"Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer are architects of the crisis that allowed Trump's fascism to arise and succeed," argued one progressive organizer. "They have zero credibility to be leading the fights we face today."
House Democratic lawmakers reportedly used a closed-door meeting earlier this week to vent their frustrations with progressive advocacy groups that have been driving constituent calls and pressuring the party to act like a genuine opposition force in the face of the Trump administration's authoritarian assault on federal agencies and key programs.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), meanwhile, has said Democrats are "not going to go after every single issue" in the fight against President Donald Trump.
"We are picking the most important fights and lying down on the train tracks on those fights," Schumer toldThe New York Times earlier this month.
"Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer are architects of the crisis that allowed Trump's fascism to arise and succeed," progressive organizer Aaron Regunberg wrote Tuesday. "They have zero credibility to be leading the fights we face today—not in their record, their competency, or their recent performance. Quite simply, they have to go."
"Forcing recorded votes is possible. Frequent quorum calls are possible. A wide variety of dilatory motions are possible. In short, harassing the majority is possible. If they think it's a bad idea, say so. If they say it's not possible, they're lying."
Quorum calls?
Recorded votes?
Guys: They're going to try to put you in prison, at a minimum, and then make it illegal for anyone to take your place. They may try to kill you. It's just a matter of when things go far enough that they think they can get away with it.
I'm glad the progressives are attempting to spur the geriatric leadership to some sort of lumbering action, of course, but if Chuck Schumer isn't worried that his is going to be one of the first show trials people should be educating him out of his lack of worry. For his sake, if for no one else's.
These politicians just don't want to work anymore. This generation is killing the politics industry with their sheer laziness and lack of work ethic. Something something Flintstones. Avocado toast.
Man, there are a lot of articles this week that feel like they should be next to an onion symbol and they aren't. Getting real fuckin' tired of this shit.
Should've taken them out back 20 years ago. Then we might have had time to turn the Democrats into an actual progressive party as opposed to a corporate stooge party.
America doesn't work like that. Due to the way the electoral system is set up only two parties can be viable at any given time. The only time you can create a new party is in a realignment, eg. When Lincoln formed the republican party as an explicitly anti slavery northern party and the democrats became the pro slavery southern party. Prior to that it was the whigs and the democrats, which were aligned around issues other than slavery.
So unless the progressives can force a realignment along some new issue and subsume a major party, creating another party would just be handing a lot of elections over to the Republicans.
This is why lemmy was so vehemently against Jill stein and the greens even though most people on here agree with her politics more than kamala, because they saw her as sabotaging the democrats chances and handing the election to trump.
So unless the progressives can force a realignment along some new issue and subsume a major party, creating another party would just be handing a lot of elections over to the Republicans.
This is why lemmy was so vehemently against Jill stein and the greens even though most people on here agree with her politics more than kamala, because they saw her as sabotaging the democrats chances and handing the election to trump.
This sounds like living in a perpetual state of short term gain long term loss. Change won't happen over night, and you may lose a few elections in the short term, but ultimately you'll establish a party you actual want to support instead of one you're kind of willing to tolerate.
I'm not going to criticize Jill Stein or her party for voting based on their beliefs.
I disagree, or perhaps it depends on how you look at it. If a small, vocal minority in an overall larger group begin to push policies/opinions consistently that are not shared by the overall larger group, you could argue the values of the small and larger group no longer completely align. If the smaller group continues even after being made aware those policies/opinions aren't going to fly, one could argue they are now separate groups. I suppose it depends on how far their values have grown apart from each other.
I'm not necessarily saying that is what is happening here, but it's no secret progressives aren't happy with the democratic party establishment. Starting your own party might be best.