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1 yr. ago
  • Only if the grease is super baked on, I don't know how you roast your chickens but when I do the foil is fine to recycle

  • The Matrix Reloaded? Our of all the options?

  • The rainbow represents Alan Turing, who taught the child binary

  • leftover rice

    I do not know of which you speak

  • Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king

  • Ah yes, "X Technology doesn't exist yet, so it's stupid and useless and people that support its development are dumb"

    You see it so often

  • Is there non-stochastic, predictable terrorism?

    Sure, a planned like 9/11 attack carried out by an organization like Al Queda is non-stochastic

  • arulemis

  • She could be interpreted that way

  • Thanks for letting me know that's something I should look out for

  • I'd wager your method is much more traditional, the average French housewife isn't going to put as much effort into a dish as the professional chefs who wrote the cookbooks

  • I disagree, they're also hoping to gain Trump's supporter base if Trump is out of the election, I've already heard "We'll avenge Trump" rhetoric from Desantis

  • The one where it's 53% for Biden vs 24% for Trump

  • Read the article, the OP only quoted the part that talked about the downsides

    It's about developing small, safe reactors

  • This kind of reactor could be installed on cargo ships

  • So are there any files that an AI shouldn't vacuum up that I just happen to have in my dropbox?

  • So we see high ranking politicians with a D next to their name, ok with policy that the democratic party said was too conservative decades ago.

  • ZAP

  • Much like Yu-Gi-Oh! And Cartoon Network Batman, "Can't Kill Anybody" just invites much worse possibilities

  • Where did you get the impression thr Democrats supported this part of the bill?

    The Democrats fought against it being included