Exactly. It's fun to joke, but people are reading the order way too literally. It doesn't say, "those who at conception can produce a large reproductive cell." It says something like, "those who at conception belong to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell." Any court will be able to see that the clear interpretation is that sex is defined by genetics and that anyone with XX chromosomes belongs to the female sex.
You can't produce reproductive cells at conception. But if you asked most people, they would still have no problem referring to the sex of a zygote or fetus. They would simply be operating off of the genetic definition of sex.
Behold! The first Lesbian Woman Orange president Monarch!
You shall address her as "Her Majesty The Queen of the Kingdom of North America and Greenland"!
(honestly this would be quite funny, if it werent for fact that theres 200+ executive orders that are anti-american, some blatently unconstitutional 😓)
Donald Trump made himself the first female president on day 1 by a sex-redefining executive order. He did the thing his supporters imagine Democrats would do.
I am bothered that everyone seems to be misunderstanding this. You have no gametes at conception, they come later. Everyone in the country is agender/genderless.
___ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the ___ reproductive cell
Scientifically, it's nonsense. There is no uniform line to be traced from "conception" to "reproductive cell".
Demagogically, a malicious interpretation could mean "only those who, through their genotype, could be traced from conception to reproduction, are a person".