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Tutorial Tuesday!

Welcome to Tutorial Tuesday! This is a weekly thread where you can post any kind of tutorial for how to do things using Godot or request one from others

Text tutorials, video tutorials, image tutorials, linking to a post in the community, etc. are all allowed. If you feel it deserves its own post feel free to instead post it as a separate post and then link it here


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  • Very cool! Debating on remaking some heartbeast tutorials for Godot 4 (specifically the prodcederul tile generation with a walker and tilemap to 3d level + optimizations). Curious if people would be interested in that or not though, thoughts?

    • This would be great!

      I'm new to Godot, but I've leaned on proc gen in game jams in the past to avoid static level design under time constraints ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯