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18 year old developer based in Mumbai India.

Posts 3
Comments 8

Updated my destructibles plugin! GitHub - ZachAR3/Destructibles-CSharp: A plugin to easily create and use destructable objects in Godot 4.

A plugin to easily create and use destructable objects in Godot 4. - GitHub - ZachAR3/Destructibles-CSharp: A plugin to easily create and use destructable objects in Godot 4.

GitHub - ZachAR3/Destructibles-CSharp: A plugin to easily create and use destructable objects in Godot 4.

Recently updated my destructibles C# plugin for anyone who's interested, it makes it easy to convert shard scenes made with blenders fracture into packed scenes of rigid bodies + scaling, position and rotating them. They can be pre-generated before into a packed scene or generated during runtime with custom fade effects as well.

*Permanently Deleted*
  • If you have an Android download pdanet which lets you hotspot count as phone data. Also if you get a small hotspot but unlimited phone data you can turn it on and set the TTL or connecting devices to 65 (I think look it up) and it will think it's the phone connecting. Happy pirating

  • Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • Accessibility, I find a lot of things still have issues on fediverse (especially the mobile app scene). Although I am atleast well under 30 if that helps break the stereotype haha.

  • Preacher man
  • Don't claim to like Christian rock if you don't know who this is.

  • Is there any way to get ray intersections with meshes that don't have collisions?
  • It seems op wants to have areas that can't be reached not have colliders for performance, but still wants his bullets to be able to register hitting them for placing a decal on the collision.

  • 5 stages of debugging

    I did the extremeRate purple shell swap, AMA
  • Same! In the exact same spot as well (right grip)

  • PineappleEA-GUI v3.0 release! (OC)

    I just released the third major version of my yuzu early access manager, which includes the ability to install and update yuzu early access in addition to some basic QOL tools and a mod manager for your yuzu games. It is made entirely in Godot and C#.


    • Big mod manager refactor to now use custom classes and save the installed mods list
    • Support for multiple sources when getting mods (currently the yuzu wiki and bananamods, with ZeldaTOTK holo planned next)
    • New settings page to easily reset your settings and installed mods file incase of corruption
    • New mod search bar
    • Mod download progress and input locking when installing mods
    • Better async support
    • Lots of bug fixes and cleaning


    P.S: I am looking at renaming it, since it is now quite a bit more than just a GUI for managing pineapple builds, any recommendations? Or should I just leave it as is.

    ! !

    [Question] to Linux from Windows as a daily driver
  • AI stuff works great on Linux (have personally run stable diffusion and large language models). Gaming is generally good but some games don't work on the platform (notably rainbow six, and valorant.)

  • cat vs sed vs awk
  • Thanks for the info!

  • Tutorial Tuesday!
  • Very cool! Debating on remaking some heartbeast tutorials for Godot 4 (specifically the prodcederul tile generation with a walker and tilemap to 3d level + optimizations). Curious if people would be interested in that or not though, thoughts?