacket that lets me get out on my motorcycle when it would otherwise be too chilly. Etc.

    Maybe something like this would work for you?

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Pretty amazing. Just got back from a ski trip to Park City. The skiing was great, and I saw a juvenile moose and its mom just below me while on a chairlift, and a bobcat ran right out in front of me on the Boa run in Canyons. Absolutely made my day to see all that wildlife!

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • It is that. I just got back from my second big ski trip and my wallet hurts.

    I always feel very lucky and privileged to be able to live so close and easily do day ski trips on a pass. I wish more people could enjoy it. But also, everyone stay home anyway. I want the mountain to myself. 😀

    I hope you get to strap boards to your feet again and let gravity try to throw you into a snowbank someday!

  • Grocery co-ops pledge over $28,000 to Twin Cities Pride after Target was uninvited
  • AWESOME resource! Thank you for sharing and whichever bee out there is doing all this work, you're the best!

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Did not be afraid to ostrich yourself and just completely disconnect with your head in the sand. There’s no shame in that if it’s for self care and not willful ignorance. I had to do that for December and January because it was all too much, but the break definitely recharged me.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I’m lucky enough to live within a couple hours of most of the major Colorado resorts. Actually heading to ski Utah for the first time tomorrow.

    If it’s not a painful question, why did you pause?

  • Transgender and Nonbinary People Take Trump to Court Over Passport Restrictions
  • If you are able and willing, this is a FANTASTIC time to set up a monthly donation to the ACLU. I’ve been doing this for years and it’s probably the most impactful thing my money is used for outside of keeping me fed and sheltered. It’s a very easy way to be an ally to the people our idiotic leader is targeting.

  • Grocery co-ops pledge over $28,000 to Twin Cities Pride after Target was uninvited
  • Makes my heart glad to see people calling them out.

    I canceled my Red Card and disabled my online account with them today, and told them exactly why. Got a ski trip coming up and when I get back I'm headed to Costco to sign up, even though I live alone. I just hope they hold the line because I'm running out of places to shop!

  • After his executive order on sex, is Trump legally the first female president?
  • I would have gone with Despot instead of Monarch.

    Our president is a very naughty girl and needs to be punished. Might need to get that put on a t-shirt.

  • The City of Montreal has dropped Amazon from its list of suppliers, pledges to buy local
  • Well, get ready for a bump! If it wasn't so damn cold up there I'd probably be one of them. I'm gonna hafta head south instead.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Best of luck figuring it out!

  • 'Uncommitted' leaders stand by 2024 strategy after Trump floats Gaza takeover
  • That completely changes the context. Sigh. Thanks for posting.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I used to bite my nails down to the quick and was finally able to break the habit in my 20's by starting to keep a pair of fingernail clippers at the computer desk. Anytime I caught myself starting to nibble I'd do a quick trim so there was nothing to nibble. The bad habit (that I'd had for MANY years) very quickly went away.