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  • Guess I need to find and close that account now

    • I did this. Enjoy unsharing literally every shared file and folder and removing access etc. I thought I deleted all my files. Nope. Checked the shared area. You’ll need to undo all of that manually. Only then was I finally able to rid myself of this enshittified disaster. Goodbye forever Dropbox. The only good you ever did was scannable.

  • Thanks I forgot I even had a dropbox account. And everything is deleted files and account.

    • Check for old shares. I had EVERYTHING deleted, from files, recycled bin...For nearly a decade already. BUT. Today I just found there were old shares of those deleted files. I clicked to delete the shares too. Guess what, the files were back onto the dropbox folder as if they never were deleted a decade ago! So I had to delete them again, and then from the recycle bin. And then deleted the account.

  • Wow! Never used Dropbox but wonder if google drive is doing the same ? 🤔