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RicoSuave rico (she/him)


soy peruano 🇵🇪 :)

ucze sie polskiego - alt for lgbt content - alt for english content i can’t access on this instance

Posts 28
Comments 90

i made communities in galician




what languages have lemmy instances?

there was a recent one i saw in Icelandic and another in japanese that i didn’t see on the lemmy join page.

what’s with some adult tv shows using tiktok speak/“brainrot” or acting like the example below, wouldn’t this approach work better with children’s shows?
  • (couldn’t find comment on blahaj) yeah, probably, did seth mcfarlane stop writing for them or something? it’s starting to feel like teens are writing it

  • why do most people on deviantart act the same?
  • i know someone who used to capitalize every noun (idk if they were german or not)

    i used to type like That Too Actually.

  • why do most people on deviantart act the same?
  • that makes sense, thanks!

  • why do most people on deviantart act the same?
  • some of them are adult shows, like South Park, American dad, etc.

  • why do most people on deviantart act the same?

    They Type Like This, post similar stuff typically with kids’ shows, and some of them are oddly upset with one thing characters do: a lot of the time characters crying or being sad.

    i’m not asking to judge, i’m just curious

    ! !

    Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage?
  • i can also say that friends who abused me/treated me badly said the exact same thing as OP. “tough love”, “i’m just old-school like that”.

  • Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage?
  • i have all 3 and do not behave this way. i don’t believe any of these cause someone to think the way you do.

  • Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage?
  • as someone who’s not psychotic but experienced symptoms similar to a psychotic break from ages 16-17 (idk what it was but it involved around 2-week severe periods of mood swings [mainly anxiety, anger, or euphoria] and depression, people suspected bpd or bipolar but neither was confirmed), i can say that i would also constantly post stuff repeatedly, look for advice, and also felt unfixable (“this is the way i am”).

    i have no clue if you’re experiencing what i did or anything similar to psychosis, i’m just sharing that i’m quite concerned for you.

    (i also must note that I didn’t find other people useless during this period)

  • people who know more than one language, are your settings in english or another language?
  • i thank you for this as a hispanic dude with a polish mom

  • Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage?
  • their other posts are starting to disturb me, makes me think they’re developing some psychotic-esque break

  • DAE know more terms in one language than the other?
  • yes, like how i forgot the word “fill/fill up” but knew the portuguese “encher” (which was the first word that came to mind)

  • Created Kindness Kommunity
  • oh no 😭 they are the kindness Crew

  • Created Kindness Kommunity
  • dammit, didn’t think of that

  • why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!”

    like being told to “move my fat ass” or just plain annoying and then telling me they were joking.


    Created Kindness Kommunity

    ! is a community where you can be nice to other people.

    you can vent/ask for advice and people will support you. you can talk about your achievements of being kind to others, and you can use it as a general discussion platform.

    Also, see ! where more people can access the community.


    people who know more than one language, are your settings in english or another language?

    i know of, for example, russian-americans who have their google in russian

    my lemmy is in spanish and my search engine, portuguese

    ! !


    what’s a pun in your language, the english translation, and do you think it makes sense in english or has an english equivalent?

    in portuguese, i just came across “por que o vírus da gripe não tem amigos? porque ele é uma má influenza”

    translation: “why does the flu virus have no friends? because it’s a bad influenza!”(Influence)

    i think it could work in english but sounds better in portuguese.


    are there any lemmy instances that are 13+ like how other platforms are, or are they all 18+?

    im 19, the majority of platforms are 13+ though, and while I’ve seen that says you have to be 18+, are there instances that say 13+?


    those who consider themselves to speak multiple native languages, how does it impact your culture? what are some advantages/disadvantages you faced?

    technically my first language is english, but i also grew up speaking portuguese and spanish.

    although people say i speak portuguese better, i see the advantage that i can communicate with most of the americas. (except for those who don’t speak either language or canadians who only know French)

    Pregúntale a Lemmy rico (she/him)

    ¿creen que tienen varias lenguas materna? si es así, ¿cómo impacta la cultura de ustedes?

    inglés es mi lengua materna, pero usé más el español como chiquitín, hasta el punto en que no tenía que usar inglés en absoluto pq mis dos padres hablaban español y mi escuela lo hablaba también. (el jardín de infancia al que fui era latino)

    hablo portugués también, que solo mi padre y algunos amigos online hablan en mi área.

    a pesar de esto, muchas personas dicen que hablo portugués mejor que los otros idiomas.

    con esto, puedo comunicar con la mayoría de personas en las americas


    anyone else LOVE how their sleeping s/o looks? (Obv not in a creepy way)

    i love her so much, she snores a little bit. 😭 it sounds like a heavy breathing sound but also snoring kinda.

    she looks so peaceful and she puts her arm around me as she sleeps. i swear she’s literally sleeping beauty.

    (no clue why she’d put my arm around my goofy ass)


    have you ever met anyone who spoke english better than their other language, even if living in a non English speaking country?

    i long-distance dated a girl when we were high school aged who lived in myanmar. (i sadly lost contact with her years ago when i made new social media accs)

    she learned english as a little girl and only spoke burmese with her family and at school. however im assuming she didn’t read or write in it that much and most of the time, spoke to me and her online friends (which would be in english).

    i remember google translating “hello, how are you?” or something like that and she told me to please not type in Burmese because she couldn’t read it without using Google translate to find out what i wrote in english.

    while she can understand spoken burmese as well as speak it herself (she kinda has to living in myanmar), she can’t read it and told me she struggled in school for that reason.

    naturally, she preferred english. i also know of people who speak 2 languages but either can’t read/write the one language and only speaks it or has trouble spelling words.

    i think i knew a spanish speaker in the us who spelled words like “como te llamas” as “como te yamas” (not as a slang spelling, he was just trying to spell it)


    how old were you the first time you got drunk?

    my first drunk experience was at 14. found some alcohol in the fridge/on the counter (don’t remember which), the places my dad usually leaves his alc. poured myself some when he was in the other room and drank it in front of my friend on facetime.

    didn’t quite vomit but nearly did. he told me i was entertaining but also really weird (kept talking about communism and communist china?)

    i also remember saying “i love you” to him but he fortunately hung up right before i said that.


    if you have a multilingual family, do you speak all their languages or just one/some?

    i know of some bi/multilingual families in the us who'd talk to each other in their native tongue when they didn't want the kids to know what they were saying.

    i speak my dad's native spanish as well as dad's learned portuguese, but i don't speak the polish or norwegian from the other side of mom's family. (she's also latina but doesn't natively speak spanish)

    however, i'm learning the two i don't know, and practicing polish (the language my mom does know) with her


    people should try to stop treating other people badly just because they’re feeling bad

    not everyone acts like this, but i’ve seen this enough times to be bothered by it.

    if i did nothing to you, you don’t have to treat me like crap because you’re miserable. and i won’t talk to people who blow up and can’t control themselves every time something happens. and then some of the same people wonder why im not speaking to them…
